VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B3] [Braindrop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1534563

    Best harem game right now, hand down.

    Realistic? Nah, but provides great variety and decent story/sex balance.
    Good options to choose, would be great if there was more kinks or if you could go down slightly a darker path at least with some girls (mc be far to mr.nice guy imo) but yeah all around should be higher rated. Enjoy ;)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I dont really mind games where the protagonist can have more than one interest, but if the number of girls is so numerous that its impossible to remember all of their names its probably too much. There are a lot of very different girls and basically everyone will find some that fancy their interest, but you wont get close with any of the side characters.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I started playing this game since version 9.4 and have generally liked it. HOWEVER, the further you go in the game, the more stagnant the game becomes and the more turned off by the game I become.

    As for the renders, they are good. I have no issue with this. Actually, the only issue I did have was fixed by the developer by recreating the look of the character. The story....oh the story. It seems like it has taken a huge left turn from what the game was once centered on (which was college basketball). This backdrop seems to not even exist anymore. The massive amounts of girls in this game also leaves me baffled. I have just become numb trying to remember everyone and their story. I am fine with harems...BUT...there is no option to reject the girls. The MC is stuck with them. If the MC could gain the choice of rejecting girls, then my rating would go up.

    This game has LOTS of potential. This is why I gave it an average review. It isn't horrible. Its simply irritating.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2465880


    Unabashed sexual fantasy, slower pacing allowing as much 'action' as possible, unbridled seduction allows for some novel and interesting story developments and relationships, renders are very good, models very attractive and have attractive facial features and are unique looking, the hair of models is very nice, Thoughtful 'progression' system with courting the sexual partners,


    Environments feels lifeless making the MC's college Harem feel like it exists in a vaccum, 'Harpers' skin is too dark, it has a certain wow factor because of the never-ending Harem but it eventually becomes stale because there is literally nothing you can do to not end up fucking all the women, the story is also pretty lack-lustre and that feeds into the lifeless environments.... obviously most VN's have a pretty bare-bones story as it just provides a backdrop to the funky-times but there's bare bones and then there is this. There is nothing that suggests this isn't 100% babe fantasy which doesn't offer much dynamism to the experience.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    If this site had a list of "Greatest Hits" like PS2 games did this one deserves to be on it.

    The women are all 10/10, storyline 8.5/10 and no grinding or hoping and waiting for something new to happen. Only issue is the women I think are the sexiest are taking the longest to fuck lol
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I very rarely write reviews, but as I've probably spent more time playing this game than any other game on here, I figured I'd give it a shot. I've followed this VN pretty much from the start, and was a long-time patron. Braindrop is clearly a hard-working dev, and is as interactive with his supporters as any I've seen. Had I left a review of this game 12 months ago, it might have been a 5 star rating, but as each new update has come out, the appeal of the game for me has slowly but steadily dropped.

    First, I'll offer what I find to be the game's major PROs:
    * The main premise of the story. I found the main story - the MC being a massively hyped athlete attending a small school where he is put on a pedestal - interesting and engaging from the start. In most of the games I've played with a school setting, the MC is an anonymous nobody, if not viewed by his peers as a wimpy loser. Having the MC as an admired and respected character is a nice change of pace from those other games.
    * The MC is likeable. Yes, some people may find him to be too much of a God-like character, where everybody immediately loves him and wants to have sex with him, but I prefer it to how so many other games give us an MC that is a creepy pervert who tries to manipulate the women around him into his sexual desires. This MC is neither a pushover nor an asshole, and has genuine concern for the feelings of those around him, including the few characters he's not actively having sex with.
    * The renders and animations, for the most part, are very good. There are a massive amount of female characters, and most of them are very attractive.
    * The writing is clear and understandable. While I'll address some of my specific issues with Braindrop's writing below, I appreciate that the massive amounts of text and dialog are grammatically correct and in perfect English, with only a handful of typos sprinkled in. It's clear that the dev has consistently taken the time to proofread everything before publishing, something not enough devs do.
    * The balance of plot and sex scenes. I think for most games, one of the hardest things to do is find the right balance of sex and story. I think Braindrop has done this better than most, as this game has a ton of very high quality sex scenes, and rather than simply throw them in with no lead-up, for the most part there is plenty of dialog and story in between.

