VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B4] [Braindrop]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I started off loving this VN because of its premise and visuals. However the story got more and more ridiculous, to the point where it got really distracting.

    Let's get the problems out of the way first:
    - Your character starts off as Jesus. He has no flaws, is popular, every girl loves him. In other VNs like Being a DIK, you start off as a maggot and have to prove yourself, so we can see the evolution of the character. Here, you're already God, everyone can't stop mentioning how awesome you are, how they've read about you etc. That is generally fine, but we as readers never get to witness this. It's to be taken for granted.
    - Early on, you get to cheat on your GF, which sets up some exciting intrigue about whether you'll get caught. However this is soon ruined when your shy GF suddenly is fine with you cheating on her and engaging in polygamy. Every time you bang a new girl, your GF commends you for "helping others". This is so implausible it's just funny.
    - The side stories, about finding your real mom etc are not really engaging, especially due to the incredible amount of characters thrown in. Seriously, you barely get to meet one character before the author throw half a dozen more at you. Every few scenes theres a new character waiting around the corner, all of which fall into the predictable pattern of thinking you're God incarnate.
    - The plot involving the antagonist (Ryker i think) is not very engaging.
    - You also have no real choices to make... every choice is rather pointless since it doean't affect the story or your future interaction with the characters. Why add choice if its pointless?
    - Considering the rather underwhelming story, you'd think they'd compensate with more sex scenes. However I feel I experienced more forced exposition, duckface kisses and over the shoulder camera renders (hugs) than anything else.. it just wen't downhill really fast.

    That being said, I think the developer is undoubtedly talented, but this is not worthy of a 5 star. Come on, after experiencing Being a DIK, Acting Lessons, etc.. the bar is set higher than this and there needs to be more effort at least story wise for this to be considered memorable or even replayable.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Regarding updates history, dev behavior and how the VN turned out, I changed my rating.

    Too much new characters added before enough progression has been made with those already there. Some very bad redesigns of already existing characters that often stripped them from their uniqueness;

    A note as hard as the disappointment hit me like a truck.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Speaking frienkly, I prayed when this game started off. The animations and models are awesome! Especially Shauna! Oh, I just fell in love! But these duck lips are a little embarrassing! And what confuses me most of all is this lack of SHOES! Really. At the bowling alley, they all stand barefoot on the street! Ohmy! I was just laughing like crazy! Is it really that hard to add? (I'm not kidding here, I'm really wondering if it's really difficult). You just don't need to add stripper heels to everyone, well, give them sneakers at least! well, it's a pity when the girls in the alley stand barefoot and there against the background of broken glass bottles = D.
    Well This game cannot be compared with life, it’s stupid to even try. MC God who can say simply "hey you - I'm waiting for you undressed in bed in 5 minutes" and so it will be even after seeing him for the first time, and this is a fact. But perhaps that is why such games are needed. Unfortunately, starting in week two, I lost the main storyline and just got confused by an endless number of girls, each of whom claim to have sex with an MC. The spark of this game is lost - the relationship between Shauna, MC and Jamie. And I don't even know how to get my interest back in this game. Maybe during a basketball game, the roof of the gym will collapse and most of the characters will cease to exist?
    It seems that the author simply does not know what to do next with a dramatic situation, except how to pile up the number of characters. This is utopia. I can advise him to read "The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations" by Georges Polti - a classic textbook for all directors and screenwriters in the world.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Still not the best. (My English is bad) the game is great, the road is good, the girlfriend and her best friend .... excellent. I hope you can fuck the sister, but hey, stepmom first. the bad boys have the right touch, a murder I would not like, a rape either, a kidnapping and a near rape maybe yes. I like the trans content, but I feel that there is a little more missing (although surely more is coming). To be able to have a harem and a party that ends in an orgy would love me, I don't know if it's the ending, because I would like to see situations in college that involve sex or Bj in class. I don't know much more to say, the character models are great, the curves of the girls hypnotize.


