
Active Member
Feb 24, 2021
I can answer this for you. Updates have always been parts of days (mainly because it used to get updated so quick, then due to personal stuff) IIRC BD has said future updates (after the up coming one which concludes day 9) that he plans to do either full days per updates or possibly even a week per update.
Oof, that's rough. I mean, if it has taken close to 5 months (or probably 4 month, if we discount the "extra plans" BD recently had in real life) just for one more day, or perhaps half a day. Fingers are crossed that he'll be able to release more than that in the upcoming release. If not, that's part of why I asked my follow-up question to this one - I'm curious to where the bottleneck is, and if any of us can help with that.

Oh this too i can answer. Yes I believe that he did as in the released character sheets, Ruby's image is the new model. I'll show you here:
View attachment 1243221
I actually remembered that character sheet just before I returned here to read new thread messages. I like the new model better, but maybe something should be done about the hairstyle (it looks a bit "thin" to me).


Active Member
Game Developer
May 23, 2020
Oof, that's rough. I mean, if it has taken close to 5 months (or probably 4 month, if we discount the "extra plans" BD recently had in real life) just for one more day, or perhaps half a day. Fingers are crossed that he'll be able to release more than that in the upcoming release. If not, that's part of why I asked my follow-up question to this one - I'm curious to where the bottleneck is, and if any of us can help with that.
The biggest reason was that he faced health problems that effected his eyes so had trouble seeing and couldn't look at a screen for too long. Then he also faced PC issues. He then also promised a larger update size to what it was originally gonna be (1500+ renders iirc and biggest update yet). Then he has also recently moved house, got married, preparing for a kid to come.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2019
Welcome back! I hope you've been able to recharge a little, and also been able to spend quality time with your family (including your now-extended part as well).

Question: How many in-game days do you plan to include for the upcoming release? Or, is there a standard amount of story days you plan to have in each release? (Or is there always just 1 day of story content for each release?)

I haven't followed WVM for that long myself - my first gameplay was with (days 1-9), which is the currently-available release (as I'm writing this) - so I'm unsure of the release history. The changelog only shows differences between each version number, but these don't necessarily have to correspond to individual releases (also, slight off-topic gripe about software development in general: I wish those who write up changelogs also include release date for each version, just to indicate a timeframe between releases as well).

Another question: In your work with WVM, what are the hardest or most time-consuming parts of your writing/release process? Are there things you'll be able to ask the community for help/assistance, or is it stuff that so time-consuming or difficult that you'd prefer to hire someone instead?

And finally: Did you make you mind up fully on the new character model for Ruby? I know this was teased/hinted at the end of the current release.
1. The upcoming release is the rest of Day 9. Which can sound super concerning given the time frame for it but to try and relieve that concern I'll say that the 5 months were packed full of real life getting in the way of the game and shouldn't be an issue in the future. I had an eye issue that sidelined me for an entire month (Which if anyone is curious I haven't had any issues with them recently), moved across the country, got married, and learned I was going to be a dad. So all of that in the span of a few months really slowed things down as I had to focus on them. But things are calming down now and I'll be able to shift my focus back to WVM when I return home.

Secondly, this upcoming update sets the stage for releases to spread out across multiple updates. This update is the rest of day 9 but the plan is for the update after this one to be days 10-14. Then the one after that to be days 15-21. And I think the average update moving forward will be around 1200 renders. So things start to get spread out more.

2. Hardest and most time consuming would be renders. But that's my favorite part of doing this so I don't mind that.
The most challenging for me is the end process of bringing everything together. The script, the images, the code, the animations. Just making everything mesh together in a satisfying and smooth way.
The hardest part about it is how sneakingly time consuming it can be. I'll look at what I have to do and think "Oh, this will only take like 3 hours." and then suddenly I'm 10 hours deep and not even close to finishing.
I admittingly can have a tough time "finishing" something. I always want to add a transition render somewhere or change the dialogue somewhere a bit.
So it's mostly just personal issues I need to work on and have been working on.

And for the second part of your question I really don't like asking for help. I'm not sure why but something about it feels really funky to me. So I've never really reached out for the community to help.
Another reason for it is I have awful team management skills. I've had plenty of "normal" jobs and I've been in management positions and I'm just not good at it. I always took a "I got it" approach, partly because of work ethic, and partly because I suck at delegating tasks to others.
So for many reasons, I don't plan on hiring anyone. I love everything about making WVM and don't really want to give up any of that process by hiring someone. And even if I did I don't think it'd work out as I'm awful at delegating work to someone.

