Progress Report: ALMOST THERE!
Hello ya darn cuties, you.
As the title suggests, the next update is nearly ready. This update will be SUPER heavy on story, but light on H-content. So if you're here for the sexy bits, this might be the update you skip, as there is only one planned H-scene right now. I may get inspired and add a second one, if it makes sense.
Onto the actual progress:
THURSDAY: All that's left is adding music and bugtesting. Thursday is basically done.
FRIDAY: Need to finish shooting the current scene. Then, finish writing the last major scene and minor scene. Then comes shooting 2 major scenes and one minor scene. Finally, adding music and bugtesting the whole day.
The optional content system will most likely be introduced next update, in the Saturday Sunday portion of the week. I and a couple of other guest writers have started decent chunks of content for 3 optional girls so far, and once we nail this system down, I'll start writing content for the girls that are already in WCA. As a result, you'll be able to pick who you spend time with during your Free Time periods. These optional questlines are where all of the H-content in the game will be, save for a few story-centric events. I want to put the choice to experience H-content into the hands of the player as much as possible.
LASTLY! I have created a SubscribeStar page for those of you who have requested it! I don't quite have everything fully set up yet, but those of you who have been itching to support the game but can't/don't like Patreon can head to
You must be registered to see the links
and check out how everything is coming together! I'll be adding a SubscribeStar button/link to the game's profile on Itch and F95Zone, which are the primary sources of traffic for this game by a long shot it seems.
That's all for now! Short, sweet, and to the point, just like my taste in fictional women.
See you all again soon, hopefully on release of this next update!