    I started to read the guide well in case I had missed scenes with the stepmother / Sister. It broke my heart that there is no incest because of the character models and the affection that I develop. I hope you can at least fuck the coach. Harper is the character that I have the most affection for her.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    PS. v0.9.2 - I'm changing my rating from 4 stars to 3 stars.

    • The dialogs have that air of primitivity, consisting mostly of brief sentences - 5-6 words per sentence.
    • MC is insensitive & trite. The talks are repetitive, long-winded and not interesting.
    • The story goes either bland & boring, or just ridiculous.

    And, to be honest, the characters' looks range mostly from mildly ugly to silly to scary.

    Conclusion: It was (mostly) fun to play first 2-3 days; and then it gradually becomes unplayable IMO.

    My previous (4 stars) rating text:

    Many interesting characters, good visuals, and at least some of the girls are quite sexy.

    Rich story (which is one of the most enjoyable things in such games) . All would be excellent, but some moments can be a bit long-winded, and some decisions seem stupid.

    For example, I play (Day 1-8 v0.8.3) always No Cheating Way and being not interested in banging old ladies; but when Rachael says we need to have a long talk, she eventually does not say almost anything except her usual annoying bullshit.

    And - surprise! - the MC buys that shit (being lied to and manipulated into a long talk, when she could give him all the news in one phrase) and decides to work for her (moving furniture and whatnot, really? He could spend his time with much better use and profit.) Not mentioning that "the cheerleading greeting" would give him quite a leverage against Charles, and all that moving is quite ridiculous.

    Moreover, MC brings Jamie to discuss that old ladies banging with Rachael, even though I chose to be not interested in that. WTF? So, around the day of tryouts, the story starts to loose its sense and congruency.

    It's a pity, as before that I loved this game.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm gonna preface this with saying - do you enjoy being absolutely crowded by an impossible number of girls with the same bonestructure and eyes looking up at you ALL THE TIME in mindless adoration (as if you are 75 meters tall and they are 2) - then you are going to love this. If not, best move on.

    It starts off strong - you have a relationship with this cute girl, which rapidly evolves into a polygamous with another one. Okay, I'm with you so far. Not really realistic how it all goes down, but what VN game actually is right?

    Next thing you know, you are introduced to college, and EVERYONE knows who you are and EVERY SINGLE girl wants to get in your pants, for no apparent reason. By the current chapter it's impossible to even recognize 60% of them, and the quantity demands that you dont give a fuck about any of them or anything anyone has to say. Who gives a fuck when it all ends up being a polygamous utopia anyhow?

    A man juggling even 3 women is farfetched at best. Handling 20+ women? gtfo here. Not even Johnny Depp gets this much pussy I can guarantee that.

    MC, according to every single woman ever is straight out of a catholic story about a saint - who just happens to fuck every girl he meets in the ass, but he deserves it right? he's entitled to right?
    The girls personalities, critical thinking skills, their own will? Non existent.
    The game could have been really good. It's renders are nice, a lot of work is put into it. The writing is good - if you don't care about the overarching story or believability. Or the fact that the author clearly has no experience/understanding of relationships or womens psyche.

    I was a fan when this thing started off. It has regrettably ended up being a dumpsterfire and the rating is not at all justified today.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, great characters, and a good story. This team is doing an excellent job, the renders are super smooth, and each character has his own personality full of surprises. I can't wait to have another version to play!!!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Cannot overstate how much I love this VN!! Take a minute and check this one out! Every update gets better and is so well done renders are crisp and the story had me hooked Braindrop got it right IMO good balance and can't wait to see more from Braindrop in the future.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Not really a sports person but this is one of the best stories i have seen.
    i rate this 10 out of 10 with a 3 point addon because i want to go through it again. all i wanted is more and lost all track of time.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I was reluctant to try this VN out. I'm not a big basketball fan and thought it might have too much about the game. It certainly has some, but not so much that it takes over the main story, I decided to give it a try when I saw the tags and variation of things in it. I really, really like that this game handles LGBQT+ characters with respect and not just as the stereotype. I like how the MC isn't an idiot and isn't spoken to by the women he is involved with like he's an idiot. Perhaps he a bit of a Gary Sue, but thats so much better than a dufus stumbling about and acting shocked all time while the women he's involved with call him an idiot. I like the freedom in who you can choose to be involved with. I like how each girl feels different than each other. Some would argue the girlfriends worship him too much, but it's so much better than the usual "you're such a lame ass" while they give it up to the MC. I really don't have any major complaints. Some minor issues, but the good far outweighs the bad. Thanks to Braindrop for surprising me!
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I've tried several times to get into this game but I just can't.

