
May 7, 2020
Been a supporter on his Patreon since the beginning, and I am trying really hard to sympathize with his mental issues, but my life threw much worse at me than what he is dealing with, and I didn't curl up in the fetal position and fall into a deep depression. I lost my father, mother and grandmother in a span of 7 months, then my wife had a mental breakdown and was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, then she tried to murder me in my sleep because the voices in her head told her she wouldn't be sick anymore if I was dead. After the second murder attempt, we divorced and the judge gave her the house that I had busted my ass working 2 jobs to pay for, and I had to leave the state because of death threats from her family. Fast forward 2 months and my oldest sister dies of cancer. Yet I still got up every day and went to work and did what I needed to do to survive and move forward. If BD keeps this up, he will be in the same boat as my ex-wife, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Maybe it's a generational thing, it seems that the newer generations have been coddled so much that they can't handle when life gets shitty. It's sad to see. As far as this DITLO is concerned, why even release it if you're going to have it censored? I mean what the hell is up with that. Your supporters have stuck with you for the most part ( I'm sure some have bailed ) but instead of rewarding those who have stayed, you put out mediocre content and censor it. I want to defend him for what he's doing, but it's getting harder and harder to do. I hope he toughens up and pulls himself out of this funk he's in, his patreons have made him a nice amount of money, and to do this to them is just not right.
Yeah i've supported him for 18 months, but at this point i'm having a great deal of difficulty justifying it.

I've been on F95 long enough to have developed a rather large cynical streak and when the fourth and 5th disaster strikes to delay an update, bullshitometer starts to go off.

maybe he is the most unlucky person on the planet, who suddenly got unlucky when he started earning life changing money. Or maybe he's taking everyone for a ride like a dozen other creators on this platform.

Either way I wish him well.


Nov 9, 2017
Ok...finished DITLO...and the character interactions are, decent I guess...but overall it makes no sense. Katie is just meeting Harper as the compromise from Charles...but its only a day after MC stood up to charles so that conversation hasn't taken place yet...but Nat is doing tryouts "tomorrow" and has already been in negotiations to join the cheer squad...which doesn't happen till shortly before the bowling game...but they are in the "Final Home" and everyone is walking around naked and comfortable with it (at least upstairs)...which doesn't happen till after the bowling incident and Riker is already gone, by that time Harp and Nat are spending the night at the house with the MC and Harp is sleeping better

And as I remember it the MC told Harp why he chose her and stood up for her basically right after he did it.

Yeah. Not only does this minigame thing seem like a dissection of the main story, but it doesn't even fit the main story at all...its jumbled and confused and feels like someone else came in and randomly took chunks of the main game without regard to context or continuity and mashed it together to create a random story featuring some characters from BD's well followed game.

And the file size makes absolutely no sense for such an extremely short "game"...especially one with no audio and no animation

And the censoring is just absurd.

Not a fan of the DITLO project. Hope the main game gets some updates soon...even if they are small updates...and those updates don't completely break the already established story like this DITLO does.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
Imagine if a dev like braindrop would say "I stop the dev of my game. I keep my patreon open for the people who want to show their appreciation of my past work, otherwise you're free to go"

How many patrons do you think he'll lose? It would still take months or years imo for the number to be below 500


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Imagine if a dev like braindrop would say "I stop the dev of my game. I keep my patreon open for the people who want to show their appreciation of my past work, otherwise you're free to go"

How many patrons do you think he'll lose? It would still take months or years imo for the number to be below 500
Patreon will probably close his account after the first couple of reports, though. It's a platform to support some kind of artistic/product development: if there's nothing being developed, you can't use Patreon


Down with Delta-G
May 8, 2017
Reading his post, it seems to be the classic extended procrastination panic mode. I know it because I've dealt with it all my life. Keep putting something off, prioritizing other things, 'I'll do it tomorrow.' Well, tomorrow turns into weeks and then months. Then you finally realize one day 'shit, it's been 6 months, people are starting to really wonder. I haven't done shit, oh my god, I better do something now.'

