
Jun 12, 2020
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Dev Report #35 (March 24th, 2024)


I made a book-sized report last week, this one isn't short but it's smaller.

As I mentioned in the last report, I will not be sharing any release dates until things are compiled and ready to be uploaded.
My current plan is to finish this scene I've been working on for Episode 14 before making any final decisions for the ending of Episode 13 where I'll then re-evaluate how I feel about it and make any changes I deem necessary before uploading it for all of you to play.

The update will be available to all tiers upon release, no tier timings.
It's shaping up to be 800+ renders and 20+ animations. (400 renders from the end of Episode 13, and 400 renders from the start of Episode 14.)
I do not plan on including all of Episode 14 in the upcoming update but Episode 14 will be the last update of Chapter 1 of Season 2. Meaning Episode 14 will include all of Days 37 and 38.
The plan is for Episode 14 to be around 900-1000 renders long so I'd say it's somewhere between 40%-50% complete.

It has been a very productive week, I was able to make 124 new renders and 3 new animations and another 70 renders for the redo. I added Armani, Aubrey, and Azel to the character sheets channel on discord, I made a lot of progress on finishing the basement and other rooms in the main home (Won't be seen in the upcoming update but they will be needed for the one following it), and I've almost finished writing for all of the scenes in Chapter 2.
(And just a quick heads up that chapter 2 will be quite a bit shorter than chapter 1 was in terms of render length but Chapter 2 will take us from Day 39 to Day 52. As mentioned before, there will be little time skips where the MC focuses on training so these days won't be giga-packed like Day 32 was.)

So, I'm afraid there's still nothing concrete to share right now, I should finish this scene for Episode 14 this week and I hope that gives me the ability to speak with a little more certainty in the next report.
And as far as pausing pledges go, I'm currently unsure if I will be this month or not. I want to, but after pausing 5 of the last 6 months I'm getting to a point where I'm not comfortably able to. Every month that was paused I continued to work, I was mainly pausing because I set goals that I was unable to meet.
In the event that I do unpause, everything that will be released in April will be made available to all former patrons via the discord so there is no pressure to have to keep your pledge active. You won't miss any posts as long as you join the discord by linking your discord to your patreon or subscribestar account.

That's all I have to share for now, I'm going to go get back to work!
Once again thank you all for your patience and understanding. I truly appreciate it. Have a wonderful week and I'll talk to all of you soon!
This seems to be going in the right direction. No more bullshit dates just telling us what he's working on approximately how much to look forward to (assuming he's not lying again) and relatively straight to the point.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
I don't understand why the dev put a black stripe on the MC's face
Because it would be much more challenging to build the renders in such a way that the protagonist's face would be hidden by various elements (hands, arms, other people in general etc) or angles. Exactly the same with DITLO: Harper. And for what he does, he doesn't even have to go into Paint for 5 minutes to solve it. But hey, at least that allows him more time to design unnecessary birthday renders and another 12 dozen ladies who also need birthday renders. Apart from that, let's be honest: the only lady in this VN who still has her senses together is Jamie's mother, at least that was my last stand with her. Of course, she may have been duckfaced in the meantime.


Jul 12, 2023
This seems to be going in the right direction. No more bullshit dates just telling us what he's working on approximately how much to look forward to (assuming he's not lying again) and relatively straight to the point.
I guess it depends of each person's outlook . I just see claims of some "sweaty and solid good work" from a notorious liar , while in that same post , he admits having nothing concrete to share yet .


Sep 10, 2022
Yes, I intentionally overexagerated my storyline example. It is a common debate tactic to take what someone is doing/saying and extend it to an almost ridiculous point to show the flaw in the process. But, since you didn't like that, let's back it down a bit. Sticking with the Paramount example, lets take another look at this by considering Star Trek. Paramount owns Star Trek. The are, however, wise enough to make multiple shows, instead of one that jumps back and forth all over space and time. Currently they have Discovery, Strange New Worlds, and Lower Decks, and while they have all had crossovers (yes, the Lower Decks cartoons were on an episove of SNW) they are not one show.
I currently have plans for 17 AVN's. I will probably have to turn those over to a child one day though, because I am not going to try and put them all in one game. (Actually I hope to build a studio that employees up to 4 teams of 3 and do 4 games at once. but that's beside the point.)

