
Jun 12, 2020
I've heard positive things, but never played your game, so I can't comment on you as a dev in relation to BD.

But I will say you are ignoring the actual problem just to mock everyone here for being entitled whiny pirates. What about his actual paying supporters, who continue to bankroll a dev that habitually misses deadlines and has nothing to give but excuses? They have a right to be pissed. They didn't get the update they've been paying for. We've seen that some of them don't care if he takes forever, but that is not the point. I've been a Patron for devs I like, and if I were supporting BD right now, I'd be genuinely pissed and not just "shitposting pissed."

And if BD is such a young guy who is constantly plagued with mental issues, that is relentlessly shit on by a group of people he's ignored for years, well maybe he should get some professional help. Nothing will change for him if he does nothing. Or perhaps he should find a different job, one with actual structure and less stress. It might mean less money than he's used to, but he would still be able to support his family.

BD is not a newbie only a few months into this scene. He is not struggling to make ends meet with only a few hundred patrons. His game is not a busted up piece of shit that has trouble finding an audience. The man is in a very enviable position, and miraculously still makes a bundle while showing nothing for it. Supporter or pirate, I'd be pissed.

So no, you are not on the right track.
I have never given him a dime. I just detest scammers. Whether it be the Indian tech support kind that steals from pensioners or the milking people for every cent they got while giving them little to nothing in return like the people that made the Ouya a few years ago. I've been scammed before and they took damn near everything I had. I hate to see it happen to people because I've been there before. I'm here because I like the game but I'm also here because I want BD to be exposed for what he really is and that is a no good rotten scammer.


Jul 24, 2022
Silence this morning since his plan to release a chunk today? C'mon discord moles, let's see them leaks :ROFLMAO:

The D0n

Feb 7, 2020
Or he will post a Birthday spam under a Mackenzie alt and assemble a legion of new accounts to leave Positive reviews....
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Active Member
Apr 30, 2023
Or he will post a Birthday spam under a Mackenzie alt and assemble a legion of new accounts to leave Positive reviews....
Developers that care about the game that they spend time and even money to create , do not need to do that, they work hard to keep the dates and some even update their AVN every 15 days....
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