    There are a couple things which somehow are both PROs and CONs:
    * The number of characters. The dev is incredibly ambitious with the sheer number of characters in this game. As it's the epitome of a harem game, having a lot of different women/sexual partners is generally a big plus. However, and let me preface this with saying that I know plenty of people disagree, for me there are simply too many characters. It's difficult to keep track of who each of the girls are, and what their backstories are. With each update, I find myself having to replay large portions of the game again simply to try to remember who is who. Possibly adding a tab or button in the game that displays a roster of characters and brief synopses of their backstory/relationship with MC would remedy this particular issue.
    * The numerous sub-plots. I like that there is significant depth to the story, that there is not merely one single plot line, and that multiple characters are having to deal with particular challenges or conflicts. However, much like the previous bullet point, due to the sheer number of characters, it becomes difficult to track each storyline, as there are often hours of gameplay between a plot point being mentioned. For example, I honestly am having a hard time remembering when the last time anything related to actually playing basketball, which is presumably the main theme, has occurred.

    The CONs:
    * Many of the story lines are either absurd or stupid, or both. For me, the MC's back-story, aside from testing our ability to suspend belief, is both convoluted and simply not interesting. I don't expect a porn game, especially a harem one, to be particularly realistic. If I did, as someone else cleverly pointed out, the title should be changed to "NCAA Violations: the Game."
    However, the fact that a number of people from MC's past, who he had barely any memories of, somehow came back into his life independently and through sheer luck within a couple of days, and immediately are constantly telling each other how much they love one another, is hard to get past.
    The one story line that I have the biggest issue with is MC's decision to try to have a baby with Jamie. To be fair, I am not somebody who has a pregnancy/breeding fetish (whether that's because I have a child, and am well aware of all of the non-sexy aspects of pregnancy, I can't say for certain), though I generally have no issues with pregnancy in these kinds of games. That said, the sub-plot where the MC is being paid by Rachael to knock up her clients works well for this game IMO. Similarly, if one of the older characters, like Rachael or Veronica, etc., wanted MC to impregnate them, I think that would work fine for the plot. However, I just can't get over how ridiculous it is that two teenagers with no jobs who are in their first week of college think it's a great idea to try to have a baby right away, and that nobody seems to think there is anything wrong with this plan. Even with all of this, if the pregnancy route was optional, I'd be able to overlook the absurdity of it. I am fine with this VN being linear and having few meaningful options, but I wish this was a storyline that could be avoided.
    FWIW, I also think the Talisma plot-line is pretty stupid and annoying, but that may just be me.
    * The often mind-numbing repetitiveness. At least with the last few updates, the advancing of the game has been a series of virtually identical conversations and events. The MC is with a group of girls, asks one of the girls if they can talk in private (or vice versa), gets halfway through their conversation, and then gets interrupted by another girl who wants to talk (and who usually has been already told that the MC wants to have a conversation with the previous girl and will talk to her later).
    Similarly, in the last update, the MC's insistence on trying to get each of the girls to declare that they are officially his girlfriend seemed both repetitive and childish.
    * Trying to distinguish between characters. As I mentioned above, the sheer number of girls can be difficult to keep track of. What makes it exponentially harder is that for some reason, the dev has decided to have all the girls wear identical outfits. I don't know whether Braindrop simply didn't want to have to spend the time rendering different clothing for each girl, or wants there to effectively be a uniform for all the members of the harem, but it makes things slightly confusing.
    * The incredibly cringy dialog. Honestly, all the "BruBru" and "Cedey" dialog is so painful to get through it has made me want to delete the game. Similarly, if I go through the rest of my life without having to read "Mwah," it'll be too soon. Additionally, the fact that MC's primary girlfriends have to constantly come up to him, give him a kiss and tell him that they love him and he's the best boyfriend ever, has gotten beyond tedious.
    * Certain characters' appearances. While I acknowledge that it has to be difficult to create so many different characters and try to make them look different enough that they are distinguishable, and I think by and large Braindrop has made the girls look good, a few of them look weird to me. I know this may not be a popular opinion, but Jamie in particular, with her cartoonishly large eyes and bizarrely shaped lips, is off-putting.

