
Message Maven
Apr 26, 2020
What am I missing about this whole MC dick size reduction debate?

Yes, BD reduced the size somewhat but the guy is still hung like a small horse so what exactly is the problem?
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 16, 2017
What am I missing about this whole MC dick size reduction debate?

Yes, BD reduced the size somewhat but the guy is still hung like a small horse so what exactly is the problem?
the first two days are being modified so that it is uniform across the whole VN. that is what Braindrop has said but apparently that's misinformation.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2018

Mind Drop #22 (05/11/2021) Almost

Okay, I said no more posts until the update but there's been an uptick in frustration over the whole "Check to see if the update is out, if not check the next day". So I'm here to give what information I can.

Serious mode: ON

What's the hold up?
There's been many things like planning a wedding, planning to be a father, moving across the country, changing how I want to do releases, and dealing with a medical issue with my eyes for an entire month. Those are the things that have led to the larger delays and they're all things that still take up a huge chunk of my time and they do take priority over the game.

What's currently holding me up is just the normal work process I have for the game. I've added things to certain scenes, reworked / finished dialogue, remade / compiled animations, remade / edited images, and I still have stuff to do along those lines. Good shit takes time.
I've also had PC issues. I had two PSU's pop in the span of two weeks and the purple loop in my second machine went bad and gunked up all of my blocks / rads. So I had to tear apart everything to clean it and that is a huge machine. (took apart the blue loop as well just to make sure it didn't go bad later). That alone took an entire day.

So, how long will it be until it's done?
It will be done when it is done and I promise I'm working as hard as I can on it with every free moment I have.
I've mentioned it before but I no longer want to give deadlines. I have way too many real life things to stress about right now without an arbitrary date being tacked on. I'll admit it was my fault to say keep checking every day. I didn't mean it to be taken literally, I'm a chill dude and just wanted a chill way to say "it'll be done when it's done".
So, I'll say again. I will work as hard as I possibly can on it and it will be out the moment it is done and pledges will be paused until then.

Serious mode: OFF

Okay, sorry about that. People seem to confuse friendly for fake so I wanted to be as clear as I could about that.

And thank you guys so much for 3000+ patrons!!! Words can not express how thankful I am for each and every single one of you.
Admittedly I wanted this milestone to happen after the update as it feels strange to celebrate in a weird time but fuck it. 3000 is a fucking insane number and should be celebrated.
I still have the screenshot of me hitting 100 patrons thinking that I had already hit my long term goal and whatever happened after didn't matter. Never ever expected to make it here. And it's all thanks to you guys.
Your support has not only changed my life but the lives of my family. I can never say thank you enough. It means the fucking world to me.

...but I do have something to say about that.
I know there's a number of people that support me that have doubts or even people that can not afford to pledge but do anyways.
So I want to say if you have ANY reason that gives you pause to pledge to me then please remove your pledge. Simply put I am very well supported and I do not want the money from someone who could use it more than me. I also don't want the money from people that don't like the way I've handled things or what I have planned for the future. I appreciate the fuck out of your support but I don't want you to hurt yourself financially or emotionally in anyway. As cliché as it sounds, I genuinely don't care about the money and if you do unpledge then know that there's no hard feelings in any shape, way, or form.

Felt that needed to be said.

Okay, I'm going back to work. This is honestly 100% the last post until the the juicy 1500+ render update.
Thank you all so much for everything, and for being patient.
Love you guys <3


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2017
It is really surprising. WVM used to be the fastest updating game around here, by a lot. I guess getting married and having a kid on the way makes you rethink your priorities. I understand long delays, but when you miss a deadline, you should at least say something concrete. "Keep checking every day", is kind of a crappy answer, to be honest. Just say next 2 weeks, or next 4 weeks, or update in June, whatever.

I am not quite putting WVM in that category yet, but it seems a lot of games I enjoy are on near abandoned status. The fans just don't know it yet.

Well, all the best Braindrop, either way.
The creators of these games are never required to have any update, and if they do give one, never assume that's the true date because real life does happen. Hell, he could pull what some other creators do and just not say anything for months to years and just let his supporters keep paying him.
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Jan 10, 2020
Btw, the analogy with the Boss and the Employee, who misses deadlines has been working for a long time: When the BD-Employee misses the deadline, the BD-Boss deprives him of his salary, pausing pledge on Patreon :giggle: [imagines how BD speaks to himself in different voices] :ROFLMAO:

BD was one of those devs, who make more popular this rule of good dev, and now other developers have start to do same more often, than before. Same with communication with the VN community - there is more feedback from developers and the community - they become less silent for half a year and even periodically listen to what people think about how and where the plot is developing.

