
New Member
Oct 27, 2017

Okay, I have a lot to talk about... where I've been, what I've been doing, potential changes, etc.

I want to explain some things further from the previous post. I want to go over my story and explain where my head is at right now... I think being open and honest about it will help me out.
So it's no secret that I never imagined WVM to be even slightly as popular and successful as it has been. And of course I'm super happy and grateful for where I am but I want to talk about the journey and some of the things that come with it that I wasn't prepared for.

It all started out as me doing it solely for fun. It wasn't for anyone but me and I never imagined making a more than solid living from it. Then day 1 releases and I got a few patrons but everything remained chill, they were all super supportive and there weren't many negative voices. After day 3 released there was a huge influx of support and that's when my imposter syndrome started. I didn't feel I deserved the amount of support I was receiving. There's so many wonderful games that don't see anywhere near the instant success I had.

A few negative voices arose... but it wasn't anything too crazy, WVM still wasn't very popular. So I was able to brush most of it off but it was starting to get to me. Support continued to balloon and the pressure started to build.
When I began I told myself 80-100 renders was my goal for every week. That was a good balance but due to me feeling like I didn't deserve what I had and constantly hearing complaints about "short updates" I kept pushing myself. 120 became the new goal and I'd also have weeks where I'd hit 150+. To accomplish that it was honestly working every single day from the time I woke up to the time I went to sleep.

The pressure to deliver not only quality but quantity only rose. Despite working nonstop every single day I was never happy with the amount of work I had accomplished. I was already having an internal struggle and then on top of that there were constant messages of "These weeklies aren't worth it". It became a lot quickly. In this time frame I lost a father figure in my life and it made everything worse and it started a trend of bad luck.

There were water leaks, power outages, illnesses and just about everything that could go wrong did. But I did my absolute best to work through it all. But that's when delays started and that really started to mess with my head. Because now not only did I not feel I deserved to be where I was, but I didn't even deliver on what I said I would.

WVM was really becoming popular and there were so many eyes on me and everything I did. Every move I made was heavily analyzed and there was nonstop misinformation being spread. Any change I would make would be heavily criticized, any new thing would be heavily criticized, absolutely everything would be. Which is just part of being where I am but fuck me if it isn't stress inducing. Every single week I would receive multiple messages of people saying their going to drop support or people saying they'll denounce me and tell everyone to not play my game if I continue doing what I'm doing because I did something they didn't like.

Then covid happened... I got many messages about people losing their jobs and needing refunds and I refunded every single one of them. I felt super fucking guilty for taking money during this time. Because once again, I don't feel I deserve it in the first place... and now there's an actual crisis happening. I also received many messages during this time of people accusing me of being a milker or faking the death of my aunt. Or they were just the usual angry ramblings.

Then my aunt passed and everything began to crumble. That month was honestly the worst month of my life so far and if it wasn't for my mom I think I'd still be where I was then. But at this point I had no clue what to do. So I just tried to work. I felt so, so fucking guilty for missing those releases... and every problem I had doubled.

When I finally got out of that funk I was super committed to becoming consistent again. But it didn't last long. My grandpa's health has been deteriorating for some time and it's gotten pretty bad these past few weeks and I had all that shit go down with spectrum. Now there's everything happening in America.

There's just been nonstop negativity in the world. I've been stuck in my house for months and my usual stress relief methods are all unavailable. I've slowly let myself slip into the sadness I'm feeling now.

I just want to do the right thing. I've never once tried to hurt anyone or put anything negative out into the world. I'm just a positive guy who wants to make everyone happy.
And that's the hardest part of it. I've made so many people upset or angry and I've let so many people down.
I don't make WVM to make people upset... I make it to make others happy.
So it's really hard for me to handle the constant negative emotions I see my me or my game causing.

I've tried to give back to the VN community. I truly want to see other devs succeed. I've included some other games in my own game and I've given devs that have given me advice or just been a friend shout outs when I can and I've never asked for a single thing in return. But fuck for some reason I feel super alienated from the rest of my fellow devs.

I've felt so many different emotions recently but they've mostly been negative. I'm not proud of myself right now. I feel like there's so much pressure on me... to take care of my grandpa, to maintain personal relationships, to deliver on this game... everything. (Though I know most of that pressure is caused by myself.) I've just became super fucking overwhelmed.

It's really hard to explain... I just want to be a good dev. I want to make others happy.
But there's some things I have to accept. I'm going to piss people off and I just have to be okay with that.
For many months I've been doing what I thought was best to make the highest % of people happy that I could. But it's time for me to worry about my own happiness.

I love weeklies. I love the instant feedback and having that constant connection with you guys... but it's not always achievable. I have to take steps to reduce some of the stress on me.