To be continued... have to take my kid to school.
Reductio ad absurdum often leads to fallacious arguments if you're not careful. Whilst there is a thing such as proof/refutation by contradiction in mathematics and propositional logic, you need to be able to logically derive falsehood for it to work. Put simply, if a proposition and its negation can both be derived from a premise, it proves the premise false.

My proposition is that immersive fictional worlds are built from many story lines. Rather than disproving it, your argument actually supports my proposition. You can take any of the Star Trek shows you mentioned, and you'll find a multitude of story lines in each of them. The fictional world of Star Trek is made immersive by having all these story lines, both within and across these various shows.

Let's say in the world of WVM, the creator wanted to make the world more immersive so he decided to create a spin-off. Split the story lines, like you want him to. Would that spin-off be about the same character, in the same time-span as the original? You can't extract just the basketball into one series and the charity in another, and the fights in another. All these events are related to each other, so they wouldn't feel right being separated. Each of those series would skip considerable parts of the story. But if he made a Damian spin-off that shows what happens to Damian after the events in the main series, or a prequel about how the MC got to where he is, that would be a spin-off just like we see in television.

As for "The reason that we are able to discuss, critique, and make comments and suggestions here is because BD never comes to F95."... That's utterly illogical to me. If he has said he will never come here again (probably because he got sick of people doing exactly what you're doing...), then regardless of what word you use, all you're really doing is complaining to feel better about your own frustration. It's ultimately a huge waste of your time, like shouting into the void.

And finally I wanted to say something about your art institute teachers. It exemplifies what I hate about art school. Who is the teacher to say something should be red instead of blue? Or whether something needs to be re-done? My creative development wasn't quite so limiting as the academic process. Art is in the eye of the beholder, which is why ultimately an artist should be selfish. You can't make something that everyone enjoys. An artist makes what THEY enjoy making, and they hope that other people can appreciate what they've made. An artist that cares too much about what other people think paralyzes their own creative process. Art school centers way too much on the consumer, because it's about creating "marketable" art.

My mother went to art school long long ago (she's in her 70s now). It was still a vocational school, but teachers taught techniques and skills, and didn't impose artistic focus to the degree modern schools do. I've seen her create all kinds of art in my lifetime. From wood-working to paintings, to little ceramic figures. Furniture, metal solding, the inside walls of our house, the list goes on and on. She always used to say "You will never finish if you're too perfectionistic. What feels like a flaw now can turn out to be a beautiful detail in the finished work.". I've got a talent for writing, English lit teachers always spoke very highly of me, but I write solely for myself. I just like to create stories and imagine places that don't exist. Even if I were to try to get something published, I would never write something for the sole purpose of being published. I write for me, if other people like it, good for them. If not, nobody's forcing them to read it.

I'm not going to respond to the self-plug you insert into the discussion. It makes it sound like you're more motivated by jealousy of his success than anything else. I've thus far held myself back from downloading your games and grading the writing to see if you live in a glass house. But I won't, because as I've made clear, that's not what artistic expression is about. I'm not here to judge your creativity. As long as you like what you've made, that's enough for me not to disparage it. Because it's an expression of you, and to disparage it would be to disparage you. I wonder what kind of games you would create if you let your imagination run free.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
Ok, well, it's clear that you are just going to argue with anything that I say, so there's no real point in continuing to discuss anything with you. The only final comment that I will make is to refer to your mother's quote...

"You will never finish if you're too perfectionistic. What feels like a flaw now can turn out to be a beautiful detail in the finished work."

