
Engaged Member
Oct 29, 2017
No, there was a BETA a few months ago, dont remember if it was October or December, that was just a few scenes.

That was part of the main story.

What was released now is a side story, completely independent from the main game, that has Harper as protagonist
Still counts as an update, regardless. Moving on.
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Active Member
Jun 26, 2019
I've played every update. last one was about a year ago. what are you talking about?
I thought you called this an update? then 10.0.1 was also an update that hit about somewhere between December or February of this last year. certainly not a year ago. No matter how small the update was anywho lol.


Jul 7, 2020

Sup guys.
I just felt like typing some shit out. I know I said the next thoughts post would be on the 2nd but I'm feeling a certain type of way and I just know what I have to do even if you guys won't like it.

It's no secret that shit has been fucked for a while.
It all starts and stops with me, and I've been on quite the self destructive journey lately.
Things kept clashing together in the worst ways at the worst times and I let myself slowly fall into this mental block.
I can't describe the mental side of this shit. All I can say is that putting the actual update out is simultaneously something that I know has to be done and I want to do, and is also something that I dread having to do.
The pressure, the expectations, the finality of it all.
It's all self imposed issues. I know that, I'm not trying to deny it.

It's almost been a year since the last actual update. A fucking year.
There's so much work done but none of it has been shown and it's the most frustrating thing. I hate this, I hate feeling incapable.
The obvious question is "What's stopping you from releasing it?"
And I don't have a good answer. Anytime I sit down and package it and think about calling it done, I get this deep guttural feeling of dread. I'm so fucking mentally blocked up and I don't know why.
I fucking wish I did.
It's not something I think about once and then put off for a month. It is all day every single day.
But I've been doing everything I can to get away from it. To try and put it off but it's impossible.
My wife mentioned to me about how she thinks I'm worried to call it quits on it because then everything that has happened this year is over. It means I'm over it and it shouldn't.
There's so fucking much that I haven't told you guys about shit that has happened because I hate sounding like a fucking excuse robot. There's been so many times where I've typed out these long rant posts just to ctrl+w at the end. (Don't try that command unless you're tired of reading this btw)
Working on WVM has always been an escape for me... and something about stopping the work that I was doing when all of these things happened feels like I'm closing away that part of my life... I think.
Does it really make sense? No, but it just... it is what it is I don't know what else to say.
I've been stuck and I want out. I need out.
And that brings me to this next part.

I made the DITLO with Harper and I had a fucking blast making it. It was fun to write... hell it was even fun to edit the images (Which is usually the biggest bore for me).
And... it was even fun to release.
Sure, it may not be what you guys really wanted right now. Sure, it may suck that she was censored in it. I get it, but that's not what really matters.
It was the first time in nearly a year that I felt good about releasing something.
Like really good, I feel great right now which is insane.

There's many reasons for that but the important bit for this is that it made me realize what I need to do.
I've asked about it before and you guys overwhelmingly said to hold off and release the update in full all at once.
And I do agree that that way would be the best for the game and the best overall experience... but I can't. Trust me, I want to... but I can't.
The simplest way I can put it is that there's too much instant finality to it. I put a piece of me into every part of this game and I think it makes it a good game but it also makes situations like these... really hard to let go of.
When it's over... life goes back to normal. And that scares the fuck out of me right now.
But it has to be over.

Part of me says that I should just rip the band aid off but I'm legitimately scared of things going poorly and me ending up in an even worst spot.
There's so much emotionally put into this update... it's fucking rough man.

I've always enjoyed small consistent releases... mostly. I get the most short term enjoyment from them but I don't feel like they're what's best for the game in a developmental aspect. And I've become incapable of the consistent part anyway.
So... instead of ripping the band aid off I'm going to slowly peel and chew at the bastard until it's gone.
I'm going to sit down and parse the update out in chunks that make sense to me and I'm going to release those chunks.
I'm going to allow myself to work on some of the scenes again... there are a few that I genuinely think I can improve rather easily and quickly. I'm not going to let myself go into perfectionist mode... and that's not what this has been about. I don't think anyway.

I can do it in chunks... I'm not going to pretend like I won't be stressed or be bogged down by that dread feeling... but I can manage it.
It has to get done.
I really tried to do it the way that most of you wanted it to be... I did.
I still want to do it that way but I simply can't I'm sorry.

I'm going to hold off on the character sheets and bday renders that were planned and focus on getting the update chunked out before releasing those.

