
Lesser-Known Mesmer
Apr 2, 2019
im gonna be honest here im not an expert at rating games and all that but i would like to tell u guys my experience of this game and what i think is good about it and what is not because a lot of people are really harsh about this game and its kinda not fair so lets start first thing i wanna point out is that you can try to stay faithful to your girlfriend but some of the girls are going to be forced on you so be prepared for that i mean second thing is that everyones problems have something you can help with like when someone needs help you are always there and know a way to help and magiclly every girl in this game falls in love you and in few minutes they are living the time of their lives and cant imagine what they will ever do if u werent there i wanna also talk about the third reason why you should and shouldnt play the game at the same time it kinda works both ways from where i see it the fact that the jumpshots and basketball moves are really getting annoying it looks bad in the first place i mean basketball was the only reason why i ended up on this game also i get that there are lot of amazing shooters out there but i just cant imagine someone shooting on their will straight off when you face off against kenji you miss 2 shots willingly just so he can get cocky and then you demolish him i dont see any point in that it also the ankle breaking things dont always work like that i dont understand how just few corssovers can make them magiccly lose all balance since u kept switching the sides your were going then there is how awful the moves look so if anyone is coming to the game for basketball as please dont it will leave you dissapointed and your team isnt even decent from what i have seen yeah damien could be a good player but we havent even had any confimation on it but maybe the basketball part will we fixed later on as game goes it has a lot of potential i also dont understand why we are so tall like no one comes close to us in height which is kinda funny cause we are supposed to be on sg position the game has lot of potential but the characters seem bit forced and the conversations are bit overkill but most of all the main character can do anything he wishes from what we have seen like move from house to house and get diffrent cars which are all gifted of course and he is also supposed to be payed quite a lot from the "job" he is doing i havent even seen the glimps of that money yet i think you guys should play the game and drop your honest opinions on it it can probably help the dev on what direction the game should go and what could be done better btw sorry for the mistakes english aint my first langauge and im still learning
WVM - "Come for the basketball, Stay for the ladies!"

First, let me welcome you to this humble corner of the world wide web. Second, let me implore you to make "punctuation" one of the next lessons you take on. Your post isn't exactly easy to follow. But let's not dwell on that for now, you did after all raise some concerns regarding the realism of the game I feel are best answered by the Developer themselves:
Oh my bad guys.

I didn't realize a story about a star basketball player going to a lesser college where he's had 4 homes and multiple vehicles while having a girlfriend that is okay sharing him while having a side job to impregnate rich chicks when he's not busy impregnating college chicks couldn't handle a story about hiding a princess. I'm so terribly sorry I've broken your sense of realism because that's totally what I was going for. :KEK:

I've said it many times but when I have ideas for WVM I do not hold them to "can this happen to the majority of people"? It's a balls to the wall crazy lighthearted vn where crazy shit happens and it's grounded in a "realistic setting".

If realism is what you're going for then please go visit and support the devs that make those games. This was and will never be one.

Disclaimer: expect more crazy shit
So, enjoy the ride, I guess. Have fun!
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Engaged Member
Oct 30, 2019
I hope Braindrop will recover fully ; it's no big deal if the game is delayed and I hope he can ignore all those hate-filled messages he's been receiving.
Most important thing, he should take care of his mental and physical health. He's a great dev and he delivers every time. Plus, from what I've seen with other devs talking about him, he's a great person too.
Almost every delay is caused by him trying to do better or more for the game and his pledges ; and also to us, that's dedication and hard work. It shouldn't the subject to all of those reproaches he's been collecting.
So I wish him the best and a complete recovery ; also a great many thanks for the game.


