VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B4] [Braindrop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my favorite NSFW game period. Everything about this game is perfect; from the models, to the characters, to the writing, it is all amazing. There is probably nothing more I can really add other than to tell you to play it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Not going to lie, when I started the game I was a little hesitant. A couple of the character models looked a little... Derpy, and the penis length was, well, huge. Getting past that, though, the story really kept me playing. The characters grew on me, and I found myself enthralled.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    henry hopkin

    What a great game with a great premise. Live out your fantasy as the number 1 chad character and huge harem. All the female characters are uniquely designed, each with somewhat of an interesting backstory. The game offers a multitude of different body types for all different tastes. There is an underlying plot driving the entire story forward, and it's a pretty good one, but you can still get a lot out of playing the game without deep diving into the storyline.
    Some cons: When this game was first introduced, BD said one of the things he hated the most while playing other adult games was a female character being introduced but the MC couldn't get with her. He said he was going to correct that in his game, but he's since kind of went back on his words a little which is disappointing because for that brief amount of time I thought 'finally one of us who gets it is behind the engines'. The other thing is the recent changes to his release schedule. When he first started he had a very straightforward release schedule, and I subscribed on patreon to support. Then he started to miss a few release here and there. Some were due to very understandable reasoning. However, there was also times where it was simply he didn't feel like releasing so he pushed back the date. At that point I decided to lower my contribution, but I still enjoyed the product. Now there's basically no set schedule, nothing to hold him accountable but himself. I've seen this story play out once too many times: Kompas, Cheekygimp, Icstor. They will post 'progress reports' on their current work, but once accountability is out the window releases basically come whenever they feel like releasing it. I am still contributing, because again I like the product, but at the lowest tier because I'm holding out to see if a negative pattern forms in the future. But people, remember, we are the CUSTOMERS paying for a product, don't compromise and just settle for anything. I mean, for someone who started out promising weekly updates, there hasn't been anything in almost 3 months. I mean the guy is making almost 22k a month, that's more than most surgeons make! It's time for some accountability besides life updates.
    update: what's even the point of having "hard" deadlines if you're just going to toss it aside
    update 9/10: what a shocker, BD is sick again.. I work 16 hour days 6 days a week on 4-5 hours of sleep a day and even my immune system is not that bad
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely no idea why it took so long for me to get around and play this and I just have to

    While it is ultra convenient that naturally every female character is attracted to him and they're receptive of the idea of being open, the overall game provides plenty of intrigue and emotion. I can count on one hand the amount of times a game has given me a very visceral reaction and I'm sure the people who have already played through know the scene I'm referring to. At the end of the day, there are satisfying character arcs that we see with some of the girls and I appreciate how the dev displays a very open acceptance of being transgender. Sex aside, the premise is relatively realistic.

    The overall graphics and renders are actually pretty solid for a game that provides such a wide range of girls. Frankly, reviews like the one below me that rate a game one star simply because of their dislike of one or a few characters piss me off since it disregards every other aspect of the game the dev has worked on. The animations that are there are relatively smooth, albeit a bit short

    The amount of girls to keep up with is a little much but I do think this game heavily outweighs its cons with its overall content. Happy I stumbled onto this game
    Likes: yngve
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2062965

    I don't understand why this game was recommended to me by so many people, first off some of the characters especially the GF character look weird, she looks like they tried to make an anime girl in a 3d game, horrible design choice, the game up to end of day 6 was actually quite good, then it just goes down hill fast, glad I still also have a version of the game that stops at day 6, as i prefer that version. none of the characters are likable, game goes towards building a harem, but seriously I don't want any of them in it. Shauna is the only good designed character, but she is also forgettable, I wouldn't say this is the worst game I ever played, but it certainly bottom 3
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best VNs I've played recently. It has a nice feel good story where the MC is just a genuinely nice guy, lots of cute good looking characters and the way their personalities are being developed is exciting to watch.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    great game. really enjoyable to have the mc be a good person and the various women in the game make it feel more realistic. great game for someone looking to progress through a story without a ton of decisions that will heavily impact the way the story goes. if you want a vn with plenty of women and not have to worry about messing up, this one is great. 9/10
    Likes: yngve
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking best Game ever I am waiting for the update like everyday its probably not coming this month but I still waiting .. I love freckles btw . Waiting for talking with rainn she is cute girl . I am Waiting With No patience
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    There's a lot of work put into this game, and it shows.