    Ultimately, for me this game is much like a TV show (like GOT, for example) that started off really strong and got you hooked, then stagnated or petered out in quality in later seasons. But, since you've already invested so much time into watching, you find yourself compelled to stick with it until the finale, just to see how things get wrapped up. I still find the game interesting and worth playing, and will likely continue to play as updates come out in the future, but I am not nearly as high on this game as I was in the earlier chapters.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I have followed the game since the beginning and due to the dissappointment I have experienced recently I decided to write a review.
    First, it is important to say that the game started really good and looked promising! The game has great renders, had an interesting story and some interesting characters as well as decissions that appeared to affect the story.
    However, there has been a huge downfall in the quality of the story starting by the main issue, there are too many girls cbeing constantly introduced to the point in which is impossible to remember all of their names. On top of that none of the recent additions really bring anything of value to the story. What this causes is a visual novel with a weird pacing in which no girl really shines or has a deep development outside of the "main" 2 girls.
    After a while playing it also became clear that choices not had a real impact on the story outside of whether you wanted to bang a girl or not which is another upsetting characteritic of the game.
    Finally, the story has totally lost its focus due to immense amount of girls that it has, its been more than a year and the mc has yet to play his first friendly basketball with the team (which is the focus on the story at the beginning)
    If you dislike games in which the character is some kind of magic enthity which makes all the girls around him attracted to his giant dick without getting to know him better than that, please save your time and dont play this game.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Starting out this was a pretty good game, with amazing animations even though there were 1 or 2 I wasn't so fond of as characters, but given as the 2 I didn't like play a huge part in the overall plot they have a lot more development than others, its as the game expands the character list expands to an insane degree for a visual novel & they just seem to be there not adding much to the story itself other than another character for the protagonist to cheat on his 2 gfs with which is a shame because as I said at the beginning this was a promising game but with a growing character list that you don't care for it takes away from the plot which is actually interesting but is bogged down by random characters popping up which holts the plot from moving forward.

    A number of my reviews have been taken down despite falling well within the guidelines as this is a legit review/critique of the game with ZERO "inappropriate" content or wording I stand by this review.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    First of all, the game starts very well, the scenario is very good.

    Then comes a point where we start to no longer support the attitude of the MC (Forgive and forget ...especially when we are betrayed regardless of the reasons...) And I would have preferred that we would have the choice whether or not we want to talk to the traitor (Besides, now that I think about it, do our choices really matter ? )

    Not to mention that we start to have the impression that it becomes unmanageable with all these girls ( I know what it is a harem but this is abused ...)

    Personal note: I didn't like Emiko's change of look in a bimbo ...
    ( No need to make everyone perfect )

    I may be severe but it only deserves 3 stars...
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the Best VN's out there. Its quality is unparalleled by any other. From the renders to the script down to the entirety of the story no other game I have ever played has managed not only to enthrall me with simple dialogue but also its lewd scenes. I know it's going to go into a weird face where much more will begin to be covered as it turns into each day encompassing several days but even if it takes 6 months in between updates if they are half as good as a single day in the game it will be worth an entire walkthrough each time. BD has clearly outdone himself as a top-tier developer and story maker.
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    Oliver Wendell Homely

    The dialogue is cheesy, the story is confusing and nonsensical, and there are way too many characters to keep track of, but the women are so hot and sexy that "WVM" is, for me, a must-play experience.

    This is a harem game cranked up to 11. Every girl the MC has or ever will know wants to have sex with him instantly and is also understanding of the fact that every other girl must want to, too. It's ridiculous, of course, but being the center of the universe for 25+ (I've lost count) super hot chicks is, I suppose, the ultimate hetero male fantasy, so ridiculousness is to be expected.

    I only rate it a 3 because I find the dialogue so cringeworthy that I can't read most of it. Most of the conversations are simply characters asking each other if they're OK, promising to spend time with each other "soon," and occasionally diving into some backstory that reveals they're either related to the MC or are a long lost friend. It's idiotic. But, like I said, the women are just so damned hot and many of the sex scenarios are so erotic that I grin and bear it.