Mar 31, 2019
im gonna be honest here im not an expert at rating games and all that but i would like to tell u guys my experience of this game and what i think is good about it and what is not because a lot of people are really harsh about this game and its kinda not fair so lets start first thing i wanna point out is that you can try to stay faithful to your girlfriend but some of the girls are going to be forced on you so be prepared for that i mean second thing is that everyones problems have something you can help with like when someone needs help you are always there and know a way to help and magiclly every girl in this game falls in love you and in few minutes they are living the time of their lives and cant imagine what they will ever do if u werent there i wanna also talk about the third reason why you should and shouldnt play the game at the same time it kinda works both ways from where i see it the fact that the jumpshots and basketball moves are really getting annoying it looks bad in the first place i mean basketball was the only reason why i ended up on this game also i get that there are lot of amazing shooters out there but i just cant imagine someone shooting on their will straight off when you face off against kenji you miss 2 shots willingly just so he can get cocky and then you demolish him i dont see any point in that it also the ankle breaking things dont always work like that i dont understand how just few corssovers can make them magiccly lose all balance since u kept switching the sides your were going then there is how awful the moves look so if anyone is coming to the game for basketball as please dont it will leave you dissapointed and your team isnt even decent from what i have seen yeah damien could be a good player but we havent even had any confimation on it but maybe the basketball part will we fixed later on as game goes it has a lot of potential i also dont understand why we are so tall like no one comes close to us in height which is kinda funny cause we are supposed to be on sg position the game has lot of potential but the characters seem bit forced and the conversations are bit overkill but most of all the main character can do anything he wishes from what we have seen like move from house to house and get diffrent cars which are all gifted of course and he is also supposed to be payed quite a lot from the "job" he is doing i havent even seen the glimps of that money yet i think you guys should play the game and drop your honest opinions on it it can probably help the dev on what direction the game should go and what could be done better btw sorry for the mistakes english aint my first langauge and im still learning
I get that English is not your first language, but I guess that even in your language there are some rules about punctuation, so why not use them?
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Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
I feel a lot of people are struggling with issues right now, and with the way Covid has impacted the world it makes it worse. It is really hard to get over some things with out close contact with actual people in person. Video Chat and phone calls are nice, but being able to see someone in person, give them a hug, hold them in your arms, as well as many other things ;) can really put a toll on anyone. I hope Braindrop gets better, and no matter how much I want the next update I would rather see him put his mental health first. Here's to hoping for the best to my favorite Developer, you inspired me to think about games differently and really get out here to talk about them. Thank you for all your hard work and the difficult comments you felt you had to make. Get better, take the time you need. Sorry we can't keep the trolls away or keep our own mouths shut sometimes.


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
im gonna be honest here im not an expert at rating games and all that but i would like to tell u guys my experience of this game and what i think is good about it and what is not because a lot of people are really harsh about this game and its kinda not fair so lets start first thing i wanna point out is that you can try to stay faithful to your girlfriend but some of the girls are going to be forced on you so be prepared for that i mean second thing is that everyones problems have something you can help with like when someone needs help you are always there and know a way to help and magiclly every girl in this game falls in love you and in few minutes they are living the time of their lives and cant imagine what they will ever do if u werent there i wanna also talk about the third reason why you should and shouldnt play the game at the same time it kinda works both ways from where i see it the fact that the jumpshots and basketball moves are really getting annoying it looks bad in the first place i mean basketball was the only reason why i ended up on this game also i get that there are lot of amazing shooters out there but i just cant imagine someone shooting on their will straight off when you face off against kenji you miss 2 shots willingly just so he can get cocky and then you demolish him i dont see any point in that it also the ankle breaking things dont always work like that i dont understand how just few corssovers can make them magiccly lose all balance since u kept switching the sides your were going then there is how awful the moves look so if anyone is coming to the game for basketball as please dont it will leave you dissapointed and your team isnt even decent from what i have seen yeah damien could be a good player but we havent even had any confimation on it but maybe the basketball part will we fixed later on as game goes it has a lot of potential i also dont understand why we are so tall like no one comes close to us in height which is kinda funny cause we are supposed to be on sg position the game has lot of potential but the characters seem bit forced and the conversations are bit overkill but most of all the main character can do anything he wishes from what we have seen like move from house to house and get diffrent cars which are all gifted of course and he is also supposed to be payed quite a lot from the "job" he is doing i havent even seen the glimps of that money yet i think you guys should play the game and drop your honest opinions on it it can probably help the dev on what direction the game should go and what could be done better btw sorry for the mistakes english aint my first langauge and im still learning
this post should be in rating thread :)
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Mar 19, 2020
Link to Braindrop 's free post in Patreon

That's the best he can do right now, considering all he says there.

