Oct 22, 2017
Yeeeeh…. What a trainwreck….

Mc suddenly grew a couple of feet, the shift from 1st to 3rd Person, ridiculous black boxes that kill the vibe, drama between the girls…

seriously, what is this kid thinking? But hey, without the 3rd person we probably wouldn’t be able to see all the new furniture he worked so hard on

All those inconsistencies just show me that he hasn‘t done anything in the past 2 years and needed something to keep his cows fed.

This abomination isn‘t even worth the disk space anymore
Why do those boxes at all - we already had shots of MCs face before, and I never heard anyone complain about it ...
But maybe that is the problem? If there is no complaint he can double down on, he creates one?

And it was possible to add even more duck faces? I thought I'll read others' comments first before potentially downloading the update - and it seems I can save the bandwidth.

There is only so much duck face I can stand and it seems critical mass has been accomplished ...
I really hoped he might turn around and get the content back to the level where it was before the issues started ...
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Jul 15, 2021
Wtf is this game? What's with the faces and why does it look so lidl? Characters look like a walking plastic dolls. This even looked dated when it first came out.


Aug 10, 2017
Man the black box on the MC's head is so weird and make me laugh every time I see it.

I just found the solution to the duck face problem.

Since BD invented the black box for heads, he can now double down on the complaints about boxes over heads and just let everyone have one:

View attachment 2465831
Might as well than everyone can just imagine each girl however they want them to look. Might even help BD get updates done faster. Hell while his we are at it maybe he could just leave a blank black dialog box and we can imagine what they are saying and thinking. Less work for BD and than he can just focus on renders for the updates. lol
Last edited:
Oct 22, 2017
Man the black box on the MC's head is so weird and make me laugh every time I see it.

Might as well than everyone can just imagine each girl however they want them to look. Might even help BD get updates done faster. Hell while his we are at it maybe he could just leave a blank black dialog box and we can imagine what they are saying and thinking. Less work for BD and than he can just focus on renders for the updates. lol
Looks good to me:

Won't save any time though - he still needs to do the hair. :sneaky:


New Member
Aug 5, 2020
Seems like the original writers quit and he keeps getting someone new to do it for him so all went to shit. Greed is eternal.


Engaged Member
Sep 8, 2020
There was a time when I supported WVM on Patreon and eagerly awaited each new rev.

It strikes me as a bit sad that I no longer feel like my support is justified - I stopped supporting him mid-way into 2022, but worse - that I'm not even a bit excited for this update.

I played BB in HS and remember some great times with the team. WVM was a chance to relive some of that against the backdrop of an interesting adult story.

The story has, for me, been derailed and the Vast harem actually makes each member of the harem mean less.

If he can deliver on the basketball games, focusing on the drama of those games, and get the focus on the female population to something more meaningful... like a top 10 girls, then this could become something I would view once again as special.

Right now, given the huge female cast that are 'haremed', even adding Coach Harper to the harem would be a letdown - she would just be one of the masses instead of someone truly special to become intimate with.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2020
I don't get all the hate. Don't get me wrong. I am as pissed at dev for all his false promises and lies as the next guy, but when it comes to the product itself? I love it. This update was great. Yes, it was less than he promised and it was long overdue but the update itself, apart from all the background surrounding it, was very good. Apart from that weird rectangle on MC's face. That was weird


Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
Yeah the only thing i didnt enjoy was the blacked out face of the mc ruins the whole thing imo

Just looks weird seeing that instead of a face :ROFLMAO:

But yeah other then that the update had a bit of everything from sex to drama to little scuffle fight scene

The new team mates were great too instantly ready to back the mc up

And playing trough the update it felt longer then i expected

Still lets wait and see if the dev can keep it up and bring the remaining of the update out in 7 days or less time frame
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Boehser Onkel

Forum Fanatic
Feb 20, 2021
There was a time when I supported WVM on Patreon and eagerly awaited each new rev.

It strikes me as a bit sad that I no longer feel like my support is justified - I stopped supporting him mid-way into 2022, but worse - that I'm not even a bit excited for this update.