Silence for the weak and unsure of what they are doing - communication leads them astray and makes them rush from side to side, trying to please everyone, those who are more or less confident in the idea of what they wants to say and show, in communication receive confirmation or refutation of the correctness / erroneousness of the techniques used, improving the plot \ visual.

Now the only chance to find out the approximate release date of the next update is to find out the approximate wedding date + ~honeymoon + ~month to return to work = ~approximate release date


Feb 20, 2020
Now this is a great developer for sure. Has been through allot and still manages to deliver one of the best game around here. Hell, he even paused 17k/mo patreon a few times. I'm comfortable waiting and supporting for as long as it takes to see this great game finished and incoming projects too. Congrats for your 3k supporters and thank you for this amazing game. Stay healthy and keep up the good work.
Last edited:


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019

Mind Drop #22 (05/11/2021) Almost

Okay, I said no more posts until the update but there's been an uptick in frustration over the whole "Check to see if the update is out, if not check the next day". So I'm here to give what information I can.

Serious mode: ON

What's the hold up?
There's been many things like planning a wedding, planning to be a father, moving across the country, changing how I want to do releases, and dealing with a medical issue with my eyes for an entire month. Those are the things that have led to the larger delays and they're all things that still take up a huge chunk of my time and they do take priority over the game.

What's currently holding me up is just the normal work process I have for the game. I've added things to certain scenes, reworked / finished dialogue, remade / compiled animations, remade / edited images, and I still have stuff to do along those lines. Good shit takes time.
I've also had PC issues. I had two PSU's pop in the span of two weeks and the purple loop in my second machine went bad and gunked up all of my blocks / rads. So I had to tear apart everything to clean it and that is a huge machine. (took apart the blue loop as well just to make sure it didn't go bad later). That alone took an entire day.

So, how long will it be until it's done?
It will be done when it is done and I promise I'm working as hard as I can on it with every free moment I have.
I've mentioned it before but I no longer want to give deadlines. I have way too many real life things to stress about right now without an arbitrary date being tacked on. I'll admit it was my fault to say keep checking every day. I didn't mean it to be taken literally, I'm a chill dude and just wanted a chill way to say "it'll be done when it's done".
So, I'll say again. I will work as hard as I possibly can on it and it will be out the moment it is done and pledges will be paused until then.

Serious mode: OFF

Okay, sorry about that. People seem to confuse friendly for fake so I wanted to be as clear as I could about that.

And thank you guys so much for 3000+ patrons!!! Words can not express how thankful I am for each and every single one of you.
Admittedly I wanted this milestone to happen after the update as it feels strange to celebrate in a weird time but fuck it. 3000 is a fucking insane number and should be celebrated.
I still have the screenshot of me hitting 100 patrons thinking that I had already hit my long term goal and whatever happened after didn't matter. Never ever expected to make it here. And it's all thanks to you guys.
Your support has not only changed my life but the lives of my family. I can never say thank you enough. It means the fucking world to me.

...but I do have something to say about that.
I know there's a number of people that support me that have doubts or even people that can not afford to pledge but do anyways.
So I want to say if you have ANY reason that gives you pause to pledge to me then please remove your pledge. Simply put I am very well supported and I do not want the money from someone who could use it more than me. I also don't want the money from people that don't like the way I've handled things or what I have planned for the future. I appreciate the fuck out of your support but I don't want you to hurt yourself financially or emotionally in anyway. As cliché as it sounds, I genuinely don't care about the money and if you do unpledge then know that there's no hard feelings in any shape, way, or form.

Felt that needed to be said.

Okay, I'm going back to work. This is honestly 100% the last post until the the juicy 1500+ render update.
Thank you all so much for everything, and for being patient.
Love you guys <3
Thank you K18 For posting that here.

This thread has become a place for trolls to practice their "skills" and yes I know a lot of them need practice, it's truly pathetic the changes here.

So Looking forward to the update. I don't give a fuck about cock size. I don't give a fuck when. And I don't give a fuck about how many renders will be in it or could be in if done differently.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2019
Thank you K18 For posting that here.

This thread has become a place for trolls to practice their "skills" and yes I know a lot of them need practice, it's truly pathetic the changes here.

So Looking forward to the update. I don't give a fuck about cock size. I don't give a fuck when. And I don't give a fuck about how many renders will be in it or could be in if done differently.
Our off topic posts walked so these very useful and informative on topic posts could run. :whistle:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
To bring things back to topic: I like Willow's development throughout the game. I'm already curious how the girls, who don't yet know that Willow is the sister of the MC, react to the new Willow. Will also be minimally disappointed if the Willow whisperer pun opportunity is not taken.


Jul 27, 2020
Pretty scary how often the Ignore button had to be used here lately, very sad also. Braindrop take all the time you need irl to settle everything and being able to have the time you wish to/can invest on WVM : a lot of people seems to forget we’re living in a very specific way since more than a year that could affect people in, many ways. If that’s not the case of some whiners or trolls, good for them, but they better not think that’s the norm in that crazy world.

