So back to why Skye is the best homie you got and also super god damn cute of a guy, cause I feel things are just a little bit too normal around here.
I swear to god if Damien is coming back somehow...I wouldn't actually really mind cause he's a great all rounder and he's clearly never going to get near Jasmine ever again. He's just also a massive cockblock, cockwomble, and a bit of a daft cunt regardless of his motivations.
Also in mind of him cockblocking, I think I sit in the minority of people who thinks that while one on one scenes are great, the more the merrier tends to be the rule and a harem is literally meant tot be a girlfest and thus lots of multi person scenes are mandatory if you have a harem-it takes too long to just focus on one girl at a time. Each girl needs their one on one time, but dammit they also gotta be comfortable performing with others!
Especially Bailey, Stacy, and any other favorites on here that I can pick a fight about with others on lol