
Jun 1, 2020
See it doesn't have to be contentious my wonderful fellow thread watchers :giggle:

We like the game and the MC having lots and lots of intimate fun times with many, many women.

Some of us want a few more women on board the pink submarine than others

But that isn't a reason to argue. Will BD put them in or not, only BD can say and there are reason BD may very well not want to say even if he wants it. ?? Right? A bit confusing. But ultimately I hope we all like the game enough to be here and continuing to follow the thread. So let our commonality supersede our different approach to whom should receive a good dicking.

Myself I would like to see Willow on that skin boat to tuna town. But I subscribe on SubStar with all indications it may never be. Because I still like the game. Also I don't feel like my advocating for a sexy time scene with Willow should earn me backlash as I do not criticize and insult those who do NOT wish for that. So let's let kinks and fetishes of others be OK and not a point of contention, right?

I didn't read your wall of text... just wanted to say AWESOME AVATAR! :whistle:
  • Haha
Reactions: jaw1986baby


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2021
Great renders but damn talk about a fuck fest. haven't played this one since like 2 or 3 updates ago but I remember this being the game where for some reason an entire school, faculty included wants to hop on MCs dick lol. If you into straightforward porn games this is definitely the game for you but if you into adult visual novels with an actual story then this definitely won't cut it.

Edit: it's funny how some people are face-palming my comment when they themselves know what im saying is the truth, ahh humans such odd creatures, well feel free to continue lol
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
so yeah, incest is still very much on topic for this thread.
If that applies to content like incest that isn't in the game or the tags, then de facto no fetish at all should be off topic here. Please wait, I'll quickly visit some NTR game threads and tell people that their favorite fetish might be featured in WVM soon. I mean, it could well be that NTR is coming soon, at least the chances are no worse than for incest. And while I'm at it, rape and lolis, preferably in combination, could also occur in the future and...


Salt is a Way of Life
May 1, 2018
If that applies to content like incest that isn't in the game or the tags
Please replay the game and every time MC starts making out with Azel, pay close attention to the dialogue. After you do that you can come back here and start bullshiting about NTR and get banned if you think I still dont have at least a tiny bit of a point.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2019
Gonna throw my 2 cents into this even though no one asked for it :LUL:

So, in my opinion... I agree incest is on topic since a player can come away from the game thinking it's a possibility, they'll come here after finishing and seeing there isn't a tag for it and innocently ask if there is any planned.
That seems cool. They can be answered civilly, something along the lines of "The dev has stated he does not plan on adding it but there are people who believe he's just saying that to cover himself from patreon's TOS. Only time can tell."
Perfectly valid, simple 2 post Q&A.

Where the problem is in my eyes is everything past that... the 40+ posts arguing over the definition of incest and if it is or isn't allowed. How is that on topic? How does that contribute anything meaningful? Especially when the same exact argument and points have been made 50 times already. It's the largest reason why I very rarely come here anymore.

We got rid of actual fun conversations pertaining the game such as the march madness bracket and theories and even the occasional on-topic meme for the same old pointless argument that will always lead to the same conclusion... nothing.

Only I know what the future holds. I am being 100% honest when I say I have no plans or intentions of working on that sort of content. I have people in my life that know what I do and I'm personally not comfortable having something that taboo attached to it. I was open to the idea early on, never actively planned on it though. As far as Azel tease scenes go I'll put it like this: Remember the first scene with Alexis? Remember the first scene with Zoe, Bailey, and Liz in the basement? Remember the first scene with Katie?
They were all dirty and raunchy hookups and the Liz one in particular I cringe even thinking about now. That sort of energy was only there very early on and I quickly realized I wasn't a fan of it and those characters act drastically different now and those scenes will be drastically different in the redo.
So I said all that to say, I was dumb in the beginning and didn't have characters and their events planned out very well. I was also experimenting finding what I did like... which turned out to be wholesome vanilla simp sim but it is what it is. But I do understand how all of that can simply be handwaved away by people who think I'm trying to ninja behind patreon.

TL;DR: No incest but questions are okay, debates bad.


Salt is a Way of Life
May 1, 2018
We got rid of actual fun conversations pertaining the game such as the march madness bracket.
While I fully understand it was fun, it barely had anything to do with the game. The "vote for ___" and "I hope ___ wins" posts were some of the worst spam this thread has ever gotten.

Only I know what the future holds. I am being 100% honest when I say I have no plans or intentions of working on that sort of content. I have people in my life that know what I do and I'm personally not comfortable having something that taboo attached to it. I was open to the idea early on, never actively planned on it though. As far as Azel tease scenes go I'll put it like this: Remember the first scene with Alexis? Remember the first scene with Zoe, Bailey, and Liz in the basement? Remember the first scene with Katie?
They were all dirty and raunchy hookups and the Liz one in particular I cringe even thinking about now. That sort of energy was only there very early on and I quickly realized I wasn't a fan of it and those characters act drastically different now and those scenes will be drastically different in the redo.
So I said all that to say, I was dumb in the beginning and didn't have characters and their events planned out very well. I was also experimenting finding what I did like... which turned out to be wholesome vanilla simp sim but it is what it is. But I do understand how all of that can simply be handwaved away by people who think I'm trying to ninja behind patreon.
I'm more than willing to change how incest in this thread is handled after I play through the rework. I also appreciate your honesty about the early hookups, a lot of devs would just change it and never admit to why.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2019
Gonna throw my 2 cents into this even though no one asked for it :LUL:

So, in my opinion... I agree incest is on topic since a player can come away from the game thinking it's a possibility, they'll come here after finishing and seeing there isn't a tag for it and innocently ask if there is any planned.
That seems cool. They can be answered civilly, something along the lines of "The dev has stated he does not plan on adding it but there are people who believe he's just saying that to cover himself from patreon's TOS. Only time can tell."
Perfectly valid, simple 2 post Q&A.