3. Yes, and Ruby's new character model will be featured in the upcoming update. :giggle:

The biggest reason was that he faced health problems that effected his eyes so had trouble seeing and couldn't look at a screen for too long. Then he also faced PC issues. He then also promised a larger update size to what it was originally gonna be (1500+ renders iirc and biggest update yet). Then he has also recently moved house, got married, preparing for a kid to come.
It tires me just reading this. o_O Life's been crazy.
Also I like the number 2000 better than 1500.


Oct 21, 2020
1. The upcoming release is the rest of Day 9. Which can sound super concerning given the time frame for it but to try and relieve that concern I'll say that the 5 months were packed full of real life getting in the way of the game and shouldn't be an issue in the future. I had an eye issue that sidelined me for an entire month (Which if anyone is curious I haven't had any issues with them recently), moved across the country, got married, and learned I was going to be a dad. So all of that in the span of a few months really slowed things down as I had to focus on them. But things are calming down now and I'll be able to shift my focus back to WVM when I return home.

Secondly, this upcoming update sets the stage for releases to spread out across multiple updates. This update is the rest of day 9 but the plan is for the update after this one to be days 10-14. Then the one after that to be days 15-21. And I think the average update moving forward will be around 1200 renders. So things start to get spread out more.

2. Hardest and most time consuming would be renders. But that's my favorite part of doing this so I don't mind that.
The most challenging for me is the end process of bringing everything together. The script, the images, the code, the animations. Just making everything mesh together in a satisfying and smooth way.
The hardest part about it is how sneakingly time consuming it can be. I'll look at what I have to do and think "Oh, this will only take like 3 hours." and then suddenly I'm 10 hours deep and not even close to finishing.
I admittingly can have a tough time "finishing" something. I always want to add a transition render somewhere or change the dialogue somewhere a bit.
So it's mostly just personal issues I need to work on and have been working on.

And for the second part of your question I really don't like asking for help. I'm not sure why but something about it feels really funky to me. So I've never really reached out for the community to help.
Another reason for it is I have awful team management skills. I've had plenty of "normal" jobs and I've been in management positions and I'm just not good at it. I always took a "I got it" approach, partly because of work ethic, and partly because I suck at delegating tasks to others.
So for many reasons, I don't plan on hiring anyone. I love everything about making WVM and don't really want to give up any of that process by hiring someone. And even if I did I don't think it'd work out as I'm awful at delegating work to someone.

3. Yes, and Ruby's new character model will be featured in the upcoming update. :giggle:

It tires me just reading this. o_O Life's been crazy.
Also I like the number 2000 better than 1500.
Welcome back, thanks for the u updates along with all the hard work you do


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2017
I can answer this for you. Updates have always been parts of days (mainly because it used to get updated so quick, then due to personal stuff) IIRC BD has said future updates (after the up coming one which concludes day 9) that he plans to do either full days per updates or possibly even a week per update.
A week would definitely be interesting, where it will definitely take longer, but means a shit ton more content, so honestly, each choice has their positives and negatives on this.


Active Member
Feb 24, 2021
1. The upcoming release is the rest of Day 9. Which can sound super concerning given the time frame for it but to try and relieve that concern I'll say that the 5 months were packed full of real life getting in the way of the game and shouldn't be an issue in the future. I had an eye issue that sidelined me for an entire month (Which if anyone is curious I haven't had any issues with them recently), moved across the country, got married, and learned I was going to be a dad. So all of that in the span of a few months really slowed things down as I had to focus on them. But things are calming down now and I'll be able to shift my focus back to WVM when I return home.
Oh, yeah! Day 9 wasn't completely over yet, was it? There's still that pool party that was about to happen before the dramatic visits from Damien and Millie happened, right? Or was that bound to happen the next day? (Day 10)

In any case, things happen, and as you said, things are finally calming down for you now. It's good to hear you've managed to overcome/tackle the challenges life has thrown you lately (some good, some bad). And big congrats on your marriage, and your coming child!

2. Hardest and most time consuming would be renders. But that's my favorite part of doing this so I don't mind that.
The most challenging for me is the end process of bringing everything together. The script, the images, the code, the animations. Just making everything mesh together in a satisfying and smooth way.
The hardest part about it is how sneakingly time consuming it can be. I'll look at what I have to do and think "Oh, this will only take like 3 hours." and then suddenly I'm 10 hours deep and not even close to finishing.
I can totally relate to that latter part. I work in IT myself (sysadmin, and some code writing), so I've often had the issue of time passing faster than first anticipated, especially when you're focused on something.