    The characters in this game treat the MC as if he's some kind of God. He can do no wrong, he's absolutely good at everything. The characters in this game (especially the women) go on and on about how great he is. The choices that you make in this game don't really matter.

    I can't see this game as anything more than a harem Builder. The renders are decent so there's that...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    What a game..absolutely love it!!
    Character Design is epic, all girls are hot as fuck.
    Captivating story in addition to collect as many hot girls, as you like.
    You get to enjoy a lot of kinks, fantasies awesome renders and lots of funny conversations.
    You are mostly the good guy here, with a few options to be a dick. But look at these know you want to be good to them :p
    You there Developer(s)..did(are doing) one hell of a job !!
    Can't wait for further updates to come :)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The review is based on version 0.8.3.

    • So,first of all,this is a prime example of harem done right.There are lots of girls with different traits and characteristics, making the cast of WVM one of the most varied in this site.All of the girls have different backstories and reasons to be with the MC, albeit some of them ,due to the incomplete state of the game, have gotten more screentime than others.But that's to be expected in a game that's WIP.
    • Next,the MC ,while he is not the most complex person in the world,is a breath of fresh air since he isn't the hackneyed vigrin who pervs on everyone and everything nor he is the unlikable jerk/jock who forces his way into a girl's panties.He is a decent guy which tries his hardest to keep everyone around him happy. It sounds a bit contrived and far fetched but ,as of yet,it works . . . most of the times.All in all,he definetinely add to the whole experience.
    • The plot ,although it is not extraordinarily complicated, has a pretty nice flow with the odd plot twist here and there.Events occur linearly,with a few flashbacks in between.At the end of the day, it achieves its purpose since it makes you want to read all of the lines . . . with a few exceptions.
    • The dialogue lines between the characters are well made.They feel natural and they outline everyone's quirks and traits.You "hear" what you expect to "hear"(e.g The cheerleader captain is strong and confident, The kinky girl calls you daddy etc,etc)
    • The renders are top notch and easily some of the best in this site.Every model looks different(with the exception of some twins).Throughout the game you come across multiple girls and guys and everyone looks unique.At this point I'd like to mention the fact that everyone,and I mean EVERYONE, has some minor "imperfections",like moles,freckles,little birthmarks and marks.This is huge as it makes the whole cast feel and look way more believable and,to me at least,likeable.So,from me ,it's an enormous Kudos to the Dev.It's these little things which prove that the mind behind all of these actually cares for the game.
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    • Lastly,I'd like to talk to what I think are the shortcomings of WVM.Firstly,there are no real choices.At least none that I am aware of.Most of the choices amount to "Do you wanna have sex this character" or to slight dialogue changes.I may be wrong about this one - and I sincerely hope so - but once you realize it deducts from the whole experience.Not by much,but it does.Secondly,there is so much stuff in game on such a short amount of time
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      that it makes you feel like every in game day has 30 hours or even more.I know that probably it makes no sense whatsoever but if you try to follow the timeline of the in game events you will conclude that the whole thing takes place in an alternative universe where people sleep 4 hours per day.Once again,this slighly damages the player's experience.It's not a deal breaker by any means but it is there.Lastly,as of the last 3-4 updates,the game has a tendency to get way too salt-sweet.The amount of hugging and happy crying has increased expontentially to a degree that has actually forced me to mindless click through a few renders.It's strictly subjective since I am sure that there lots of people out there who do enjoy this kind of development.
    • TLDR;This is how consentual harem should be done in games.The MC is actually pretty cool without being a loser turned to alpha or a Chad.The plot is compelling enough to keep you going.The actual in game renders/model look pretty good and because of the Dev's attention to detail feel unique and unprecedented. . . at least in h-games.However,this doesn't mean that the game is flawless since it has a couple of areas where it could improve on.Honestly,this is more of 8/10-8.5/10 game but the subtitle under the five star rating does read "Excellent" so . . . Also,the Dev is a really cool hardworking guy (there was a time not long ago where WVM got WEEKLY updates) who does this because he enjoys it and kept going despite all the lemons life handed to him abundantly.

