Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
Patreon wont do anything as long as it's making a profit.
Yeah, I seen some old "ghost" Patreons that make a couple bucks still, but no new content been made in ages. You don't necessary just pledge for a creators new and future content, but also what they done in the past. But I think there is quite a few people out there that just forgot about a Patreon pledge and it keep running and running..
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Feb 12, 2019
I've been refraining from posting here since Braindrop made the transition to releasing "when it's ready", just waiting for the next real update. I said back then it was a mistake for different reasons but I didn't imagine it would eventually take this long (and neither did Braindrop).

Braindrop sure has gone through a lot of shit as he describes in his logs, but he has also had issues with self-organization and motivation I'm afraid. It's hard to keep working steadily when you have a lot of obstacles to your work in your life (such as a new paternity) and no deadline to meet as he releases when it's ready and his supporters are widely faceless and supportive so he feels virtually no accountability. His own motivation is probably impacted as well as I expect he keeps wanting to make up for what he's missed but never manages to catch up to deliver what he thinks he owes. It's hard to remain motivated by something when you work alone, intermittently and you feel forced to work even when life is shit. Yet it's Braindrop's best source of income by far so he cannot afford to drop it and "get a day job". Up to him how he tackles that issue but I hope he isn't lying to himself at least as, no matter the reasons, his livelihood is in danger.

Anyway, I've long since considered the game abandoned. Time does not lie. If development resumes in full, then good I'll still be here, otherwise it's been a nice ride and there's plenty of other content on this website.

PS: Zoe, Liz and Rachael best girls


Active Member
Dec 16, 2017
Why does every Dev do shit like this like clockwork lol.

Because the development process is a commitment and unless there's 100% commitment for the duration then cracks will begin to appear.

If it's a labour of love then chances are the releases will be steady but general spaced out because it's just a lad living his best life whilst doing other things, like working to pay the rent and eat.
If a guy's doing it because he wants the subs so he can get money then it basically needs to hit the ground running otherwise soon the dev will start to do a cost analysis on the whole thing. Is the effort I'm putting in worth the money I'm getting out?
If the dev is established and is pulling bank each month but they promised big initially in terms of scope, it could get to the point where the game becomes a monster and requires more and more effort to continue. At that point, like before the dev does a cost analysis and has to decide if they can be bothered continuing.

The dev in this instance fucked himself by seemingly having a hard on for bringing in as many different girls as he could cram into the ren'py engine. He created a hydra that was always going to grow and grow. Throw in life issues and it got to a point where it's a case of him starting to trail off.

He said it himself in his post. He talks about the work being done but he can't bring himself to release it, so he's doubting himself. As soon as he stopped and went off and done a wee side project that was more compact it's a different story "I had a fucking blast making it", "It was fun to write", "fun to edit the images" etc. The way he talks there feels like the way a guy would who's unhappy in his marriage and ends up having an affair with the blonde lassie from accounting. Ultimately doesn't tend to work out too well for the marriage.

Wen I Say

Mar 17, 2019
I wish people would just stop using patreon and all the others. I get that they are using their own funds to make these games and that they get rather expensive, but it would be a lot easier to just work on something at your own pace and not have to deal with people feeling like they are owed something. When you start taking in money from other people and start offering additional things...OF COURSE it's going to cause problems.

But the end it's just one person and a lot of people trying to tell him what to do with the idea in his head. Fuck that shit.
Then get a fuckin job and work on this as a side project then no one can say shit because they're not financially invested.... people pay for his livelihood... the toilet paper he wipes his ass with and the food he eats.... what your saying makes no fuckin sense my guy unless he waited till the game was done to receive a fraction of whats he's raking in now which would be all kinds of dumb why not have a subscription? Is he fucking this up? Well depending on who you ask there are conflicting opinions, but it's really telling that he's going out of his way to silence people asking about the development of the main game so believe half of what you see and nothing you hear and form your own opinions. Which said opinion will then be met with toxicity from those with conflicting opinions so yea I kinda see the writing on the wall for this one it was fun while it lasted.... BD is losing his fuckin mind people think he needs to hire someone and I agree the dude needs a fuckin therapist.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
But I think there is quite a few people out there that just forgot about a Patreon pledge and it keep running and running..
Yeah and microsoft (or sony?) announced they'll close the subcriptions on their service from inactive people. Patreon should do the same, but some creators wouldn't like that

I'm baffled at that many people not monitoring what they're paying for...
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Jun 8, 2017
That's the big problem, the "i've got mental health/i'm ill" excuses are a meme now they have been done that much.

It also splits the playerbase.

On one hand you've got BD's fans that believe everything he says and on the other you've got those that think he's lying because he's burnt out.

I don't know what the truth is but I have seen the excuse used far too many times and it has made me sceptical.
first of all, being burned out is being mentally ill, it sucks a lot, ive experienced it myself and quite frankly i never properly recovered from it at my old job, the main culprit to it was our new boss and her new horrible work schedule she came up with to squeeze as much out of us as possible that left several people having to take sleeping pills just to get by, 2 people on sick leave for several months from being burned out with me and a couple others almost there until the schedule changed back again. but the new boss just kept doing more stupid or just crappy things to make our lives every little bit more difficult so the mental exhaustion, overall negative emotions and stress never went completely away, not even after leaving the job some 6 years later helped much, i still felt stressed out and exhausted for many months while i was just at home.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Not really, both Dual Family and Milfy City didn't have any work done on them for a long time, years in Dual Families sense, and Patreon did nothing.

Icstor has admitted he is burnt out on Milfy City and no longer working on it yet it still makes money on Patreon.
I don't know about Dual Family situation but Icstor explicitly said he's working on something else, so that's enough for Patreon to keep his account open. I don't honestly think they wouldn't close some account that explicitly says he's not working anymore.


Oct 30, 2019
Im not a patreon supporter so im not mad just disappointed but if any of you guys honestly find this an acceptable amount of work for how much he gets paid you are letting this man get away with murder. It's not like we all dont have struggles. It's not really an excuse to do no work for 7 months while still taking the beefy patreon checks. I just cant believe anyone would still support this guy. It's not personal hes just barely doing anything.


Mar 31, 2020
Been a supporter on his Patreon since the beginning, and I am trying really hard to sympathize with his mental issues, but my life threw much worse at me than what he is dealing with, and I didn't curl up in the fetal position and fall into a deep depression. I lost my father, mother and grandmother in a span of 7 months, then my wife had a mental breakdown and was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, then she tried to murder me in my sleep because the voices in her head told her she wouldn't be sick anymore if I was dead. After the second murder attempt, we divorced and the judge gave her the house that I had busted my ass working 2 jobs to pay for, and I had to leave the state because of death threats from her family. Fast forward 2 months and my oldest sister dies of cancer. Yet I still got up every day and went to work and did what I needed to do to survive and move forward. If BD keeps this up, he will be in the same boat as my ex-wife, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Maybe it's a generational thing, it seems that the newer generations have been coddled so much that they can't handle when life gets shitty. It's sad to see. As far as this DITLO is concerned, why even release it if you're going to have it censored? I mean what the hell is up with that. Your supporters have stuck with you for the most part ( I'm sure some have bailed ) but instead of rewarding those who have stayed, you put out mediocre content and censor it. I want to defend him for what he's doing, but it's getting harder and harder to do. I hope he toughens up and pulls himself out of this funk he's in, his patreons have made him a nice amount of money, and to do this to them is just not right.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new support writer.
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