Just to be clear I have no issues if incest is added to this game at all. I have stated that several times already in the past. As I really want the MC and Cedar to have something further. What I don't like are people who demand it should be added or don't think it is a big deal to someone's way of making a living. Just like those people who come and complain they have the same right as I do to talk here in the thread.
I will stand by BD and what he has said here in chat and interviews, and until he comes out and says he will add it than I believe he will not. There are a lot of things he comes in here with winky faces and other dumb comments but I don't think those are true either. Otherwise we should see a body swap of Stacy and Bailey, the old nurse is actually our true love and she is only 18.
There are plenty of talented people that could pick up his writing style and do renders similar to the ones BD does. Hell there is a fan art page for this game and there are some really good ones in there.
But HE never will, just like all those other incest patches in many other games ive played were NOT by them as in they said "it was made by a complete stranger who ive never met" because as a rule Patreon would not approve if it was THEM who did it. We all know whats really happening but no dev will or ever should (and i back them for this stance) acknowledge if it ever is them behind the patches or not. Everyone can read between the lines.
He even in that interview picked his words carefully - his official stance is no but of course that belies what he actually creates and writes in the game but on an official capacity he said he has no plans for it. He also said it would have to be a modder which is par for course for any of those games on here anyway who use Patreon and that site has gotten even more stringent as of late because of Paypal induce pressure.
There in comes why i keep citing his actions on here as a good dude and approachable dev vs in that interview on a professional capacity. I know which side i lean on more when making my judgement on the matter and everyone else in all honesty should too ESPECIALLY the regulars who should have been here to see it all - i get new players have no idea but US? As i said he can actually change his mind and actually decide no no no, not even a mod to feature that content but as such he should rewrite in his week one revamp the Azel stuff to remove this confusion creates because its well... is actually very likely a mod will feature it or we just be kinder to newer fans and say "maybe one day a modder will add it" vs "ITS NEVER GONNA HAPPEN, NEVER EVER EVER, LET ME BE CONDESCENDING TO YOU WHILST DECLARING THIS AS A MATTER OF FACT DESPITE ME NOT BEING THE DEVELOPER HIMSELF" like some sadly tend to be on the matter.
As for the other BS reasoning... like Jakes "there are all these other girls and people bitch about the three they dont have" kinda hot takes i dont take seriously at all. I could argue "there are all these other girls and people still wanna fuck Stacey and Harper" knowing fine well people would be PISSED if they never get to fuck those two and i would agree with their sentiment but the same logic applies - we dont NEED to fuck them, or Azel or or anyone else who we aint yet but want to. Yet i dont grudge people wanting to fuck them especially when it makes sense in the context to based on whats presented in game (and sometimes even that aint present - often out of nowhere im finding myself fucking everything from a sexy brown chick in a shower or a saddy old nurses will little to no build up). The game doesnt seem to take anyone off the table though perhaps it should...