    Keep up the great work BD!
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    OK ctrl+fap-game. You're not missing out by not reading.

    My opinion, which doesn't seem to be shared that much on this site.
    The game looks great, but has writing style that makes every dialogue read like it's filtered through prozac. The story itself could be good, if it was told in a somewhat interesting way. I mean, things do happen, but due to the lack of build-up or the sleepy writing, it all has no impact. It becomes boring.
    A friend called the game "the best wish-fullfillment game". But if this is wish-fulfillment I'm kind of in awe of the person who wishes for girls this uninteresting and hollow. They're docile husks with nothing but their bodies going for them. It makes it even more boring.

    Still a bit hopeful that the finished game will deliver in some ways, if not only for the renders with Bailey (best model). As it stands right now, it's a ctrl+fap game with decent (and a couple of great) sex scenes. But not much else.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm quite enjoying WVM, but to be honest the lovin', huggin' and kissin' is being laid on way too thick and I'm having to spacebar my way though it *a lot*. If I didn't I'd end up with diabetes in no time, the way every scene is positively dripping sugar and honey.

    To my mind the game would benefit considerably from being cooled down in this respect, as it impinges on the enjoyment and interest in the underlying storyline. As is, it's a 3.5 star for me, with the potential for at least another .5 if the unendurable sweetness was dialled back two or three notches.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written, nice renders, and features a style which sets it apart from other adult games. This game may not be for everyone, because it is as much about cuddles and kisses as it is about dick in hole, but for me that has it's own appeal. If I had to lodge a criticism it would be that there is are several repetitive "I love you because" conversations.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    So A small disclaimer before this criticism.... Sex/porn games are all about fantasy so this is not looking down on it, it is more an explanation to anyone looking into downloading it.

    The game has its good points, but it is basically the Simpmale fantasy of how girls should react to them simping for them hard. Not a comment on simping, just an explanation for for the game. You fulfill every girl's emotional needs first and foremost.... usually with only a single conversation consisting of "Hey you should be you...Ill always be there to protect you" and voila the girl's emotional problems that had plagued her for years are fixed. Oh and shes now completely emotionally dependent on you. Talking about the emotional needs/problems/issues that you fix so easily afterward seems like 25% of the game with another 25% them repeatedly telling you how amazing you are for it, the rest is about 20% sex, 15% conflict with other people to protect your harem and then 15% plot.

    If that sounds great to you then this is the game for you. If not then dont be afraid to do alot of skipping. Dont worry the sex scenes have a choice beforehand almost every time so you can just skip to those.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Pros for me :

    The females are cute
    Great story
    The writing is great
    Renders are wonderful


    The female's lips look like duck lips
    Azel gets on my nerves seems like at times she is way to clingy
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Wasn't sure how this was going to be when I first started playing, but it quickly became one of- if not- my favorite visual novels to date. The romance and relationships between the characters feels genuine and fitting to the characters' personalities. Amazing game!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Plenty going on, plenty coming off. Nice to play a game where the fantasy is you're just a super-nice guy. Like the trans content, couldn't say what the game is like without it as it felt important to the story to me. Good balance of story and sex, can't wait for the next update.