I played BB in HS and remember some great times with the team. WVM was a chance to relive some of that against the backdrop of an interesting adult story.

The story has, for me, been derailed and the Vast harem actually makes each member of the harem mean less.

If he can deliver on the basketball games, focusing on the drama of those games, and get the focus on the female population to something more meaningful... like a top 10 girls, then this could become something I would view once again as special.

Right now, given the huge female cast that are 'haremed', even adding Coach Harper to the harem would be a letdown - she would just be one of the masses instead of someone truly special to become intimate with.
yeah there are like 60 woman now ....
i mean you can some decline but the still pester the mc all day ...


Mar 17, 2020
If we romance harper (in the year 3000) and if we get a threesome with nat and harper would that be considered incest?? And wouldn't it go against patreon TOS? :unsure:

Now that this info is out we may never get a threesome with them coz pleasing patreon by being an absolutely goodboi is mandatory in your hobby/passion project
That's not the reason why we're never getting a threesome with them :LOL:

BD reminds me of this moment of Patrick Rothfuss. Beloved author, is novels were a hit. He started to get 'artists block' with the last novel in his trilogy. People would ask him about the novel over the years, he kept saying he was on it while playing games, streaming and tweeting. He made people donate to his personal charity promising he would release a chapter from the 3rd novel and people did donate to him.... and in the end he didn't deliver it. This is known as the 'Patrick Rothfuss scam'. Sad thing
Ah shit don't bring that fucking guy up. The dude is a complete asshole and his editor years back came forward saying she hadn't seen a single page of the third book. This all despite the fact that his original books were marketed off the fact that the entire trilogy had supposedly already been completed, it's the sole reason I picked it up and it's a massive contributing factor as to why a completely unknown author became so popular in an age where people were sick of waiting years and years for authors to finish their series.

The dude has an ego bigger than drainflops and will do anything and everything (that requires people to fork over more money) but finish the damn book.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2022
It's kinda funny though. BD is clearly aware of the issues since it's becoming a point of conflict with the coming basketball game. Rival straight up calls out the MC cause all he does is screw 60+ women without actually playing what was once supposed to be the main point of the game (or a central hook of it anyways). Not to mention at one point in an earlier update the MC talks about having to divide his time so much between girls that he's tired all the time.

BD just kept piling on to the "but wait there's more!" and wouldn't stop. This is always the issue with VN that have way way too many LI.
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Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
Holy shit are those black boxes for real?! When I first saw people posting the screenshots I thought it was a fucking joke! I've played an awful lot of games, an awful lot, and I have never seen a dev dumb enough to think that doing that is a good idea before.
I never thought that BD was scamming before, just that he was terrible at managing himself, but that really clinches it for me; nobody who actually cares about their game at all would do something so awful looking, it's the epitome of no effort milking. If I hadn't already stopped supporting last year, I definitely would have after this. Time to write this one off, which is a shame because it used to be a great game.


Mar 17, 2020
What emotion is this face conveying? View attachment 2465915
That's obviously the perverted cousin of downs-syndrome known as ups-syndrome, it manifests itself in duckface and a strange tendency for the face to be pulled upwards as if gravity was concentrated on the subject's forehead. This gravity like presence is the cause of the physical deformities shown in Subject Yellow's above picture.

As for what emotion is shown in Subject Yellow's picture, I do believe that is a mixture of Concentration and a specific Hunger pattern that is a match for Orange Crayola Crayons.

Source: 17 years as an expert in diagnosing Ups-syndrome via pictures sent over the internet.


Apr 18, 2020
Holy shit are those black boxes for real?! When I first saw people posting the screenshots I thought it was a fucking joke! I've played an awful lot of games, an awful lot, and I have never seen a dev dumb enough to think that doing that is a good idea before.
I never thought that BD was scamming before, just that he was terrible at managing himself, but that really clinches it for me; nobody who actually cares about their game at all would do something so awful looking, it's the epitome of no effort milking. If I hadn't already stopped supporting last year, I definitely would have after this. Time to write this one off, which is a shame because it used to be a great game.
The black boxes on everyone's face are them trolling, but the black box across the MCs face is legit.
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