You probably have thought about whatever you were supposed to be doing all this time. So you have some ideas, maybe even a couple small pieces started. And you think: 'Okay, don't panic, you can put this together in a weekend of long days, it will be enough to satisfy (boss/client/customer/etc.). If it isn't, it buys me another couple of days to finish it!' So you make some public proclamation: 'Hey, I'm really close, just need to finish up a couple things!' And you get a positive response. People are relieved because they were getting concerned.

Then you go try to do it, and it finally hits you that now you're trying to squeeze 6 months of work into a weekend. The problems start popping up, all the bits of work you're not accounting for when you're just spinning the big ideas in your head, the bug fixing, just so much to do. Now, the full weight of the anxiety and pressure of how much work you have to do hits you. Especially since you just made this 'I'm close just need a bit more time' proclamation. It becomes overwhelming and makes it even harder to work on what you're supposed to. Naturally, that builds and feeds into itself, a classic positive feedback loop.

At this point, several things can happen depending on your mental state and the gravity of the situation. Is it your job, just a promise you made to someone, your Ph.D. thesis, client project, pr0n game? I've run the spectrum of reactions to this climax. From the full 'fuck it, I'm screwed and can't face the music' avoidance and running away, blowing up my life in the process. Or even sometimes managing to pull something convincingly out of my ass. Or similar to this instance with BD, hopefully buying some time and understanding with a tidbit of progress. 'See I am working on something!' Along with a half-truth and a partial admission that 'sure you've been dropping the ball, you know it, and you feel bad' to generate a bit of sympathy. You do feel bad, because you're letting people down and you know it's your fault. Mostly it's to buy yourself a bit more time: you still have to convince whomever that you've been doing something all along. The consequences of what may happen if you don't receive the understanding or extra time you're hoping for are very in your face.

It's not a fun place to be. It will be interesting to see the resolution.

edit: typo and a couple missing words.
Last edited:


Nov 9, 2017
but the one tHong that was good here was one thing that so many seem to have a problem with...the dynamic between Harper and Nat

Well, sort of. Assuming this side story takes place a day or 2 after MC gets to WVM (which takes the Nat date out...but whatever), then Harper's stress makes complete sense and Nat would have been stressing just as much...about her mother.

The overall story of this minigame is a jumbled and confused mess, but the dynamic between Harp and Nat is fairly decent.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Patreon wont do anything as long as it's making a profit.
That's debatable. Especially in this hypothetical situation in which he explicitly says he's no longer working on it. But I'm not going to argue about something that is never going to happen.

Mr. Grant

Jun 6, 2018
Reading about the stress levels Braindrop is dealing with, I have a quick question on this project: Is WVM story-boarded?
I totally get the mental trap surrounding something you've created and want to hold onto, especially if you feel that you can add to it or improve on it; that said, it stifles your ability to create something new, to explore beyond the walls already made. I think you felt that with this most recent project, the freshness of something beyond what you have. If it is story-boarded and the content you've made is finished, I would encourage you to embrace that next step and release what is done and immerse the creativity that fulfills you. If it isn't story-boarded, that may help with the abyss of potential that has yet to be molded that is encountered after each release.

Take it from someone who has been writing for a decade at this point, the longer I hold a project back, the more life I suck out of it with my endless corrections.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
That's debatable. Especially in this hypothetical situation in which he explicitly says he's no longer working on it. But I'm not going to argue about something that is never going to happen.
I've seen patreon pages with months of no post or no new content still active. The owner didn't say he stopped though


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
That's debatable. Especially in this hypothetical situation in which he explicitly says he's no longer working on it. But I'm not going to argue about something that is never going to happen.
Not really, both Dual Family and Milfy City didn't have any work done on them for a long time, years in Dual Families sense, and Patreon did nothing.

Icstor has admitted he is burnt out on Milfy City and no longer working on it yet it still makes money on Patreon.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2019
but the one tHong that was good here was one thing that so many seem to have a problem with...the dynamic between Harper and Nat

Well, sort of. Assuming this side story takes place a day or 2 after MC gets to WVM (which takes the Nat date out...but whatever), then Harper's stress makes complete sense and Nat would have been stressing just as much...about her mother.

The overall story of this minigame is a jumbled and confused mess, but the dynamic between Harp and Nat is fairly decent.
So, I am curious.
Is Ditlo:Harper supposed to happen Before MC arrives at WVM?
what exactly is the timeline?
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