Partial Dev Report 2 (01/22/2024)
The last report was very self-critical and all of that remains true but I'm not going to be on that vibe every week. Instead I'm just going to say the plan and also the order of operations I'mma be following to close out this month and begin the next as that is where my head is at.
First things first is finishing and releasing the second part of Episode 13. This part will be around 300 renders and 9-10 animations. This part covers a scene with Rachael as well as their trip to the spa.
My target time to release is anywhere from Tuesday-Thursday this week.
Then I'll focus on releasing the last part of Episode 13.
Most of my issues with part 2 have been intertwined with part 3 so there's no cascade of problems for me to alter. My target for releasing is anytime before February 1st.
(Part 2-3 will release to all patrons at the same time, no tier timing due to the delays.)
After the releases, I plan on catching up on the side content.
Starting with the Bday renders, then Character Sheets.
After that will be the Season 1 report.
After all of that is complete I'll focus in on Episode 14 which will hopefully be a much smoother experience as it's familiar territory with everyone returning to WVM.
I'm not entirely sure how I'll handle the releases for Episode 14, It will likely be pretty varied as I plan on testing out a few things. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
That's all I have to share for the moment, as always thank you all so much for the support. I truly appreciate it. I hope you all have a wonderful week and I'll talk to you soon.
(There has also been an issue with patreon charging a select few despite pledges being paused these last couple of months. This is not intentional and is an error! Please check to see if you were charged and please send me a message directly here on patreon to let me know asap so I can get a refund sent to you straight away!)