Wen I Say

Mar 17, 2019
However there is a huge difference between holding someone accountable and what most people are doing here.
Which is what? To my knowledge, no one has really up the anti which is good I'm not advocating someone do some ignorantly stupid shit it's been kept rightly so in-house, About what people think of the state of wvm and BD's personnel (but no really)hangups. When BD says something anything really people are skeptical since the majority of us here are thinking "lie to me once shame on you..." Makes sense to me that people are kinda sorta really pissed with delay after delay then DITL harper after 10 months which breaks the storyline. That and BD in his infinite wisdom decides to try to pull a rabbit out his ass two thousand rabbits to be exact would have been a dope trick except for the rabbits were invisible and only he can see them.....Then comes out the 10months old anni's that he has to redo which is a shock to everyone since no one has heard about them...Then now this uno reverse yet again and the nut kick this is my hobby bro chill line. The thing with transparency is it works both ways if you want to keep it real with people you then can't get mad when they then decide to keep it real with you and tell you how you are in their eyes at this moment. A lot of people misinterpret frustration as toxic no one as I said to my knowledge has jumped off the edge of intelligence and has committed a party foul because they would truly be excommunicated there are enough weirdo's here to get you alts alts alt banned so explain what's been so bad here? All BD needs to do is pull his head out of his ass take a breath and crack on.


The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
Braindrop said on Discord that he is gonna release what he has today later tonight, the 29th. If he has no one has said anything. So you might be right on time for the sob story. This time he is having severe period cramps.
Well that was a lie then because it's the 30th now
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juan palote

Engaged Member
Dec 5, 2017
Yes he originally stated the game would be releasing today (today is the 29th right), yet yesterday he posted some poll to give his lovely patreons the option to release a bigger update on the first to the 3rd of July. I think the whole poll was hotwired to win in his favor. Probably with him providing the most votes to tip the scale.

Probably the vote started like they wanted the small update on the 29th and BD said "Oh hell no, vote for b, vote for b, vote for b. The Patreons have spoken"

Again?.... For gods sake, why do the Patreons keep pushing him down the rabbit hole?

He needs to release something to get his anxiety off his shoulders...

The Patreons keep not helpíng at all...


May 26, 2017
Yes he originally stated the game would be releasing today (today is the 29th right), yet yesterday he posted some poll to give his lovely patreons the option to release a bigger update on the first to the 3rd of July.
So his supporters (I stopped suporting him on Patreon last July) think that 4 days more will give him enough time to make a bigger update than what he said he would release today on the 29th.
Wow some people are reeeeeeealy stupid, but I guess he has now a convenient excuse to push it then back to August, since he is such a perfectionist and wants to deliver a bug free experience since the Patreons voted for it, then August comes and something happened again....

Sorry been down that road with a few other Devs, the signs that this has spiraled out of control were there over a year ago, and nothing points into the direction that he is getting his release schedule back on track (can't say what is true from his sob stuff and also not going to speculate on it)


The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
So his supporters (I stopped suporting him on Patreon last July) think that 4 days more will give him enough time to make a bigger update than what he said he would release today on the 29th.
Wow some people are reeeeeeealy stupid, but I guess he has now a convenient excuse to push it then back to August, since he is such a perfectionist and wants to deliver a bug free experience since the Patreons voted for it, then August comes and something happened again....

Sorry been down that road with a few other Devs, the signs that this has spiraled out of control were there over a year ago, and nothing points into the direction that he is getting his release schedule back on track (can't say what is true from his sob stuff and also not going to speculate on it)
Personally I knew he was in trouble the moment he put up the poll asking whether he should switch to putting out updates only when they were done or continue putting out whatever he'd done that week.

Perfectionism is the enemy of productivity, BD should learn from the Irish and adopt an "It'll be grand" philosophy (or, if you prefer, Australia's "She'll be right, mate"). Basically accept that nothing will ever be perfect and, to that end, just put out what he has, when he has it (a lesson I was taught is to deliberately write make one part of whatever it is you're creating bad so that, no matter how much time you spend elsewhere, you can never acchieve perfection)
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Jun 29, 2017
He promised two updates on June, and we still have idiots saying its a 2 day delay....

He said on the 13th that he was very close...
Maybe he took inspiration from Stencilbits, the developer of offcuts that has been saying the update is almost ready for 30 months. Maybe Braindrop is gonna do his own version of "almost ready".


Aug 10, 2017
He promised two updates on June, and we still have idiots saying its a 2 day delay....