    I'll start with the cons, which I think are small deatils, and really not that important in the final experience.

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    That's pretty much it. The pros, which even if there seem to be less of then, they are far more important to make the game enjoyable:

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    I'm not sure how it'll go from onwards. The way the story's being settled, I get the vibe that the ending is coming. But there're still many LI choices not yet explored, which could mean there's still a long way before that ending arrives.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Day 9 Review

    This game checks all the boxes. Good renders check. Smooth animations check. A wide cast of varied girls check. Enough H-content to get the job done multiple times, check check and check. The story is good enough and decently written. The only thing that lacks is sound and that can get fixed with a mod luckily.

    This is one of those rare 5/5 games, there are better games in F95? If we want to get nitpicky, sure. And of course, it depends on personal preference. But as an overall product, this would be in the Top quality (AAA) porn games category for sure. Try it out, you won't be disappointed.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Games like this one make me wish the rankings were out of ten rather than 5, since it's closer to a seven than a six, but 3 stars certainly isn't terrible. To start, the story is good and the relationships cute. It's heartwarming how much everyone cares about each other and how grand life is. From his well known loved ones to new friends at WVM, the protagonist is a hero doing good with his new power as a celebrity athlete in this nowhere university.

    Honestly, just based on the first couple of days of the game, it seemed like there was a nice build going and the relationships easy to root for. I was loving the game and characters. I still do for the most part, but as it went on all it ended up doing was...a little too much. Check it out first since I do recommend it. Warning: Scathing review ahead.

    A harem game is a harem game, no real need for super realistic relationships here, the idea of any game in the genre is absurd enough with the main character having multiple lovers. The problem with this one is how it first establishes realism in the beginning where it seems to authentically grow within his core three(GF, Mom, Friend), then suddenly balloons into advanced suspension of disbelief when he gets to what may as well be an all female university aside from a couple of gay guys, corrupt asshole pieces of shit or guys already married.

    The problem for me isn't the lack of competition because it's not like I'm looking for someone other than the main character to build a harem, the problem is that the game is a bit too perfect in that there are no real paths to be chosen. I attempted a file where I was faithful to your girlfriend the entire game, and the other where I had sex every option I could, and I saw no difference in dialogue or treatment from characters in the main story. If the idea of the author is just to let you pick and choose who you want to see a sex scene with or not, then fine, but there's something weird to me about the lack of consequences.

    Whether or not you cheat on GF, she ends up forcing polygamous relationship with MC and other girls. Whether you pursue other girls or not, her sister gets mad she's in an open relationship with you, even if you avoid all sex with other girls. Later on, the game attempts to villify their mother for dissaproving you being in an open relationship with them Not that I'm approving of the mother's own relationship with their father or the idea that the girls should return to live with them in an abusive household, but her argument about the well being of her own daughters in a harem is one check box in the 'not crazy' column I would give her. In another case, the coach seems slightly into MC at first, then her daughter is introduced and her role switches to protective mother. I thought it would have been nice to choose between them based on whether you chose to date the daughter or not as the coach declared herself to be a protective mother, so friend zoning the daughter should result in keeping flirting open with mom. And vice versa. Instead it seems mom is still allowing herself to be touchy feely with MC as he dates her daughter whose heart she tells him not to break? It just feels a bit inconsistent to me is all.

    Now as if that wasn't nit picky enough, on to my second large con of the game beyond the main character being a hero and living in a world completely justifying all of his actions ever. The main character can be very irritating at times. The dialogue options allow you some control over how he reacts to others around him, namely the more "villainous" characters. Something that bothers me is his unwarranted animosity towards others in the game. The character wants to scream at the man responsible for his full scholarship at the thought of him considering firing the coach he just met? Why would you lose your shit over that or even be so angry at someone you just met even if they are running their ship poorly? I may be naive and forgiving but thus far, I haven't seen anything particularly vicious about the secondary antagonist. It seems to me almost like there is projection onto this character by the author but there hasn't been enough information given to the audience about him to warrant me agreeing with the treatment our MC gives him. If anything all that I've seen has me feeling more sympathetic towards him and understanding of his seemingly toxic behavior.

