VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B4] [Braindrop]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    3 star because this game made me to feel like im a D. why?
    first i really don't like jamie no matter how much i try and game didn't give me a chance to break up with her
    2nd i cheated because i like shauna's character more.

    don't get me wrong it's a good game also no offense to all jamie fans out here.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    (As of v0.9.4)
    In short: Good renders... good story and all the characters are unique. Story is a bit too sweet for my taste though.

    In long:
    The renders all look great. They are not as dynamic as we may have seen in other games, especially in terms of lighting, but they stll look good. No real complaints about the quality.
    The story is also quite fun. Plenty of conflict is happening and plenty of sexy time is happening.. so all in all, no big complaints about the main story.
    The characters are fun and unique, each with their own personality. The cast does seem to be around 85% female... but who cares. When you think about the fact that the story takes place in a school, the handful of males that are there may throw the realism off a bit, but again... who cares?:)

    There are only 2 main things that prevent me from giving this game 5 stars.
    1) The story is a bit too sweet for my taste. Although there does seem to be plenty of conflict, these problems get solved incredibly quickly.
    You get arrested on assault charges at one point and there is video footage of you beating this guy up. Once in prison you get released relatively quickly because a few witnesses sided with you, and one of the officers is nice to you since you helped her nephew.
    There is no formal arrest made? No mugshot? No offical report that gets on your record?
    The story does excuse this... and although it does make sense, it does feel convenient, especially after the 5th time an issue like this is resolved with little concequences.

    2) the camera angles make the scenes feel the same across the entire playthrough.
    Everything is viewed from the MC's POV. There are almost no shots from other angles that are not from his view. Although this in itself is not an issue at all, it does make the characters all look extremely similar since they are all viewed from the same angle.
    I said that the characters are unique... which they are... their mouths though all look almost the same, or at least very similar.
    These two things (angles and mouths) make it quite hard for the characters to show a wide range of emotions. A character was supposed to be distraught about what was happening in front of her, but i, for the life of me, could not see it. I saw tears, but her mouth was almost a smile.
    This i blame mostly on the camera-angle and the shape of the mouth.

    Aside from these 2 citiques, this game is amazing and i definitely reccomend everyone to play it.
    You keep on trucking Baindrop! I'm eager to see more.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the absolute best VN's on this site. The renders look amazing, but there is also an incredibly well-written story in this game. The choices you make do matter for the happiness of other characters, but if you don't want to fuck a certain character, go ahead. Nobody's stopping you. WVM is an excellent work of art.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Very good renders, and that's everything you will think its nice in this VN.
    the history is boring, and made by a virgin boy mind.
    All the women in the history is brainless and just exist to satisfy the MC sexual desire who are a man with ZERO personality. I MEAN... I WANT TO BE THAT MAN, every girl fall in love with the MC at first sight and are totally ok with being part of his harem.
    if you just want to press Ctrl to skip dialog and just fap to the renders you can like this VN, but i tell you will find much better content watching real porn.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game It has some of the best renders I have seen for any VN and the community is really nice and welcoming.
    The game has an amazing story which is a big part for these games for me its not a game if you only want to look and lewd women even thought it has that too. I have been following WVM for a long time and can honestly say that I recommended it to any one who hasn't played it before and it gets updates regularly and the dev seems genuinely interested and committed to WVM which means I find it really hard to see it get abandoned
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    If you're looking for a game you can mindlessly play, with no stakes, without consequences, easily conquerable women, a gary stu as protagonist, and nice renders: go for it.
    If you're looking for a game with a decent amount of realism, good dialogues, stakes and consequences, characters that aren't easily forgettable, and/or an interesting plot: avoid it at all costs.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I am still new-ish here and while I have been playing these VNs for some time now, this site is still newer to me. I forget that I should rate my favourites, mostly because I comment on either the Discord channels or Patreon. WVM was one of the first VNs I have every played where I really enjoyed every aspect of it. From the story, to the characters and to the renders. Everything about this VN is fantastic. You can even decide on which girls to be part of your 'team'. I recommend them all, but hey, it's your choice. The choices provided by Braindrop are wodnerful, but what really makes this VN so great is the story. The script is fantastic and makes you feel so many things. I have been happy, sad, angry and yes aroused... isn't that what these are all about. The lewd scenes are fantastic, but you also get so many other aspects to this game. I mean there is so much going on. I highly recommend this VN to anyone who is looking for such an amazing story.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    For a game with beautiful renders I was hoping for more. The early updates started out well, plenty of story and a good mix of H scenes. As things progressed however, the H scenes became fewer, more & more dialog heavy and what H scenes there are are pretty much with the same 3-4 girls.

    There's a ton of potential in this game that's wasted. Build up and anticipation is good, but filler and long drawn out convo's that go no where are dominating this development. It's become boring, which is the worst thing for a game/VN. The latest updates introduce a lot of new women/girls but you probably won't get any further with them for another 10 updates. Previous women that were introduced, their stories get a scene or two of progression that ultimately leave you blue balled. They'll likely see some action 19 updates from now.

