I really want a supernatural or a charmed "parody" vn. If I could draw better than stick figures, had patience i would totally make them two first. I think this vn is near perfect as is anyway tbh.
Perfect no, way above most out there for sure. I have said quite a while ago what my slight problem with the Azel storyline is, but it might be:
- slightly amended in rework week 1,
- is Brains choice in the end anyway and
- no use to keep repeating the same argument after you voiced it once anyway.
For myself I do not really mind if there will be incest in the game or not (The game as such does not need it, nor would it suffer from it in my opinion), just I think Azel and MC do need to develop their relation further especially with Wendy also there, MC having grown up and become the one who takes care of loads of things. I hope the will they or will they not in game will not stop them from redefining their relationship however it would turn out and what might have or might never have been the devs original idea.
I know I might sound strange, but Azel deserves to have a sound, safe and warm relation with MC that satisfies her in my eyes, whether they share a bed or not.