You can use W to jump and space to hit the ball from up there for a spike, it's the easiest minigame actually.
Yeah, but only if you are in the right position...
The left/right movements are sluggish as hell! Often I cannot get into position and the ball just drops to ground.
I'm lucky if I can lop the first ball somehow over the net.
Even if I make a spike, 90% she catches it with some crazy ricocheting.
90% she makes a spike herself which I could never catch. There is never any of this crazy ricocheting on my side.
Games end usually 0:6 or 1:6. Once I had a 5:6...
This L/R thing seems to be a general issue.
In the gang brawls I had this problem a couple of times. I could beat and kick but I could not turn around in time.
When I met boss' daughter the first time, she beat me up from behind. Because I could not turn around at all!