There are games that are like a blockbuster movie and really benefit from a good soundtrack. Then there are games, like WVM, that wouldn't need more than your random Spotify list - just some carefree background droning.
And that is much more subjective. If a dev can pull that off - great. If he can't, and BD seems to be that latter kind of dev, they really shouldn't do so but stick to what they like and can do. Everyone can just turn on the radio or play their default music - no need for BD to invest his time into finding the same 4 free tracks everyone is using.
Or to actually code a system for adding your music into the game, so we can avoid those infamous free tracks - you would still need to add your own favorite music - why has it to be inside the VN instead of just from your normal source of music?
If BD has no talent for choosing music the majority likes, the result of adding that to the game would be like that day at work where a colleague of mine played mongolian throat singing tracks almost all day ... "WHY!?"

Just because someone makes a mod for something doesn't necessarily mean that it's something that should have been part of the creative process of the modded product.
I'm using the "Reign of Terror" (Diablo) mod in Grim Dawn sometimes. This just means I like Diablo and would like to have more content in that universe. Neither should Grim Dawn be Diablo, nor should Diablo necessarily play like Grim Dawn. If anything, it means Diablo 4 should be out sooner and better than Diablo 3 was/is.
Like PrimeGuy I had to go back to see what exactly BD wrote.
- If we go on from 'BD just stated what he thinks', and just saying you share his views isn't relevant - how is then telling us that you don't and what type of music you would like or prefer to have relevant? (Based on BD just having told us his personal view on the topic, but not having started a discussion.)
- If we see this as a discussion about music in this VN in general, though, then both are relevant as they show what kind of music people would like to have in it (or not). This might let BD rethink his views if there was a vast majority that wanted music.
- If it had been a discussion about what type of music you like most in VNs or specific story circumstances (this time not related to where it comes from) - then yes, saying 'I mute VN music and listen to my own' doesn't really help anyone. But no one started that kind of discussion.
- And in case we just comment on BDs views of music in WVM - then again both kinds of comments are relevant, because they can give BD an impression of how others views on this topic do match his own - or don't.