This right here is another huge part of BD's problem. On numerous ocasions he has said that the delays were due to it not being perfect for him. He also has said that he can't hire anyone to help him because he is too much of a perfectionist to let any of it out be out of his control.

I am not sugesting that he make the game perfect. I am actually sugesting that he reduce distractions so that there are less details for him to fixate his perfectionism on so that he can progress easier. You say you are willing to just let him do whatever he wants because you don't want to stifle his creativity. Unfortunantly his unbridaled creativity clashes with his perfectionism and causes him to hit a point where one stifles the other, and he is at risk of letting his need for perfection to keep him from finishing.

Anyway, good luck to you. It's obvious to everyone that you are going to pitch your tent in BD's camp and defend him regardless of anything else that anyone says. Even people who are trying to be constructive. Anyway. Hope that works out for you.


Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2021
Ok, well, it's clear that you are just going to argue with anything that I say, so there's no real point in continuing to discuss anything with you. The only final comment that I will make is to refer to your mother's quote...

"You will never finish if you're too perfectionistic. What feels like a flaw now can turn out to be a beautiful detail in the finished work."

This right here is another huge part of BD's problem. On numerous ocasions he has said that the delays were due to it not being perfect for him. He also has said that he can't hire anyone to help him because he is too much of a perfectionist to let any of it out be out of his control.

I am not sugesting that he make the game perfect. I am actually sugesting that he reduce distractions so that there are less details for him to fixate his perfectionism on so that he can progress easier. You say you are willing to just let him do whatever he wants because you don't want to stifle his creativity. Unfortunantly his unbridaled creativity clashes with his perfectionism and causes him to hit a point where one stifles the other, and he is at risk of letting his need for perfection to keep him from finishing.

Anyway, good luck to you. It's obvious to everyone that you are going to pitch your tent in BD's camp and defend him regardless of anything else that anyone says. Even people who are trying to be constructive. Anyway. Hope that works out for you.
I mean, and I'm fully aware that I'm in no position to take shots at someone's name, but look at his name. Only thing goop does is sell jade vagina eggs, dude's just a walking kegel exercise.


Jul 12, 2023
It's obvious to everyone that you are going to pitch your tent in BD's camp and defend him regardless of anything else that anyone says. Even people who are trying to be constructive. Anyway. Hope that works out for you.
Yeah i admire your patience and still discussing things with him . but it was fairly obvious to everyone through his posts , and with his takes on storylines , especially the basket part . Did not feel worth it to discuss each of his points , as they don't feel genuine at all .

And I especially like how , despite his own protests , he ends up resulting to ad nominem jabs , however well disguised , and basically accusing you of "envy and jealousy" . You can dress poop with flowers , it's still poop
Last edited:
Feb 29, 2020
Reductio ad absurdum often leads to fallacious arguments if you're not careful. Whilst there is a thing such as proof/refutation by contradiction in mathematics and propositional logic, you need to be able to logically derive falsehood for it to work. Put simply, if a proposition and its negation can both be derived from a premise, it proves the premise false.

My proposition is that immersive fictional worlds are built from many story lines. Rather than disproving it, your argument actually supports my proposition. You can take any of the Star Trek shows you mentioned, and you'll find a multitude of story lines in each of them. The fictional world of Star Trek is made immersive by having all these story lines, both within and across these various shows.

Let's say in the world of WVM, the creator wanted to make the world more immersive so he decided to create a spin-off. Split the story lines, like you want him to. Would that spin-off be about the same character, in the same time-span as the original? You can't extract just the basketball into one series and the charity in another, and the fights in another. All these events are related to each other, so they wouldn't feel right being separated. Each of those series would skip considerable parts of the story. But if he made a Damian spin-off that shows what happens to Damian after the events in the main series, or a prequel about how the MC got to where he is, that would be a spin-off just like we see in television.