Edit: I've updated the Spanish translation post to the 0.7.6 version. / He actualizado el post con la traducción al español a la versión 0.7.6
Muchas gracias
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Mar 31, 2019
I've been experiencing the same here in Italy, where during the first phase you were absolutely forbidden to move from your home, unless for urgent and undelayable reasons. In fact you were only allowed to go buy food or medicines and little else. You were not even allowed to travel between counties, and you could'nt visit your dear ones (my mother is 90 this Saturday).
Now the lockdown has lifted but not completely, and the psychological effects on the weakest parts of the population (children and elderly persons) are devastating.
All this preamble to say that yes, Braindrop I do understand how you feel and hope that you can recover soon.
The most important thing now is that you take time with your family and loved ones and make it up to them.
Although your game is absolutely the best and most addicting on this site, I think most of us can survive without your punctual weekly updates (unless someone's life is so empty and miserable that they can't live even one day without it).


Aug 20, 2017
What's best for Braindrop is what's best for the game. Take some some time, sort things out. Take time to relax and try to forget all your worries. Key word is try, it's never easy to forget ones troubles. What I've been doing during these crazy times is revisiting old music and movies from when I was a kid. Just last night I watched Stand By Me.

Get back to it when you're ready, no sooner. I would hate to see anything bad happen to Braindrop (most important obviously) causing this little gem I've only recently discovered to fall into the abyss.


Jan 17, 2020
He needs to take a break and i know i have mentioned it and others too but i think he should go to a bi-weekly release format specially now if he is going from DAY to a WEEKLY release for in game time. He needs to try and tune out the haters cause you can pick apart any game even great one's like this one. He is a model Dev compared to some and he is very open with his supporters unlike some too and i really like that about Brain.

I will continue to support Brain and i hope he will come back recharged and ready to kick ass again. Thanks again for your hard work and get healthy both Mind and Body before you return.


Sep 28, 2017
Why is this even a discussion? Who cares about a damn game (a very good one admittedly) if it affects his health negatively?
How many people have you seen demanding that hairdressers should re-open because they need to get their hair cut? ...how many people have you seen who ARE hairdressers, demanding that they should be allowed to go back to work?

The large majority people either do not care, or to be fairer to them just don't understand, how selfish they might be when they ask for stuff.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Braindrop , I completely empathize with what you are feeling, with the pressure and the guilt. However, your opinion of your own performance is not what the vast majority of us see. We love you, Braindrop and think that you are doing an amazing job, more than amazing really. We have watched you start from a completely unknown developer with a demo 9 months ago, which was great all on its own, into a great successful project we all love.

Let me make a few points to try to help you put things into perspective.

1) Patreon is not an agreement between the developer and his pledges to release a certain amount of content at a certain interval. It is not. I am sure you know this, but look at the Patreon terms of service. Patron sponsorships are to support a developer in his project, that is it. Any promises that you make as to release dates, amount of content, etc, are completely unnecessary. I understand why you are doing it, to give yourself a goal and a target, and let the fans know what is coming, but you have to stop giving specific deadlines, just give occasional progress reports, whatever you feel like doing, and your real Patrons will stick with you. You might lose a couple of entitled people, but like you said, you are not doing this for the money, so let them go, you'll keep getting new ones that appreciate your game.

2) Regarding the angry DMs. F* them. Not a one has ever developed a game or has the slightest idea the work involved and what a toll it can take on a developer. This entitled attitude some people have has got to stop. For those that are actually putting up money, they are free to stop subscribing if they don't like your quantity of output or your project. Good luck to them in finding another game of such consistently high quality, with such love put into it.

2) I love WVM, but I truly think that your work model is unsustainable long-term. I know you are dealing with a lot in your personal life, and I am very sorry about what you are going through. This Coronavirus thing is terrible, even for those who are not sick, so I think everyone is dealing with a lot these last few months. You, with your recent loss in your family, and grandpa being sick are dealing with much more than most. However, even before all this, I saw that the amount of content you release and your aggressive schedule is way more than any other dev, especially any other single dev. Even if everything is going great, it is not reasonable to work 80 hour weeks, week after week, on game development. You are bound to get burned out. Look at the best rated and most-loved games on F95 and on Patreon: Bad Memories, Light of my Life, Unleashed, Where the Heart Is, Haley's Story, Become a Rock Star, City of Broken Dreamers and even the big team efforts like Being a Dik and Dating my Daughter. All these devs are doing an amazing job. None of them have even 1/5 of your output. Only Haley's Story releases on a near monthly schedule, and each update is shorter than your weekly updates, and Haley's story has several people on the team working on it. All the others I mentioned release every 2-4 months or more. If you look at their threads or Patreon feeds, you see hardly any comments about "Why is the dev so slow", or "Why is it taking so long", etc. And if anyone tries it, legions of fans, including me, come back with a polite or less polite comments about how hard it is to make a game of high quality, and that devs have lives too.