He said on the 13th that he was very close...
Back in May he said that it was very close to being done. A larger update of 2000 give or take renders. Now he is close to done with a 700 give or take renders update. That's not going to be done by the time he said he was going to drop it. So he posted a poll to see if people wanted it broke down into 2 small renders. One which would drop the 29th and one that would drop around the first week of July. If things go as they have been. Just before 1200 he will have a post up saying something about not being done and he will release it as the original 700 render one sometime the first week of July. Only to have to delay that one too because some reason or another. Than in 3 or 4 month he will be close to done with the update and give us a day it will drop.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2018
It's June 30 (for most of us), meaning it's sweet Natalie's birthday and turn to shine. Just a day after her mother Harper's birthday. And like with her mother, i look forward to seeing more of her in or out her uniform, especially out in her birthday suit ;).

Happy Birthday Natalie!

Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
It's June 30 (for most of us), meaning it's sweet Natalie's birthday and turn to shine. Just a day after her mother Harper's birthday. And like with her mother, i look forward to seeing more of her in or out her uniform, especially out in her birthday suit ;).

Happy Birthday Natalie!
View attachment 1897864
One thing I've wondered is if Harper is her first name, or if we don't actually know her first name yet and Natalie here is Natalie Harper. 'Harper' may be a common name for kids now, but it wasn't back in the 80s. In fact, do any of these people have surnames? I can't remember hearing any of them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2021
That sounds to me like I am actually saying people have the right to be angry and distrustful of BD. Even if they do or do not pay for the game.
These are very true words that people need to understand. It's just that people who pay are the ones that clearly should be upset at these things.


Nov 25, 2016
It's a bit like going to your favourite restaurant. But as you enter, you notice that the place has changed. The decoration has changed, you no longer recognise any of the staff, strange music is playing - its no longer the same restaurant that you remember. But you sit down anyway, because you have plenty good memories here and you think maybe these changes are okay.

The waiter comes over and takes your order - a cheese burger. The waiter also asks for money up front, which never used to happen at this restaurant but okay. As you look around the room, you realise that almost no one is eating anything. Instead, everyone is sat at their tables staring forward into space with big smiles on their faces. Weird, but you think nothing of it...

30 minutes pass and you're starting to get hungry. You spot the waiter running across the restaurant floor, but he doesn't appear to be carrying anything or delivering any food. He makes eye contact with you and quickly mutters, "Its coming right out, sir! They're plating up your burger now!" He seems incredibly busy so you give him the benefit of the doubt and continue to wait patiently.

Another 30 minutes pass, your stomach is grumbling. You call the waiter over and ask for an update on your food. "I'm very sorry, sir" he says, "the chef has actually redesigned the menu. We no longer serve cheese burgers now." Thats strange, you think to yourself. "But don't worry, sir" the waiter continues, "our new menu contains a really excellent chicken burger which we're certain you're going to like, its just being plated up for you now, sir. It will be ready soon."

Another 30 minutes pass, and you're starting to get a bit annoyed. Your order was changed and it still hasn't arrived, even though the waiter promised twice that your burger was being plated up. If it was being plated up, why haven't they delivered it? Frustratedly you wave the waiter over.

The waiter looks very upset, and you feel sorry for him. "I'm really sorry, sir" he says, "your food is ready, its just the chef can't decide what kind of plate to serve it on. We're doing a quick poll with everyone to find out what their favourite colour plate is. Would you say red or blue, sir?". Confused, you say that you prefer blue plates. "Excellent, sir! Your food will be right out." Okay you agree, okay...

Another 30 minutes pass. You're almost ready to leave, just when you spot the waiter approaching with a red plate in his hands. With a beaming smile on his face, he puts the food in front of you. Very neatly arranged on the plate is a single slice of bread, with no butter. You start to explain that this is not what you ordered, when suddenly the waiter bursts into tears. "I don't understand why you're upset with me, sir!" he says. Every other patron in the restaurant turns to face you, calling you an entitled chud for expecting anything from this man.

You quickly eat up the strange food in front of you. Its ok, tastes just fine but at the end of the day its only bread - there are plenty other restaurants that do better food, with more of a selection too. As you leave the restaurant you make a vow never to return. One final glance into the room as you leave, and you notice that the other customers still have not received their food either, yet they are all still smiling....
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Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
ist mir ehrlich gesagt egal jeden tag das selbe in diesem thread ihr könnt noch soviel labbern ändern tut sich nichts
Ich hoffe ich hab deine Gefühle verletzt... :KEK:

There there little one... no need to cry... :KEK:

But seriously... why are you so mad...
Everybody here knows the game isn't in a good spot.
3.70 star(s) 650 Votes