I'll start by saying Braindrop is putting a lot of effort into WVM, probably beyond a healthy amount, and it shows. All the characters have distinct personalities that don't bleed into each other. The review rules say "try to be objective", but the things I love most about this game are very subjective.
When I first saw the 3 main girls, I thought they looked... slightly odd. I thought "Jamie has weirdly sharp corners of her lips, and Azel has a hilarious expression constantly". Looking back now, I realize this sets them apart from other games where all the women are designed to be objectively "perfect". It seemed like Braindrop wanted the characters to look unique, not perfect. They aren't objectively perfect, but many would argue they are Subjectively perfect. They grow on you really fast, just as a certain meme-lord implied.
Anyway on with the "objective" part of the review.
Render and model quality: 9/10
The character models clearly have a lot of time and care put into them. It's almost as though they are exactly what he envisioned before even creating them. I'm not going to say they are objectively awesome, but most models are at least unique, particularly with expressions. I love it. I'm taking a point off for two reasons. First, some abnormal usual ass cheek protrusion. It's hard to explain but I notice it right away in a game. Secondly, there is a lack of definition in skin and/or eyes on some models. Shauna for instance. Her skin is very smooth and IMO lacks definition. Her irises lack depth as well. As far as image quality, I don't recall any compression artifacts.
Character development and dialogue: 10/10
As I stated earlier, every character has a completely unique personality. Braindrop's personality and speech patterns don't seep into any of the characters, which is extremely important when it comes to writing dialogue. There are rarely any typos, and Braindrop's grammar is likely better than mine (it is impossible to assess your own grammar since our own errors are not realized by ourselves). The vocabulary isn't overbearing or pretentious. It's good writing, but the average English speaker definitely won't need to google words constantly to play the game.
Story/concept: 9/10
The story is a sort of "dream come true" plot, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's just really relentless with it is all. I find myself conflicted on this because we all want dream come true, but the same time, it isn't the most sophisticated way to write a story. Sophisticated isn't synonymous with appealing though. There is plenty of progressive metal that sucks ass, meanwhile "Hey Joe" by Jimi Hendrix is almost a universally beloved song. The story has it's drama though, so it's not all rainbows and unicorns I guess. You will be a knight in shining armor for every single woman in the game, and that might be too saccharine-sweet for some people.