you guys look to deep in to bd mind,we already know wich problems have this game,an certainly big cast means ,sometimes someone who dont deserve screen time will have more thn others,but lets be more simplistic,and lets talk about the real problems not the "big cast,i dont see my favorite LI this update".,
Problem 1: black boxes bcs im a lazy worker.
Problem 2:changing to duck type of faces everyone bcs i can.
Problem 3:i wil tease everyone with those 2 mom"s and when someone ask for incest ,i play dumb or say i cant bcs my family..
Problem 4:lies,lies and more lies,that means more shit is going to happend soon or later......
Problem 5:His subscribers[the real cult of bd dumbaness] i was one of them till i got scolded bcs i asked when more time
Problem 6:his own brain dont let him see far from his fingers,and that is a big fuckung problem, ''i odnt need help bcs im a mastermind ,a genius , is hard to be so damn good"
Problem 7: cmon guys there are so many that is impossible to quote everyone of themfor us is a pain in the ass but for him
is more screen time ,more wre talk more time he pushes over his 15 mins of fame,and thats the real issue here
So before tlaking about any pther dev outhere who maybe just maybe is a scam or he did scam ppl ,ask yourself this,
im a followeror this dumbass maybe im also a dumbass for doing so? maybe iam being manipulated in to this rabbit hole,?
how this guy is doing this....he found his golden egg chiken and he is milking it by now he is far away from redemption,and if im being completely honest with you ppl i dont fucking care anymore at this point,i hopw he come to steam so i can sue his ass off ,a wish i can see bd coming to a pltaform to only screw himself ,i dont think he is stupid i think he is unscrupulous,selfish and a unethyc kind of person so,if he want to conti this crap ,he is free to do so,and you are free to foloow a masterclass to whatever this shitshow is at this moment........