    Play at your own risk, if you're into going no where fast this is your game.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Written after playing the v0.9.3 update

    This is my first review for a game here, mainly because I just prefer writting my opinion on the thread than actually giving games a more thought out rating, but this game IMO deserves a more developed opinion from my part.

    First I wanna start with the good:
    - The renders
    The game has some amazing renders, most of the characters are pretty good looking except some that aren't really my cup of tea, this alone makes the game worth it in my opinion, and sadly, it's the only real positive I can think off.

    The neutral aspects, you can make an argument for these to be either good or bad
    - The sex aspect of the game
    This game gets to it pretty quickly and you can basically fuck who you want and the scenes are pretty hot, bear in mind, I'm not playing all of the possible routes as my first playthrough with games with so many characters always is with the ones I like the most only, but the ones I've seen are good.
    - The ammount of characters
    The game has a lot, and I mean A LOT of female characters, too much to develop some of them so you just a get to know well a some of them, the positive is most of the characters get scenes pretty quickly.
    - The sex aspect of the game
    This game gets to it pretty quickly and you can basically fuck who you want and the scenes are pretty hot, bear in mind, I'm not playing all of the possible routes as my first playthrough with games with so many characters always is with the ones I like the most only, but the ones I've seen are good.
    - The sex aspect of the game
    This game gets to it pretty quickly and you can basically fuck who you want and the scenes are pretty hot, bear in mind, I'm not playing all of the possible routes as my first playthrough with games with so many characters always is with the ones I like the most only, but the ones I've seen are good.
    - The story and the writting
    Oh boy, the story as a whole gets pretty interesting but sadly the game is not that good at telling it, which wouldn't bother me that much given how this is the devs first game and the writting is something that can be improved as the game progresses but it just is too over the place with a lot of cuts to meet other characters to fuck lol.

    The bad
    - The main character
    It's basically a Gary Stu, he has no real personality rather than being a good person, he gets some back story to make him seem not that perfect but it really doesn't serve to the development of his character but rather to introduce new people. He serves as emotional support to allmost all of the female characters while never been really affected by it, he is the top prospect basketball recruit even if he barely trains and a lot of other things that really make the MC unbelivable, and that's in part helped by the next point.

    -The pacing
    This is by far the thing that annoys me the most because it simply breaks my suspension of disbelief, and trust me, as a fan of college basketball there's some BIG things this game gets wrong but it wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for this. TOO MUCH SHIT HAPPENS IN A SINGLE DAY, it feels like the days are 32 hours or even longer, not even a guy who has nothing to do could do as much things as the MC does in the game, let alone the best college athlete in the country, IMHO the 9 days this game currently have should be something around 13 days or even more, given how a top recruit in basketball lasts two semesters in college and so much has happened that it feels imposible to this game to have a story that lasts 10 months; some days are fine but others, like the day where
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    are just so full of events it feels incredibly unnatural.

    This game has a lot going for it, the story is somewhat intersting and the renders are great, but sadly, the game aims at being at the equilibrium of the Nukige games and the Story driven games, but instead ends up jumping back and forth between both sides and hasn't found that sweet spot. Overall I give it a 6/10 so far, honestly, I think the main flaw just can't be fixed in this game unless there's some big change, but I'm looking forward to see how this game continues developing as the positives and knowing the writting can get better make the game interesting enough to follow.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. The main character is smart, kind, and generally an all-around good person. There is a 1/2 poly path, so you don't have to lie and cheat to see the content (better if full poly, but I get that doesn't appeal to everyone). The story is engaging, the characters are loveable, just 10/10, really. I play this game to feel good as well as for the porn :D
  11. 3.00 star(s)

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  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Outstanding game with excellent character development and a likeable MC! Must play! Great renders, several well developed story paths and overall a 10 out of 10 ! Developer releases regularly, is a one man show and releases excellent content!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This VN had so much promise in its earlier versions; beautiful models and rendering, an interesting story, some mystery and intrigue. I was genuinely captivated to the point I could ignore the lack of actual choice, or the fact the MC seemed to be the pinnacle of human evolution with his Jason Bourne like decision making when playing basketball (the few times he does) or his Jesus like personality.

    Unfortunately, as the story progressed and it became more and more ridiculous along with multitudes of new characters being introduced and pushing the current and more interesting characters to the fringes, I lost interest.

    I found myself skipping dialogue because I frankly didn't care about the story anymore, it was no longer believable or relatable. I think it was also because, the characters I was interested in (i.e. the ones we are introduced to the earliest) started being involved less and less. I think this is a good example where quality is better than quantity, in terms of characters and their development.