I'm not sure what I'll eventually have as my constant but I'm going to try some things out.
The first thing I'll be trying out is essential bi-weekly releases where tier 1-4 would all have a release date.
So for instance:
First week of the month: Part 1 release for Tier 4
Second week of the month: Part 1 release for Tier 3
Third week of the month: Part 2 release for Tier 2
Fourth week of the month: Part 2 release for Tier 1
First week of the next month: Part 3 release for Tier 4

(Weeklies can still be a thing in between these if the week goes well though)

A big stress for me is actually the weekly renders. So those will be moving to either bi-weekly as well or monthly. But they'll contain more renders per to make up for it.

I'll have more info on these changes soon. Nothing is set in stone.

To my supporters
First off, thank you <3
And thank you all for the super kind messages on my last post. It truly means the world to me.

As you know I turned off pledges for this month. With my delays and the state of the world right now I didn't think it was right for me to have them on.
Also turning them off was the only way I'd ever convince myself to take a meaningful break.

But I've also been asked by a lot of people how they can support me this month.
There's been so much negativity in the world recently that I think the best way for you to support me right now is to use whatever you would give me and do something kind with it.
Purchase a gift for someone that means something to you, donate to one of the many places that could use the cash. Just spread some good.

I truly care about each and every one of you. I hope you're all doing okay.

Day 7 final is still being worked on but I've admittedly been taking it easy these last few days as I try to steady myself.
I'll have a more concrete answer in the coming days but you can expect it to be out relatively soon.

I'm admittedly mostly the same currently. I'm still in my own head and I'm still feeling down. But all of those comments on the previous post have really helped. Thank you guys.

I feel like there's a lot more to talk about but this post is already long as fuck so I'll call it here.
My patreon will likely be silent for a few days as I've been trying to avoid most places while I work on myself.
Thank you for whoever reads all of this. And thank you all for your support.
I love you guys. <3
Hey mate Fist: Awsome Game! i love it!!
Second: Dont be to hard on your self, things are going bad every were. I lost my mum last year and my grandma is not doing well this year. But that is life, i tray to see the good things that i have, you shuld do the same. Keep on the good Work mate, and best of lucks


Feb 25, 2020
I'm a wvm lurker. I check in once a month to see whats what. I really like wvm. But even I could recognize that Braindrop was pushing himself too hard. This game is awesome and I hope he takes more time for himself in order to keep the development of wvm moving along rather than being a ball and chain around his ankle. I'd rather get a finished game August 2021 than an abandoned game in August 2020.
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Aug 10, 2017
Personally I'd be fine with not seeing another update till the end of the summer, there's so many more things to do now we have some pleasant weather and I wouldn't want Braindrop to deprive himself of enjoying it like the rest of us are. This game has come further in the time he's been making it than some have in over 2 years.
So Braindrop, go out, have some fun, forget about the haters and try to get into a good headspace, i'm sure i speak for many of the fine people here when i say we'll still be here when you get back from whatever hiatus you feel you need and eagerly awaiting the next update. Don't feel pressured into making content to keep others happy, look after youself and good luck with the rest of what i'm sure will be a game well worth waiting for.
Agreed, Braindrop if you don't come up for air your just going to end up with writers block, and/or hating the VN that you yourself said was a labor of love, and that would be very sad. Hell, I still follow the games I mentioned as well as Starship Inanna which only updates about every six months, take a vacation for yourself and get your head clear, then come back and set a more realistic pace for yourself, and just remember there will always be people that you just can't please, that is on them not you, no one can be all things to all people.


Feb 13, 2018

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Thanx for making an awesome game BD, abd thanx for keeping us updated on what's happening! I'm sorry to hear about your struggles, but I'm happy to hear that you are aware of what's happening and seem to take the necessary precautions.

We are all waiting for the next update. But what we really want is the finished game. And for that to happen, the most important factor is you BD. Please take care of yourself first! It doesn't really matter if the game takes 2 or 3 years to finish, we all understand that it's going to be a long but memorable and fun road anyway.

With regards to updates, I'll give you my 2 cents: I've been playing each update when it releases for a while now, but it's bugging me cause I don't have as much fun with it as I did when I first found the game and could play a few days from start to finish. I lose continuity and immersion, and I don't feel "satisfied" after playing minutes when I really want hours. (Look at BaDIK, no update since january but now it took me a whole weekend to play through all of the new stuff, and I loved it.)
I'm going to start playing full days. I'll still follow development, but I'm not going to download until there's a full day. If everyone did this it would mean less pressure for you BD, but I'm not looking to tell other people what to do.

I'm very much looking forward to a full day 7. After that I wish you a great summer, hope you recharge your batteries and get ready for a productive fall so we can have a great day 8 some time before Christmas XD!

Take care, love you too :)


Feb 15, 2019
It's amazing how much support BD gets through this (sometimes unforgiving) community!
So, i'd like to comment mine as well.

Braindrop, dude, I understand you put everything in this game, and it maybe helped you distract yourself from other problems,
but never forget; it your hobby, you do it firstly because you have fun doing it, and everything else comes after.
Reaching a point where your hobby becomes your life is unhealthy, and it only lead to you stop enjoying it!

