Just out of curiosity, what would you call a story about a guy who goes to a University that is run by a bipolar nut job but overseen by a strange non-profit, where the staff is scared of being accused of sexual harrasment because of something that happened in the past but also where the neice of the dean, who also works at the school, practically rapes the MC the first time she sees him and he plays for a team that can't get or keep players and one of the players has some weird power trip/blackmail thing going on where he controls other team members and also has some unexplained weird hatred for the mc who he's never met?
Because I think he hit the nail on the head! It's kind of a mess.
I'd respond to that in 3 ways
A.) I presented my opinion as a caveat to my previous statements. I felt that while what I had said had been primarily accurate and balanced stating my bias would potentially clarify potential points of disagreement. Such as your perspective.
B.) This is a harem fantasy not a historical documentary or work of high literature and therefore I do not expect high levels of logical consistency. I enjoy WVM as more of an episodic melodrama where character and characterization trump narrative.
C.) I feel that you are either not fully up to date on the story or, as seems more likely, deliberately cherry picking story elements to make your point. I.E. the "bipolar nut job" has been fired by the director of the charity who has admitted to a lack of over sight. You can reject the niece and she not only accepts that but later apologizes.