    Another (sexually) frustrating aspect of "WVM" is that there is no incest (yet?), despite the fact that the MC's mom, stepmom, and sister seem desperate to join the harem. They are constantly napping with, kissing, and otherwise fondling the MC. Braindrop has written that there will not be incest in the game. If that's true, then why have all these relatives coming out of the woodwork and acting like they want to join the harem? It's either a move to tease the hell out of people who want incest or a set up for someone to make a mod? Regardless of the motive, I--for one--would love to see some incest content added.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all, love the game, even the "duck lips," they're adorable and they make the game a touch more distinctive.

    A lot of the criticisms of this game are completely valid, the most recent update was like the first fifteen minutes of a sequel, loads of recap, loads of conversation, "figuring out" of the relationships between the MC and the harem. I get it, I didn't replay the whole game in prep for this update so the recap was nice, but it took a LONG time to get through. Loads of psychologizing trying to back up the notion that the MC is a golden boy who everybody loves.

    All of that is valid. It is sometimes a slog to get through the verbiage to get to the sex.

    Also valid is the criticism that this is not a realistic portrait of life on this planet, anywhere, concerning anyone, ever, period. The messiah figure in this, with the completely debauched girlfriend who encourages him to fuck his brains out in whatever direction strikes his fancy, to a completely agreeable population of sexy women, that doesn't happen.

    This. Is. A. Porn. VN.

    You want reality? Read Don DeLillo and quit complaining that contrived circumstances lead to contrived outcomes.

    Plus, after any number of abusive MCs in these VNs, some folks might like to inhabit the persona of someone who seems genuinely to be a good dude. God knows there's not enough of them in the real world.

    Thought the butts in the latest update could have done with another editorial look-see, but the renders are nice, the girls attractive and diverse in body-type. They're also very agreeable to the sex while each having some kind of story (I trust BD to fill in the missing bits as the story goes along).

    The animations have improved over the span of the project and I am hopeful that, responsive to some of the legitimate criticisms leveled, that this will go on to be a fruitful and enjoyable project.

    If not for the wordiness, this would have been 5/5
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Okay so first of all i will start off by saying i have followed this game since the beginning, and i am very fond of it. Buuuuuuuut

    There are some very glaring issues that I was hoping would get better in following updates, but sadly if anything have been getting worse over time.

    ONE: the writing will sap your will to live. Not that it is bad, because it is not. It is written in very good English, grammatically correct in every way. That being said, it plays out as if the writer (self-inserting as the mc) is a 1st year psychology student with a Jesus complex. You are stuck in a loop (girl has minor problem ---> mc starts blabbering about analyzing feelings and how conversation will fix it ---> suffer through it for 20 minutes ----> girl walks away problem resolved and all anxiety apparently resolved by mc ----> enter next girl with minor issues ----> repeat endlessly while inserting pointless sex scenes randomly).

    TWO: Unrealistic expectations. I love harem games, and i don't even particularly mind if they are somewhat "sappy". I prefer to "date" vn girls who have a strong emotional attachment to mc. This game does do a good job of conveying the girls feelings. However, As pointed out by other reviewers, the sheer number of girls that join the harem for little to no reason whatsoever, and the total lack of jealousy from any of them... just feels off to say the least.

    to summarize: by writing the story as if your readers were little children that needed to be explained what support groups are and evaluating feelings and discussing them to deconstruct anxiety ... you insult your readers dude. Just write a story where people act in such a way that a reader understands the feelings involved without your explicit explanation.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I can't understand all the hype behind this VN, the dialogues are very basic and poor, the renders are "normal", it reuses the same renders a lot and places a bunch of dialogue (remember this man generates more than 20k in his patreon a month, there are no excuses for being so lazy), the MC is boring, typical Mary Sue, all women want to be with him, he is the most popular in the whole city, not only in the college, he is basically a demi-god.

    Decisions don't matter, you can do whatever you want, all other characters in the game are tokens, avatars, they have no personality, women only exist for the main character to fuck them, no character development, everything is exaggeratedly flat, etc, etc.

    I had to see why there was so much fuss about this VN, I wanted to see why it generated so much money, and the truth i was perplexed, without answers, for the developer, I wish him the best in the world and hope that he capitalizes on all that he has achieved, because I think he is very lucky.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Holy shit Batman...