And for the second part of your question I really don't like asking for help. I'm not sure why but something about it feels really funky to me. So I've never really reached out for the community to help.
Another reason for it is I have awful team management skills. I've had plenty of "normal" jobs and I've been in management positions and I'm just not good at it. I always took a "I got it" approach, partly because of work ethic, and partly because I suck at delegating tasks to others.
So for many reasons, I don't plan on hiring anyone. I love everything about making WVM and don't really want to give up any of that process by hiring someone. And even if I did I don't think it'd work out as I'm awful at delegating work to someone.
I imagine there are people out there who *want* to help in any way they can, but I understand the issue of pride in your own work (not asking for help). It can also be draining on a person, being overloaded with work, even if it's work you enjoy. Just make sure you rest from time to time, and don't overwork yourself, now that you're back into things.
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Jul 27, 2020
Braindrop Several days in upcoming updates? That’s really great news, just be careful not burning yourself out, even if you didn’t specify the timeframe to have these updates out. As a non-subscriber on a piracy site, I pay with my own currency : patience. ;)(y)

Btw, to those that facepalmed my previous post (maybe because they fell "targeted"), sorry but not sorry, just stating the obvious :whistle:
Last edited:

Jethro Hatfield

Developer of the Valkyrion Project trilogy
Game Developer
Dec 2, 2017
I know I for one am excited that Braindrop is feeling better.

Add to that, the intention of larger releases in the future just continues to show me, he's truly a developer worth following, deserving of our support, and a developer that (in my opinion) sets the standard for how many of us should be. Honest, forthcoming, and respectable.

I look forward to the new release when it drops. And will continue to follow Braindrop's work for years to come!


Active Member
Feb 1, 2021
Braindrop; Glad to hear that your eyes are doing better, and that life is calming down (well balancing out is probably a better way of putting it, with a kid on the way it won't be calm again for decades :)). Having recently moved cross-country myself, I know what that pressure is like. I can't even imagine adding a wedding & a kid to it (Congratz btw).
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Jun 6, 2018
1. The upcoming release is the rest of Day 9. Which can sound super concerning given the time frame for it but to try and relieve that concern I'll say that the 5 months were packed full of real life getting in the way of the game and shouldn't be an issue in the future. I had an eye issue that sidelined me for an entire month (Which if anyone is curious I haven't had any issues with them recently), moved across the country, got married, and learned I was going to be a dad. So all of that in the span of a few months really slowed things down as I had to focus on them. But things are calming down now and I'll be able to shift my focus back to WVM when I return home.

Secondly, this upcoming update sets the stage for releases to spread out across multiple updates. This update is the rest of day 9 but the plan is for the update after this one to be days 10-14. Then the one after that to be days 15-21. And I think the average update moving forward will be around 1200 renders. So things start to get spread out more.

2. Hardest and most time consuming would be renders. But that's my favorite part of doing this so I don't mind that.
The most challenging for me is the end process of bringing everything together. The script, the images, the code, the animations. Just making everything mesh together in a satisfying and smooth way.
The hardest part about it is how sneakingly time consuming it can be. I'll look at what I have to do and think "Oh, this will only take like 3 hours." and then suddenly I'm 10 hours deep and not even close to finishing.
I admittingly can have a tough time "finishing" something. I always want to add a transition render somewhere or change the dialogue somewhere a bit.
So it's mostly just personal issues I need to work on and have been working on.

And for the second part of your question I really don't like asking for help. I'm not sure why but something about it feels really funky to me. So I've never really reached out for the community to help.
Another reason for it is I have awful team management skills. I've had plenty of "normal" jobs and I've been in management positions and I'm just not good at it. I always took a "I got it" approach, partly because of work ethic, and partly because I suck at delegating tasks to others.
So for many reasons, I don't plan on hiring anyone. I love everything about making WVM and don't really want to give up any of that process by hiring someone. And even if I did I don't think it'd work out as I'm awful at delegating work to someone.

3. Yes, and Ruby's new character model will be featured in the upcoming update. :giggle:

It tires me just reading this. o_O Life's been crazy.
Also I like the number 2000 better than 1500.
Thanks for the update

Congrats on the nuptials and pending arrival :)
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Jethro Hatfield

Developer of the Valkyrion Project trilogy
Game Developer
Dec 2, 2017
Guss Azel will not be, unsure of the rest, (I hope not) But BD has already specified that your Mom, Azel and Willow will not be lewdable.
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
wondering if the "moms" are going to be included in the harem
I think the plan was for everyone not counting as incest, so, Jamie and Liz's mom whose name escapes me at the moment is a possibility. Could be mistaken though.
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