And ultimately if you want to wait for all of it to be out then you're free to do so.
I just know that this is the only way for me to get out of this block I'm in right now.
I thought letting enough time pass would let me heal enough but the pressure of the update is really slowing that stuff down.

I do apologize for going this route after asking how you guys wanted it.
It's out of necessity though and I hope you understand.

I'll have info about update sizes and dates soon.
Thanks for caring enough to read my brain vomit.
Love you guys and talk to you soon.

(Oh and each release for this will be available to all patrons and former patrons (Through discord))
I'm sure his patreons meant well but it was clearly the wrong advise.
If you don't like something you released, you can still correct it at a later point.

actually thats what modern software development is about :D we all do it Mr. Dev. You made the right choice, you'll feel a lot better.

Also i'm very sure the feedback about the updates is going to be way better than he expects, once the obligatory "man we waited so long for this" stuff is out of the way


New Member
Dec 13, 2021
Ok...just started this and have the context.

Don't know why everyone is griping about "Harper shouldn't have said that to Nat. No Parent should ever say that to their kid" or "Nat should not have been so understanding". Harper was apologizing to her daughter for having that thought in the first place. She wasn't saying she wished Nat was never born, she was saying she felt guilty for imagining the possibility and asking for forgiveness. Ive actually had almost this exact discussion with my parents before...and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

This scene makes total sense and Nat's reaction is completely understandable.
I still think that there was no reason to tell her in the first place and I still think that having her have that reaction is even stranger: you are free to be as understanding as possible, but words still hurt.

The problem is not what was being said, but how it was handled. The fact that they spent more time talking about the MC and boys later after her saying something like this is just bad writing to me. This is an episode on Harper no? This feels like a pretty important point for her character.

In any case, we can agree to disagree I guess.


May 7, 2018
Honestly saw this coming from the start. Dude set up a ridiculous tempo of weekly/2 weekly upload, and they you get burned out, well no shit bro. I was literally pleading while saying make the updates one per month instead of 3/4 per month updates, and then we had a longer period of time with no update, and the keyboard warriors all spaming defending the dev, while now thoes same ppl are shiting on him.

Ghostface Reborn

Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2018
Honestly saw this coming from the start. Dude set up a ridiculous tempo of weekly/2 weekly upload, and they you get burned out, well no shit bro. I was literally pleading while saying make the updates one per month instead of 3/4 per month updates, and then we had a longer period of time with no update, and the keyboard warriors all spaming defending the dev, while now thoes same ppl are shiting on him.
he was going through shit. we got that but these... releases are keep getting smaller and smaller. at this point--he either needs to get his shit together or get people to help him.


New Member
May 7, 2017
I'm quite out of the loop in regards to what's going on, but I have to say that this situation really doesn't look good. WVM was a great game full of positivity and unique characters, something you can connect to and feel happy to spend your time on.

I understand that certain unfortunate events (or rather losses) have made quite a negative impact on dev's emotional wellbeing, so some people should be more understanding. However, there are far better ways of handing the situation.
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In my opinion, this topic should have "On-Hold" tag added to it. It should have been added a long time ago in fact.
Patreon supporters should be aware of what's going on and make up their mind if they want to continue supporting an inactive project or not.

I personally think that's a silly thing to do as it does the opposite of helping to motivate the dev to do anything. Why work on something when it's generating passive income without you lifting a finger.. work --> get paid.
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You can tell that WVM has been made with a lot of love and passion from the dev. Game developing is time consuming and that only escalated with high quality content, renders and a well written story that keeps you engaged. He was doing great.

But now he clearly needs some time off, and that's okay. I personally think that he had plenty of time to find a way to deal with things, but we all deal with losses differently. Some get buried into work, others find other ways.

To me, it looks as if dev is not dealing with what happened and is stuck in a loop that's keeping him from accepting things and moving on. If dev happens to read this post, I would suggest professional help. There is absolutely no shame in it.

As for this side-story.. I'm failing to understand why it exists. And this is coming from a guy that really likes Harper a lot.

I'm not saying I dislike the idea of side-stories, but now is most definitely not a good time for them, and I'm not even going to talk about how absurd of a decision it was to censor the images. I will only say that if nudity wasn't part of the plan, it shouldn't have been added in the first place.
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As for being a perfectionist, I am one as well. Anxiety, depression.. best buddies of mine. But there's also something called excuses and it would be wise to draw a clear line between the concepts. You work on something, or you don't. Breaks are fine, refinements and adjustments are not only always possible, but a key part of working on projects you care about.