As for "The reason that we are able to discuss, critique, and make comments and suggestions here is because BD never comes to F95."... That's utterly illogical to me. If he has said he will never come here again (probably because he got sick of people doing exactly what you're doing...), then regardless of what word you use, all you're really doing is complaining to feel better about your own frustration. It's ultimately a huge waste of your time, like shouting into the void.

And finally I wanted to say something about your art institute teachers. It exemplifies what I hate about art school. Who is the teacher to say something should be red instead of blue? Or whether something needs to be re-done? My creative development wasn't quite so limiting as the academic process. Art is in the eye of the beholder, which is why ultimately an artist should be selfish. You can't make something that everyone enjoys. An artist makes what THEY enjoy making, and they hope that other people can appreciate what they've made. An artist that cares too much about what other people think paralyzes their own creative process. Art school centers way too much on the consumer, because it's about creating "marketable" art.

My mother went to art school long long ago (she's in her 70s now). It was still a vocational school, but teachers taught techniques and skills, and didn't impose artistic focus to the degree modern schools do. I've seen her create all kinds of art in my lifetime. From wood-working to paintings, to little ceramic figures. Furniture, metal solding, the inside walls of our house, the list goes on and on. She always used to say "You will never finish if you're too perfectionistic. What feels like a flaw now can turn out to be a beautiful detail in the finished work.". I've got a talent for writing, English lit teachers always spoke very highly of me, but I write solely for myself. I just like to create stories and imagine places that don't exist. Even if I were to try to get something published, I would never write something for the sole purpose of being published. I write for me, if other people like it, good for them. If not, nobody's forcing them to read it.

I'm not going to respond to the self-plug you insert into the discussion. It makes it sound like you're more motivated by jealousy of his success than anything else. I've thus far held myself back from downloading your games and grading the writing to see if you live in a glass house. But I won't, because as I've made clear, that's not what artistic expression is about. I'm not here to judge your creativity. As long as you like what you've made, that's enough for me not to disparage it. Because it's an expression of you, and to disparage it would be to disparage you. I wonder what kind of games you would create if you let your imagination run free.
Are you using a fake profile again, Braindrop? :KEK:


Engaged Member
Dec 17, 2021
Reductio ad absurdum often leads to fallacious arguments if you're not careful. Whilst there is a thing such as proof/refutation by contradiction in mathematics and propositional logic, you need to be able to logically derive falsehood for it to work. Put simply, if a proposition and its negation can both be derived from a premise, it proves the premise false.

My proposition is that immersive fictional worlds are built from many story lines. Rather than disproving it, your argument actually supports my proposition. You can take any of the Star Trek shows you mentioned, and you'll find a multitude of story lines in each of them. The fictional world of Star Trek is made immersive by having all these story lines, both within and across these various shows.

Let's say in the world of WVM, the creator wanted to make the world more immersive so he decided to create a spin-off. Split the story lines, like you want him to. Would that spin-off be about the same character, in the same time-span as the original? You can't extract just the basketball into one series and the charity in another, and the fights in another. All these events are related to each other, so they wouldn't feel right being separated. Each of those series would skip considerable parts of the story. But if he made a Damian spin-off that shows what happens to Damian after the events in the main series, or a prequel about how the MC got to where he is, that would be a spin-off just like we see in television.

As for "The reason that we are able to discuss, critique, and make comments and suggestions here is because BD never comes to F95."... That's utterly illogical to me. If he has said he will never come here again (probably because he got sick of people doing exactly what you're doing...), then regardless of what word you use, all you're really doing is complaining to feel better about your own frustration. It's ultimately a huge waste of your time, like shouting into the void.

And finally I wanted to say something about your art institute teachers. It exemplifies what I hate about art school. Who is the teacher to say something should be red instead of blue? Or whether something needs to be re-done? My creative development wasn't quite so limiting as the academic process. Art is in the eye of the beholder, which is why ultimately an artist should be selfish. You can't make something that everyone enjoys. An artist makes what THEY enjoy making, and they hope that other people can appreciate what they've made. An artist that cares too much about what other people think paralyzes their own creative process. Art school centers way too much on the consumer, because it's about creating "marketable" art.