    This was horrendous. Kids? Have ever wanted to be the center of the universe? Have sun shining from your anus and people worship you for no reason? Well boy do I have a product for you ;)

    Welcome to the life of [insert name here]...a character so flawless, he makes Jesus look like a screw-up. Everyone wants to meet him, everyone wants to bang him. You might ask - "well it's a porn game, isn't that what we want?" Well yes and no. While we do visit this site for porn games, we also visit it for interesting stories and characters. If we just wanted porn, there's plenty of sites available to suit our needs.

    - Lots of sex to fill your needs and relatively attractive characters

    - Story doesn't matter
    - Characters doesn't matter
    - Choices doesn't matter
    - Nothing really matters to me

    The reason this fails is it's actually trying to be a story so there's a plot, dialogue, various characters and choices to be made...except these are things this game sucks at!!! The plot is thrown out the window in favour of a sex simulator, the dialogue is laughable, the characters are just sex dolls and the choices matter as much as a kinetic novel. You face no consequences. You literally cheat on your girlfriend and she's just happy enough that she has the privilege to lick your penis clean after you pull it out of another girl. I couldn't stomach this game any further after the 30th girl (that the MC never met before) comes up to you and jumps your bones after not even a "hello". This is one of the things that's only purpose it serves is getting the gallery unlocked and beat off. At least you wouldn't have to sit through the horrible script. The devs name is appropriate because your brain would literally have to drop out your head to enjoy this as a story.

    Want a fap? Download the gallery unlocker
    Want a good VN? Stay away
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This VN is a good example of quantity over quality. But, let's face it, most VN's that you come across are lacking in both, so while this game clearly lacks quality, the sheer amount of content contained within it is more than enough to distinguish it as a cut above most 3DCG VN's out there right now.

    The best way to describe the writing in this VN is just.. boring. There isn't much in the way of sexiness, humor, conflict or anything else which may surprise you or otherwise be entertaining in some way. Every female interaction with the MC is the same.. they meet him and like him right away or they are unsure a little bit and then like him later. There's really not much going on in the writing.. the MC meets girls and they all want to bang him. So the writing is boring and repetitive, but at least it's written in good english and actually makes sense, which is far more than can be said about many other VN's.. so it's not terrible, it's just minimum effort writing with little to no creativity.

    The 3D modeling and animating is OK as well, but it's quickly becoming dated. Just like the writing, there's nothing here that's going to amaze anyone.. 3DCG VN's are being made routinely now with modeling and animating that is far better than this. But, again, like the writing, it's not terrible.. it's passable and still fappable. The individual girls are fine, some are more attractive than others, and there are lots of them, but none of them are really modeled and presented in a way that is sexy or seductive in a stand-out and memorable way. The main MILF of the story, for example, is clearly filling in this very stereotypical MILF role in VN's where there is a really slow burn with the hot mom that takes a long time to happen... except the mom isn't really very hot or sexy at all IMO. So it's just kinda meh, and I get that feeling about a lot of the characters.

    The writing and modeling is OK, it's just not very enticing.

    On the bright side, there is literally oodles of content here, way more than most 3DCG VN's which are rarely even finished. This one could stop right now without being finished and it is still a ton of content. This is really the only big plus for this game IMO, and it's what earns it four stars.. because it has more content than 99% of the VN's that you can find on this site, and being in the 99th percentile of content is easily worth 3 stars if the quality is at least OK, and it is.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Lots of high quality renders. The models and textures where all great. Pretty fun premise executed well. .
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game well animated scenes with a lot of different characters to different path with different choices and tons of more characters that will have scenes added defiantly give game a download and play and support the creator if you can
    Likes: Aleyo
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Sometimes it's average, most of the time it's shockingly bad. Too many girls, only a handful are fleshed out enough to be actual characters. The story is boring, the MC is milquetoast and boring, and is obviously a self insert for Braindrop
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I want to like this game so bad. I've tried to put it down and pick it back up multiple times now because I really like the premise of the game. It's got some great models and decent scenes, but I just cant get into the story and the way its written.
    I know it's just a stupid porn game and I shouldn't expect the writing to be realistic, but the way nothing has consequences is so frustrating. Everyone in the game is just too damn understanding and ruins the immersion for me.
    The MC constantly goes on about how he has no time and then when anyone asks for his attention and suddenly he now has time which makes each in-game day feel way too long in my opinion.
    Also for a game that seems to be centered around basketball I feel its pushed too far into the background.