    I think the developer/creator is extremely talented and would like to thank them profusely for making the game, some beautiful characters and providing me with something to help me during a particularly tough year (as I'm sure it has been for everyone, including the dev). I will continue to check future versions just incase certain characters become more involved and the story becomes less about some high level college conspiracy and more about a more realistic (as far as VN's go) college experience albeit for a sports star.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    You play as a "demigod" basketball player who loses in a 1 vs 4 fight but almost fck every girl you will see and is loved by everyone. The renders are god tier. but the plot is on some part retarded and mostly doesnt revolve around basketball and is more about politics and money.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    You are awesome! You are amazing! You are the best person I've ever met! You can add 1k more synonims, and that's how girls talk in this game, they have no personality.
    Writing and story becomes so boring and dull so early, I stopped paying attention for whatever happening.
    If not outstanding renders and animations it would be even lower. They are just top notch.
    +Great renders and overall picture quality

    -Uninteresting and dull story
    -Feels like girls have no personality
    -Most girls have unrealistic oversized boobs
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The game starts off super well and I was pretty hyped for what the game could be because at the time there were only like four girls and they were all hot. However, the game gets real fucking stupid real fucking quick.

    The girls are hot.
    Renders are nice.
    Some of the girls are pretty cool characters.

    The story gets so convoluted and starts adding super high stakes and conspiracies out of nowhere.
    So many girls are in the game you lose track of them.
    Keeps adding new girls when he hasn't even fleshed out the ones already in the game.
    Story feels like it has no direction whatsoever.
    Girls fall in love with MC at first sight and immediately down to join a harem.

    I'm so surprised at how good this game is doing when it feels more confusing than anything to play the game. Every update surprises me for the wrong reasons. First its flashbacks to your real mother, you wanna impregnate women for money, then the dean and you might have problems, coach wants to bang you, teacher wants to bang you, turns out dean's nephew fucking hates you, nephew jumps you at an event, you get arrested. Nothing is built up in this game whatsoever so nothing feels genuine. Pretty lazy writing which sucks cuz the renders are dope.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    It's pretty good.

    The good:
    +Pretty good renders

    the renders are high quality and the art is well done.

    +Great pacing
    Too oftens you'll see games in the genre spend hours before getting some juicy h-scenes. this game does pacing in a really good way. it builds tension but gives you enough to not want to start skipping dialogue to get something.

    +Good amount of content
    the dev had some delays, but overall compared to other games in the genre this game gets content in a very reasonable rate and already have plenty of it.
    +No stupid minigames
    C'mon, 99 times out of 100 they are awful. them not being in the game is a big plus in my book.

    The mediocre:

    MC is a Mary Sue type of character that has very little flaws, the flaws he does have are presented in a positive-ish way, he never pays for his mistakes, he doesn't have a single truly bad trait.
    Every single girl he meets wants him and likes him, every single "holy shit, am I actually ok in join the harem?" moment is gone too quickly to feel reasonable.
    The phrase "you are a beautiful girl with good personality" repeats WAYY to often and is seriously very cringe inducing, there are other ways to compliment a girl.
    Overall the quality of the writing is mediocre at best and gets very cringe from time to time, but it is better than the average quality in the genre.

    Overall this is a high quality VN with plenty of good qualities and great moments, his glaring flaw is mediocre writing but thats pretty much standard in the genre.
    If you can get over some cringy moments its overall a great experience. give it a try.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    The game starts off promising and there is plenty of erotic material before there are too many girls to keep track of

    However, it is worth noting that what makes sex scenes hot is the presence of tension. When all tension is removed, the eroticism vanishes. So the fact that every girl the MC meets wants to bang him no matter what, and there is another new girl around every corner, dilutes the sex to the point of being boring, especially since the main girl is one you have to stay with, and she wants you to sleep with all the girls. You can't even really pick between the girls, there is just a parade of pussy with an occasional "decline advances" button.

    Let's just say you find a girl or two you like- cool, except now you have to cycle through 17 other girls before the girl you like has a scene again.

    The scope is often better when it is kept limited. More ends up being less here, as I feel the eroticism is basically gone in the last few updates.

    It's obvious the developer is prolific and a hard worker- if he learns how to repeatedly build and release tension, he could be one of the best developers out there.

    After sex scene 23, it's worth asking the question- what makes sex scene 24 interesting, or what gives it tension?
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty good game for fapping, the girls are hot and there is tons of sex. The story is pretty nonsensical and basically consists of girl meeting MC and immediately falling in love with him/agreeing to share him with 10 other girls. There's some kind of story here but the dialogue got annoying to me so I just started skipping to next scene.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for version - 0.9.2

    Animation and renders - 10/10. Nicely done, High quality but poor angles like Mc is 10 feet tall and all the girls are like 3-4 . This could be corrected to improve the experience .

    I am not going to lie. I enjoyed playing this game first 1-6 days. After that and now, slowly i am beginning to lose interest. Story is not keeping much entertained these days. Too much vanilla romance especially that sister . Since, dev openly said no incest ever in his game, adding Sister part to game, and literally 100's of lines of cringy dialogues between sister and MC is irritating. I would have been ok if sis was a LI. This game - it's like a tv series where they just drag out more and more seasons.
    I was hoping for Lebron James etc life style when i started this game. Playing a young talent , winning games after games etc and where the girls lust over Mc. But this game as of now, has soo much vanilla romance , little actual basketball league.

    All that said, i love this developer and i wish him good luck with the game.
    I might try later after 1 or 2 years , when our MC's team wins the basketball league championship. Hope it gets a very good ending.