    Then there's the way the character inner monologues about the girls he's with. Like the daughter of the aforementioned character trying to have sex with the MC in her dad's office and the main character judgementally scoffing at the idea of eating out a stranger when she attempted to 69 him. This coming from the man who fucked his mom's boss within minutes of meeting her and agreed to impregnate other women for her. It's just inconsistent and kind of cunty. He's overly harsh to his new friend that is caught between a rock and a hard place after he already explained to him why he was doing what he had to do, rather than forgiving and helpful as he is with other characters who he actually relates to less. He admits he would have done the exact same thing for his own mom if he was in their shoes, yet their friendship is essentially done after this? I get losing trust but the apparent disdain or even dislike towards him and his family after all is revealed certainly doesn't feel like the same heroic character trying to save every girl in his harem and provide the perfect life for everyone.

    My final nitpicky con, way too many characters. To each their own, if the creator wants to tell 50 different stories, fine, but each added girl openly and to the knowledge of every other girl in the game entering this polygamous relationship with the character makes each of their indiviual stories far less interesting. Some amount of secrecy would help me better feel as though our character has earned the harem, rather than been granted it along with everything else he received for choosing to attend this college. Which, if that's the case, which it seems to be, then theres no intrigue in getting to know the girls or develop a relationship with them since the solution is just "You're the star of the school and you're o.k. with me living in your new mansion and you aren't gay or evil? Sign me up for your harem please!". Initially I enjoyed the love story with the childhood best friend, but it peaked right at the start of the game when they reveal their feelings in the shower. Now every scene with her and the GF is just skippable since no character development is made beyond them already being in a threeway relationship and them loving each other. Fine, happy perfect life stories are good and all, but I'm more interested in seeing things develop with characters. That story already paid off several times over, move on. I want to see things progress with your foster mother, or long lost sister and blood mother, or the coach, or your trans teammate(my personal favorite). It's just too many scenes I end up holding skip for in order to see the more interesting parts of the story, which aside from all my bitching and moaning, is pretty interesting.

    The pros, oh the pros.
    -The story is entertaining, as realistic as it can be for the situation our character is in(aside from the things mentioned), and very interesting. I can't wait to see what happens next. Seriously, it's fun.

    -The models are beautiful. Honestly every erotic scene is done well and if that character is your flavor, you won't be disappointed by their eventual sex scene(aside from the bosses daughter getting very little breast attention in my opinion).

    -The characters are all loveable(including the MC I bitched about). The content is abundant(though as mentioned, repetitive for the main two GF's). The flow is a bit hectic due to the over abundance of characters and stories, but it isn't overwhelming and much can be avoided if you simply ignore certain girls paths.

    I wish I could split this game into two. The first half of the game focusing on your main trio and gradually introducing a few others such as coach andteacher. damn near 5/5. That combined with the mystery of the blood mother and sister, very good stuff.
    Second half with too many characters, MC being an irritating scrub at times, girls all jumping over each other to join a harem...2/5. It's really annoying when it wants to be. Skippable. I just ended up fast forwarding the boring parts like I do when I DVR shows.

    But if you're looking for a game where you just get to be the absolute shit and shove your dick down every girls throat then have them thank you for it, feel free to give this one a shot as I'm sure it's top tier amongst it's genre. But if you're easily taken out of it by inconsistent character behavior/morality or want to feel like you've truly earned every sex scene, this may not scratch every itch you have. But either way, definitely worth checking out. I recommend it. Probably my harshest review and I apologize to the creator for that as this is truly a fun game with beautiful models, but as far as the entire package "it just wasn't doing for me, dawg." - Randy Jackson
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Review at the time of Day 9

    This game is pretty darn well made. As of Day 9, there is a pretty substantial amount of content. The renders are well done and the story is engaging without going overboard in my opinion, there are plenty of left turns to shake it up.