My mother went to art school long long ago (she's in her 70s now). It was still a vocational school, but teachers taught techniques and skills, and didn't impose artistic focus to the degree modern schools do. I've seen her create all kinds of art in my lifetime. From wood-working to paintings, to little ceramic figures. Furniture, metal solding, the inside walls of our house, the list goes on and on. She always used to say "You will never finish if you're too perfectionistic. What feels like a flaw now can turn out to be a beautiful detail in the finished work.". I've got a talent for writing, English lit teachers always spoke very highly of me, but I write solely for myself. I just like to create stories and imagine places that don't exist. Even if I were to try to get something published, I would never write something for the sole purpose of being published. I write for me, if other people like it, good for them. If not, nobody's forcing them to read it.

I'm not going to respond to the self-plug you insert into the discussion. It makes it sound like you're more motivated by jealousy of his success than anything else. I've thus far held myself back from downloading your games and grading the writing to see if you live in a glass house. But I won't, because as I've made clear, that's not what artistic expression is about. I'm not here to judge your creativity. As long as you like what you've made, that's enough for me not to disparage it. Because it's an expression of you, and to disparage it would be to disparage you. I wonder what kind of games you would create if you let your imagination run free.
Proof positive! If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit.


Active Member
Apr 30, 2023
Because it would be much more challenging to build the renders in such a way that the protagonist's face would be hidden by various elements (hands, arms, other people in general etc) or angles. Exactly the same with DITLO: Harper. And for what he does, he doesn't even have to go into Paint for 5 minutes to solve it. But hey, at least that allows him more time to design unnecessary birthday renders and another 12 dozen ladies who also need birthday renders. Apart from that, let's be honest: the only lady in this VN who still has her senses together is Jamie's mother, at least that was my last stand with her. Of course, she may have been duckfaced in the meantime.
No offence but where exactly did you see that Jamie's mother has her senses ??? from the fact that she stays in an unhealthy relationship with a man that does not love either her or their daughters... If she had her senses she would have pack her things and move away


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
Don't worry, no offense taken. I was actually a bit unclear/vague about what I was getting at: What I actually meant to say was that she is the lady with the most common sense in this VN. With the identical outfits and the fact that all the girls revolve around the protagonist as if brainwashed, it actually has something of a cult feel to it, which I think she referred to. The fact that his sister almost jumped at her throat didn't help either, as this is reminiscent of the behavior of certain cults that pretend to be religions, which like to try to silence critics and leavers, be it through lawsuits or more direct means. But yes, she herself is not the healthiest person mentally.


Active Member
Apr 30, 2023
Don't worry, no offense taken. I was actually a bit unclear/vague about what I was getting at: What I actually meant to say was that she is the lady with the most common sense in this VN. With the identical outfits and the fact that all the girls revolve around the protagonist as if brainwashed, it actually has something of a cult feel to it, which I think she referred to. The fact that his sister almost jumped at her throat didn't help either, as this is reminiscent of the behavior of certain cults that pretend to be religions, which like to try to silence critics and leavers, be it through lawsuits or more direct means. But yes, she herself is not the healthiest person mentally.
In all movies/series i have seen with romance in college most of the girls are in love with the same guy...Jamie's mom goes to his house out of nowhere (no body invited her there,she does not even had the address,we assumed that she followed Damien)and starts insulting the MC because he came from a problematic familly, she could be a bit more reasonable...Sure the way that all the females that the MC has met so far ar acting out of the order is true....But still you do not go to a person's house and start judging his struggles in life..As for Cedey i believe that the way she reacted was because of psychological trauma she has to deal with due to everything that happened to her...
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