A group of billionaire women ambush him at a charity event to convince him to corrupt two of their friends and impregnate them all. Two married women start calling him their king. Awful isn't even a strong enough adjective, this is like a 12 year old's power fantasy. It actually goes for a two in one awful power fantasy harem trope, extremely powerful women unrealistically attracted to the MC for no reason and straighting the gays. It's one thing to have thirty odd poorly developed LIs purely for the sake of throwing sex scene after sex scene at the player. I can enjoy that. The god awful "story" stringing it all together is what makes it awful. Not to mention the pace of updates being low, the dev constantly lying about update statuses and the extremely poor pacing around everything. We've had what, 3 or 4 updates just for this stupid Florida trip during which we've gotten a tiny bit of progress with one major LI, a poorly written emotional moment with another, and 883 sex scenes with random one or two off characters that we'll mostly never see again.