You really have to reevaluate your schedule with respect to WVM. I would much rather wait a few months for updates, than have it cancelled or decline in quality because the dev can't take it any more. Plus, we all care about you a lot and we want you to be as happy developing WVM as we are to play it, happier even, since you get the great sense of accomplishment and praise from all your fans.

So here are my suggestions, and I hope you at least think about them seriously, because I care about you a lot and want the best for you and your game:

1) Make a schedule for yourself for game development, which is reasonable and flexible based on your personal life and personal responsibilities. Only you know what will work, but try for something like 4 hours a day 4 days a week. Or if you feel you can't make it that short, try 6 hours a day 4 days a week. Just stick with it for a month or so and see how you feel. And if you want to take 3 or 4 or more days off, just do it. You don't have to announce it to anyone. We are not your boss :). Just take the time you need. Try to post at least some status once a week, even if it is a few sentences, and we will all be happy just to see what is going on.

2) Stop giving specific dates and deadlines. Don't do it. Just give updates like, "Well, week x is going well, I've made good progress on the scene with Bailey and look forward to starting the new scene with a surprise girl. You guys will really like it. More info next week." If you want to post a few spicy renders to keep us all undated feel free.

Please take the time during this break to think about what I have said. I think that you and WVM will be much healthier long term if you slow way down and stop giving specific deadlines, and stop being so hard on yourself. Can you point to any single dev, any one, that has even half as much output as you do and has such a well loved game? I've played hundreds, and I can't think of any. You can be a wonderful top level developer with lots of fans without being the absolute fastest.

And seriously, if there is anything I can personally do to help you out, send me a message. You devs have given me a lot, and I'd love to give back what I can. If a dev is going through a hard time, I want to help.
Last edited:


Lesser-Known Mesmer
Apr 2, 2019
Braindrop , I completely empathize with what you are feeling, with the pressure and the guilt. However, your opinion of your own performance is not what the vast majority of us see. We love you, Braindrop and think that you are doing an amazing job, more than amazing really. We have watched you start from a completely unknown developer with a demo 9 months ago, which was great all on its own, into a great successful project we all love.

Let me make a few points to try to help you put things into perspective.

1) Patreon is not an agreement between the developer and his pledges to release a certain amount of content at a certain interval. It is not. I am sure you know this, but look at the Patreon terms of service. Patron sponsorships are to support a developer in his project, that is it. Any promises that you make as to release dates, amount of content, etc, are completely unnecessary. I understand why you are doing it, to give yourself a goal and a target, and let the fans know what is coming, but you have to stop giving specific deadlines, just give occasional progress reports, whatever you feel like doing, and your real Patrons will stick with you. You might lose a couple of entitled people, but like you said, you are not doing this for the money, so let them go, you'll keep getting new ones that appreciate your game.

2) Regarding the angry DMs. F* them. Not a one has ever developed a game or has the slightest idea the work involved and what a toll it can take on a developer. This entitled attitude some people have has got to stop. For those that are actually putting up money, they are free to stop subscribing if they don't like your quantity of output or your project. Good luck to them in finding another game of such consistently high quality, with such love put into it.

2) I love WVM, but I truly think that your work model is unsustainable long-term. I know you are dealing with a lot in your personal life, and I am very sorry about what you are going through. This Coronavirus thing is terrible, even for those who are not sick, so I think everyone is dealing with a lot these last few months. You, with your recent loss in your family, and grandpa being sick are dealing with much more than most. However, even before all this, I saw that the amount of content you release and your aggressive schedule is way more than any other dev, especially any other single dev. Even if everything is going great, it is not reasonable to work 80 hour weeks, week after week, on game development. You are bound to get burned out. Look at the best rated and most-loved games on F95 and on Patreon: Bad Memories, Light of my Life, Unleashed, Where the Heart Is, Haley's Story, Become a Rock Star, City of Broken Dreamers and even the big team efforts like Being a Dik and Dating my Daughter. All these devs are doing an amazing job. None of them have even 1/5 of your output. Only Haley's Story releases on a near monthly schedule, and each update is shorter than your weekly updates, and Haley's story has several people on the team working on it. All the others I mentioned release every 2-4 months or more. If you look at their threads or Patreon feeds, you see hardly any comments about "Why is the dev so slow", or "Why is it taking so long", etc. And if anyone tries it, legions of fans, including me, come back with a polite or less polite comments about how hard it is to make a game of high quality, and that devs have lives too.