Take your time off, enjoy the summer, re-discover the reason you started WVM, and then come back regardless of how much time it takes.

All we ask from you is, be well soon, and do not abandon your project!



Active Member
Nov 2, 2017
I don't know if this has been suggested before, but it'd be nice to sort of have a profile page for each character you meet. With so many characters, it's getting more difficult to remember each one, how you met them, what they did, etc, etc. Perhaps with a short line of your most recent interactions with them.


Jan 18, 2018
What I think BD needs to do is find himself a girlfriend and get married. I think he might be a lot happier than making a porn game. I think he should find a job and go back to doing this part time. Doing this full time is not really good for him.
Maybe on the last part.
Definitely no on the first part. I'm not against marriage, but saying that a girl and marriage fixes someone who has depressive tendencies is just plain wrong. You then subdue the negativity instead of working on it, with the possibility that the relationship could be affected by it.

So let him work on himself.
Find the right work hours and update schedule and maybe then, if he wants, a partner.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2018
Braindrop love you man and take care of yourself, relax as much as you need and don't be hard on yourself. Unfortunately sometimes things happen beyond our control.
As i said before your real fans and patrons will understand you if you need time to yourself and to get back on track as you see fit. As you have been as transparent as possible with your personal life and professional life with us. Can't say that for a lot of developers on this forum (like the ones that completely ghosted and gone radio-silent for like 2+ months; on the assumption they're well & healthy). So thank you again for sharing that with us, along with sharing your game.

The negative voices, those are the vocal minority and a bunch of petty people. There are more positive and like-minded people and supporters then those few bad voices. You don't owe us anything. Let's say If a patron don't like the direction you take the story or handle things, they can simply stop supporting and leave, no one forcing them to stay. If it's here on the forum, ignore them. Can't please everyone, even if we would like to.
There'll probably be certain negative-minded and jealous people that will likely call me a kiss ass for showing love and positive inputs on a game i enjoy, so what :LOL:.

This covid pandemic isn't helping nobody as we can't do certain things as we'd normally do, being extra precautions when outside or large gatherings. Got everybody frustrated, stressed and on the edge. Now the whole looting and vandalism in America is added on to that. So stay safe, stay healthy, and happy and have fun the best you can.

As for the game, here are the things i like about the game and what i think contributed to the general huge amount of supporters. Others may agree and disagree on certain things.
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Thoughts on possible improvements & some minor critiques.
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Feb 15, 2019
Why on earth would you tarnish your soul with such a blasphemous act as denying Bailey :p

Obligatory Bailey worship joke aside a couple girls have "course correction" choices to get you on their paths if you weren't actively going for them (Katie for example) but Bailey isn't one of them. If you friendzone her on Day 3 you don't get a second chance unless BD decides to add another choice later in the game.
Yoho Krypt. Finally got new router this morning. 1 month and 1 week of not internet. So full day not out yet? or What? went few posts back and saw something about BD having search some head screws (mental issues from everything mainly stress) and having no connection for a week.

Its hell i tell you, hell, not being able to check up at least once a week. But even worse for not having any internet for more than a month. And i defo dont want to scroll through no idea how many pages of posts to catch up. So please give me the short version of BD WVM updates.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2019
Yoho Krypt. Finally got new router this morning. 1 month and 1 week of not internet. So full day not out yet? or What? went few posts back and saw something about BD having search some head screws (mental issues from everything mainly stress) and having no connection for a week.

Its hell i tell you, hell, not being able to check up at least once a week. But even worse for not having any internet for more than a month. And i defo dont want to scroll through no idea how many pages of posts to catch up. So please give me the short version of BD WVM updates.
There is one more update to go for Day 7, but it's uncertain when it will drop

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
I just read Braindrop's recent post on Patreon, and the one thing that struck me the most was what they had to say about the people giving them abuse, so I would like to give these small words of advice to Braindrop; block them.

This might not help completely with the stress and strain or working your ass off to produce a good quality adult VN, but if people who have no clue what it's like to do this, and who seemingly have absolutely no sympathy or care for the fact that you are one guy working on this alone, that you have a life outside of this work and that that life needs your attentions too, and that you are not a machine who can work on this game 24/7 without rest just because they want it ASAP, then they don't deserve to be your patrons.

Sometimes you just need to shut out the negative voices, especially when those negative voices just sound like a bunch of entitled a-holes without any patience or understanding of your personal situation. So block them, cut them out, refund their most recent monthly payment if you have to, because if you let these people get to you, if you let them make you doubt yourself, you'll get burned out and bummed out and that's not something that your true supporters want to see happen to you.

So chin up, Braindrop, know that your supporters and fans far outweigh these abusive, entitled a-holes and ask yourself; is it worth taking these people's money if they make you feel like shit? If the answer is 'no', then you know what to do.


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
Reactions: jackkane

your really gonna facepalm pussy ... wow . uhh .. ok ....... you do realize all females are worth something ..... or you gonna facepalm that also ...
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