So now, I will patiently wait for that pool party and whatever may happen after since we’ll have the rest of Day 9…or it may be a very big and long party…or « afterparty »…many possibilities actually :D (hoping some Jasmine stuff, at least some cuddling time, lust can wait a bit…just a little bit…:ROFLMAO:)


Forum Fanatic
Aug 6, 2017
Well as one of the ppl who’s playing porn games before fuckzone became a thing and play most of the games worth even mentioning can say that this is one of the best games out there atm.

Did the whole game at last update from stat to end, cheating path ofc, can’t say no to good pussy with exception to grandma nurse and whale to come, each to their own.

Game got good graphic, solid animations, choices that matters, can fuck em all or non that up to you, good story that pulls you in, was good 3 days of gameplay and got me hooked. For me quality over quality is more important.

I would say the amount of renders and all coming in is huge specially with all the things dev have to deal with , game is worth the wait , don’t kill devs mood.

For those that think based on his support , which in my opinion he earn it

Heart is still as much in it as ever. Just getting married, moving across the country, and becoming a father are all very time consuming things that take priority over the game. Working as hard as I can and pausing pledges, also "No given date, just check to see if it is out yet if not check the next day." is not a deadline. It's quite literally me saying it'll be out when it's out.
Last thing would just like to say
congrats , gl , and happiness to you
CD Project Red could learn thing or two from you


Apr 24, 2017
To bring things back to topic: I like Willow's development throughout the game. I'm already curious how the girls, who don't yet know that Willow is the sister of the MC, react to the new Willow. Will also be minimally disappointed if the Willow whisperer pun opportunity is not taken.
To be fair with how nice everyone is they'll probably love new Willow.
She probably regrets how she acted, a proper talk with Willow, Jamie and maybe Emiko would be nice but I wouldn't blame them if they wanted to move on.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
To be fair with how nice everyone is they'll probably love new Willow.
She probably regrets how she acted, a proper talk with Willow, Jamie and maybe Emiko would be nice but I wouldn't blame them if they wanted to move on.

If I remember correctly, at some point after Willow had already half-heartedly apologized to Jamie (before she knew the MC was her brother), Emiko told the MC that Willow apologizing to Jamie was enough for her.

The situation with Emiko and the old Willow was also the situation in which I felt great respect for Emiko, I would not have thought that she would have so much guts, after she was initially rather shy and reserved towards the MC.

So I think the girls are willing to forgive Willow, especially when she and her brother share their story.

Also, I want to note that I thought the scene between Willow and Jamie's mom was great. While I can imagine that the conversation between Jamie's mom and the MC wasn't exactly quiet, I'd like to imagine somewhere that something like the Spidey sense rang a bell with Willow. Loosely along the lines of "My bruhbruh sense is tingling. Someone is talking bad about him!"

And what I would like to note: It's already lousy when you transfer someone without comment, but why Bailey? In general, I'm also curious how things will continue with Bailey and Rainn. Generally I like both girls and I'm curious how their individual plots will continue. Especially with Rainn it was hinted that there are more things that bother her.

Also, I clearly agree with those who say that Jasmine deserves some attention in future updates.

As for her ex Damien, I am very disappointed. I can understand to some extent, but at the latest charity event he could have had the chance for his own, I don't know, redemption maybe help the MC. In comparison Ayden helped the MC and risked a lot more, which deserves a lot of respect.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 16, 2017
also don't forget ...we don't know the exact size...like someone else keeps saying...
i guess you don't REMEMBER what was said. so you are being ignored from now on. When it was first announced late in week one that the first two days images would be eventually re-adjusted to the more reasonable size that was present in day 4 and beyond. that then equated to the redo of day 1-7 released as week 1 remastered. and this brings it in line with the rest of the VN graphics of the MC. you can keep saying that I'm wrong all you want but you are the one that is misinformed, if you want go and look through ALL the updates that Braindrop has posted and if you find where I have spoken wrong just show it to the world, but I never said it would be X length, or anything just that it would come in line with what has come day 4 and after.


Apr 24, 2017
If I remember correctly, at some point after Willow had already half-heartedly apologized to Jamie (before she knew the MC was her brother), Emiko told the MC that Willow apologizing to Jamie was enough for her.
My memory was a bit fuzzy on the apology, but Willow is clearly more open and honest about herself now, wouldn't surprise me if she wanted to give a more genuine apology now that she's getting out of her old mindset and shitty situation in general.
And if not, as I said, we move on. It just seems fitting for how her character is growing, and the scene with Jamie's mom is a great example of how she'd stand up for someone she cares about. I don't think Jamie wants or needs an apology anymore but Willow could want to do it anyways.
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