    One huge plus for me personally is that this game does not require a walkthrough. There aren't going to be any vague moments where a choice in dialogue is going to dead end a route without it being glaringly obvious. I can't stand when I have to break immersion and read through a walkthrough to know if the choice I made is going to mess up a route that I'm interested in.

    Games with this amount of content while featuring Trans characters isnt very common in my experience though there could be more scenes with the Trans characters. Also the game gives you an option to turn off Trans which is a plus for the broader audience.

    Something to point out to first time players is that the mother routes are extremely slowburners. As of Day 9, other than a short dream sequence, all there is is kissing. Which is fine since I can enjoy a slow burn but just as a heads up for people specifically looking for those scenes, there are none.

    There is no shortage of scenes in this game though, with a wide variety of unique models.

    The only CON

    I do not look to games to be romantic, it does nothing for me. The MC's dialogue in this game is pretty lovey dovey "I care about you so much \ You mean so much to me" kind of stuff just feels bleh.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I do not usually rate games but i felt i need to rate this one. When I play these sort of games I tend to look for an enjoyable characters, with a fun or gripping story. This game didnt do it for me.

    The renders and sexy stuff is amazing but damn it takes a long time to get to it. Even midway through a play through i found myself speed clicking for 3-4 mind because I wanted to see some action or sex happen because I was so bored with the games story.

    If your into clicking for 2/3 of a game to get to some decent sex scenes then go for it but i going to abstain from this game.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It is hard to rate this VN. I'm not fan of harem VNs with crowds of girls literally throwing themselves at MC. But still, in the case of some VNs of such type, I have to admit that they have their qualities, even if it's not my favorite genre.
    But the plot of WNM is extremely boring and stupid even compared to most other harem VNs.

    The main character in this VN is a sports star without soul and personality, a white knight who constantly saves damsels in distress and every girl's dream is to be part of his harem.

    I think even if harem games are your favorite genre, you can choose others that are more interesting and where the characters are not as extremely shallow as in WVM.

    On the other hand, if you are only looking for fap material, I guess WVM can work quite well. The renders are nice, and there are a really large number of girls of different body shapes.

    I guess the amount of content and the number of girls is the main thing that makes WVM very popular and I would say that in this respect WVM is really quite unique.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is so good! i liked a lot! story and h scenes both! i was hoping to fuck guys too :c but i loved it! I didn´t skip anything, immersion in the game world was constant... definitely buying it! Nice 3d charaters, lights and shaders.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Un juego con personajes muy atractivos y que involucra bastantes personajes femeninos incluyendo la posibilidad de una trans pero el juego tiene muy buenos modelos una historia que te mantendrá intrigado todo el tiempo y que aparte aun le falta mas historia asi que un 10 de 10

    A game with very attractive characters and that involves many female characters including the possibility of a trans but the game has very good models, a story that will keep you intrigued all the time and that apart from that, it still lacks more history, so a 10 out of 10
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Among other amazing games on this website, for me WVM takes 1st place.

    I enjoy the story, love the girls, it feels nice to relax and read through it being able to just enjoy all the sweet girls around the MC.

    I also really respect the developer - updates come out often, shorter ones or longer ones and for the time where the dev couldn't provide he stopped the patreon payments, something that a certain developer of a milf focused city would never do.

    The only reason I am not supporting him is because due to my currency all the prices are 4 times bigger, something I can't really afford as a student.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best ones on here. Gorgeous women, no grinding, no dragging before getting a sex scene (blue balling), etc. No pages long internal dialogue. Can't wait to see where it is going. Only real con is there hasn't been a basketball game played yet, but it's only the 9th day the MC was in the college.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    - renders quality is top shelf
    - lots of content
    - proper English
    - frequent updates

    Not so good:
    - story lacks focus
    - many character on very early stage of development

    It's a fun game, even though it wouldn't have much value without adult content, but hey, it does have adult content ;)
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Some nice renders and okay sex scenes... but..

    Can't stand the protag. He gives off a preachy and fake "Captain America" like vibes.
    Don't like the protags girlfriend either. Being forced to fuck a girl with those giant ass duck lips kills me.
    Story is a mess. It makes zero sense basketball wise and jumps all over the place.