Where the problem is in my eyes is everything past that... the 40+ posts arguing over the definition of incest and if it is or isn't allowed. How is that on topic? How does that contribute anything meaningful? Especially when the same exact argument and points have been made 50 times already. It's the largest reason why I very rarely come here anymore.

We got rid of actual fun conversations pertaining the game such as the march madness bracket and theories and even the occasional on-topic meme for the same old pointless argument that will always lead to the same conclusion... nothing.

Only I know what the future holds. I am being 100% honest when I say I have no plans or intentions of working on that sort of content. I have people in my life that know what I do and I'm personally not comfortable having something that taboo attached to it. I was open to the idea early on, never actively planned on it though. As far as Azel tease scenes go I'll put it like this: Remember the first scene with Alexis? Remember the first scene with Zoe, Bailey, and Liz in the basement? Remember the first scene with Katie?
They were all dirty and raunchy hookups and the Liz one in particular I cringe even thinking about now. That sort of energy was only there very early on and I quickly realized I wasn't a fan of it and those characters act drastically different now and those scenes will be drastically different in the redo.
So I said all that to say, I was dumb in the beginning and didn't have characters and their events planned out very well. I was also experimenting finding what I did like... which turned out to be wholesome vanilla simp sim but it is what it is. But I do understand how all of that can simply be handwaved away by people who think I'm trying to ninja behind patreon.

TL;DR: No incest but questions are okay, debates bad.

It's important to remember how this game started. I played a few other VNs before just deciding to make my own. I knew absolutely nothing about it and was brand new. Only a month into learning I released Day 1.
WVM was always going to be my long term project but anyone who tells you they have everything planned out from the very beginning of something is probably a liar.
I knew the beginning and ending and a large portion of plot beats in the middle. I also had no clue what I would like or dislike. Everything was literally brand new to me.

I also never imagined WVM to be successful. It was just this thing I was going to work on and put out there. I didn't have the pressure on me to release something I knew would always be there, in my mind it was all open to change which is why... it's now being changed.

I also was very emotionally involved back then. Criticisms and such really got to me and I expressed it in some petty ways.
Such as adding the ugly dude talking about Jamie and keeping the tease going.
But that tease actually led into me locking into the awkward adoptive mom-son relationship they currently have. Where they go through some of the "challenges" of growing apart. So it wasn't all bad.
I'm also a bit of a contrarian and found it funny to go against what a lot of people were asking for. I still think it was silly to do so now though. I have since realized highlighting negatives in my game was a bad thing to do because I won't give a fuck about it when I look back in 20 years and play it. I'll just remember how insecure I was being about it.

Which is why a lot of that stuff will be removed.
I'm still super young and I'm gonna make fuck ups. I definitely include adding the early teasing, especially with Rachael in that mix. I'm cool with light teasing because it fits the storyline and their relationship but I never should have taken it as far as I did.

Essentially, this is all just to say it took me some time to find my style. Both render and story wise which is why I fully understand why some people fucked with the game early and hate it now. It's very much a different game because I had to go through the process to find what I liked the most.

This shit do be a journey.

Also, there's a basketball game for the first time in the next update! Only took 2 1/2 years


Dec 16, 2020
stupid question, but is bd allowed to say that the mc is goung to the nba, or does he have to make up a new league. Also, if he does have to make up a new one, can he reference names such as Lebron or kd which will imply that the league he made is the nba?


Jan 10, 2020
Also, there's a basketball game for the first time in the next update! Only took 2 1/2 years
Oh, God, NO! - we are doomed! :eek: After all that time, when there bunch of parodies to WVM that HAVE basketball mini-games - he add basketball... finally... but want to remove hands holding :devilish:
#Brubru-InsidiousVillain :ROFLMAO:


Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
While I fully understand it was fun, it barely had anything to do with the game. The "vote for ___" and "I hope ___ wins" posts were some of the worst spam this thread has ever gotten.
I tend to agree with you the, simple "I hope x wins" are lame and spammy, though variations of that with a bit of smack talk where fun, but I see your point on that, but it doesn't mean the whole idea of the bracket itself was bad. As the adage goes, you don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Maybe a better way to do that is using the vote feature of the forum. Many games have had votes for which players think is the hottest girl or best girl or favourite etc. That could be used here, though it might make the bracket idea hard.

Either way that stuff is still better than the infinite Azel cycle or when next update posts.
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