You really have to reevaluate your schedule with respect to WVM. I would much rather wait a few months for updates, than have it cancelled or decline in quality because the dev can't take it any more. Plus, we all care about you a lot and we want you to be as happy developing WVM as we are to play it, happier even, since you get the great sense of accomplishment and praise from all your fans.

So here are my suggestions, and I hope you at least think about them seriously, because I care about you a lot and want the best for you and your game:

1) Make a schedule for yourself for game development, which is reasonable and flexible based on your personal life and personal responsibilities. Only you know what will work, but try for something like 4 hours a day 4 days a week. Or if you feel you can't make it that short, try 6 hours a day 4 days a week. Just stick with it for a month or so and see how you feel. And if you want to take 3 or 4 or more days off, just do it. You don't have to announce it to anyone. We are not your boss :). Just take the time you need. Try to post at least some status once a week, even if it is a few sentences, and we will all be happy just to see what is going on.

2) Stop giving specific dates and deadlines. Never again. Just give updates like, "Well, week x is going well, I've made good progress on the scene with Baily and look forward to starting the new scene with a surprise girl. You guys will really like it. More info next week." If you want to post a few spicy renders to keep us all undated feel free.

Please take the time during this break to think about what I have said. I think that you and WVM will be much healthier long term if you slow way down and stop giving specific deadlines, and stop being so hard on yourself. Can you point to any single dev, any one, that has even half as much output as you do and has such a well loved games? I've played hundreds, and I can't think of any. You can be a wonderful top level developer with lots of fans without being the absolute fastest.

And seriously, if there is anything I can personally do to help you out, send me a message. You devs have given me a lot, and I'd love to give back what I can. If a dev is going through a hard time, I want to help.
There is no single emote and/or reaction available to show how strongly I am in agreement with everything you said. Thank you for voicing this!


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
Hey. Just wanted to say that you should take your time.
As someone who lost their younger brother, losing family is never easy. Even now, 10 years after the fact, there are days where I simply can't function. Never let anyone tell you when to stop mourning or to not be sad.
To add to that thought, I am glad that BD is stepping away.

Truth is that, for me, I never stop mourning. A scent, an item, a day, a word can send me inward to a well cherished or supposedly forgotten memory. Over time the pain became more bearable, I toughened, but I never stop thinking about them, I just am better armored when they come into my thoughts.

I hope Braindrop has the support around him to get through the grief and he gives himself the time to grieve.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2018
I am going to say this.....

I for one don't care how long it takes. Braindrop the dev is more important than the game. Yes WVM has and is one of the best out there, but that wouldnt be the case without him.
We are here because we enjoy what he puts out, and for a very rare occassion, NONE of us are the least bit upset that this has been late, or that he is taking time off! We are fans, and last I checked a true fan isnt someone who jumps on the bandwagon then jumps ship at the first sign of trouble. Braindrop brought us here and I for one will be here when he gets back.

Just my two cents


Engaged Member
Mar 2, 2018
saw this post and wanted to contend parts of it
i wanna point out is that you can try to stay faithful to your girlfriend but some of the girls are going to be forced on you so be prepared for that
No girl is force on you except jamie and shuna and definitely not before you get the Ok from Jamie to sleep around
the game for basketball as please dont it will leave you dissapointed and your team isnt even decent from what i have seen
Yes the team isnt supposed to be decent yet that is the point you are helping build them from the ground up
supposed to be payed quite a lot from the "job" he is doing i havent even seen the glimps of that money yet
you havent impregnated anyone yet so you havent been paid that is the reason you havent seen any money the MC hasnt gotten any yet
3.70 star(s) 650 Votes