Criticism is unavoidable, but it doesn't have to be taken to heart EVERY single. You cannot and will never be able to please everybody, so focus on the audience that the game is built for. If that audience is you alone, then follow your heart and use that freedom to work on it the way you intended to. If you are a creator, then YOU create, not your audience.

Although, positive criticism is another story. Having a look from a different perspective can give you new insights and expand horizons so I would recommend finding a way to filter shittalk from a positive criticism and only listen to what may improve the project.
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And lastly, "I'm not a leader" and writer's block part; you don't need to be a leader. What you could do is make a channel with sole purpose of discussion about ideas and suggestions.

That way, there's a chance to spark your imagination every time a new post drops. You could even take it further to discuss it with the person that posted the idea / suggestion and it would only work in your favor, as well as in the interest of the project development.
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Anyways, I wrote an unholy amount of text here so I'm gonna take a break. I truly hope WVM comes to life again.

Have a good one everybody!


Uploading the World
Mar 2, 2019
I'm sure his patreons meant well but it was clearly the wrong advise.
If you don't like something you released, you can still correct it at a later point.
Yeah we all know how that will go, we saw and still see it with the week 1 redo and all the crying about having to restart the game (that won't even be necessary) and that it takes of time from the actual update.. And it isn't perceived well in other games too, like SLF or Summertime Saga (well it would be better for that one if it didnt take that long).


Active Member
Aug 2, 2017
Coming in completely cold here, not read anything other than some reactons that are disappointed in the update.
I've not read up on how much work the dev has done but I hear it's something like 2k renders while he dealt with the irl stuff.
And apparantly now releases some mini updates, which people on this thread has a problem with.

How many here that are now complaining have been an active patron? I seem to remember when I was a patron, whenever he had totake a break or didin't meet the deadline he always paused his page so no one would be charged.
I don't know if that is the case this time around but from his track record I'm inclined to think so.

Point is, if he's made all this in his off time, and haven't charged anyone, then doesn't it stand to reason that he can choose to release it in portions so that he get payed for what he would usually get if he did it monthly?

As I said I have no idea what has been going on over on his patreon page and over here on the thread excpet for the last two pages, so feel free to correct me.

Hopefully with facts and proof.

And on another note.
Braindrop, if you read this thread I am glad to see you back, I've not tried the game in a while but I really liked it while I was still pledging before I had to cancel it cause of reasons. Hope you are well.
So no one gonna tell me what is so awful about this post?
Oct 19, 2020
Finally this thread showing some teeth.

Im being optimistic and guessing the release is gonna be in april. Before couple of patreon post if i remember correctly was in faq said and im quoting " Next full update (Days 10-14) Feb 2022. Also with no set schedule going forward I will use estimated dates for full update releases (not betas) only when said information is provided going forward. "

Now is told by dev release is late february or early march. I don't think it ll be released on that timeline.

Note: This is my personal opinion. Im not trying argue with anyone. With best regards, Thanks.
Said it 3 months ago.

A month ago; Been accused of being troll. Battled with Facepalmer squad. Even some members tried to excommunicated me. Been blocked by some members. Couple of my posts deleted by mod(s?).

Last decent update was almost a year ago.

I started this game before October or November beta. I criticised the update taking too much time.

After the beta released next full update was scheduled Feb 14. Then Late Feb. After that early March. To late March. Again in April. Now May is almost over. Still no update instead some side project which i haven't played yet.

Almost 1 year with less than 500 renders.

Also this project was designed as 5 Years. Now he expanded to 10 Years. I got a suggestion for Patreon members go to the tailors and tell them "I want bigger pockets." Cause u guys will need it.

About ditlo: I just wasted 300 mb.
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Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
Starting to Wonder if this needs to be flagged as On-Hold because no real update in a long long time
Starting to wonder if you know the rules for tags on this site. (Hint: Duration between updates is no requirement for on hold.)


Anyway, thread is moving fast today. Played through the side story and I am having trouble locating it in the main story. May have something to do with "After Day 15" since we don't know the revised timeline yet.

The censored version of Harp confused me a bit since that's definitely new for the game, but I'lll explain it for myself with Sunshine Love, where girls we haven't seen naked yet received nipple patches in their x-ray pics.

People who complain about an "improper sentence" obviously have missed the fact that Harp immediately apolgised to Natalie for the remark, and also obviously, she wasn't even bothered by it since she knows her mom truly loves her.

Anyway, I hope that the main story will continue soon.
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