well i was in all star tier for more than 2 years and the first year i pay the hole year bcs he was doing something good ,by the end of that year i came to the conclusion that i was being ripped off not bcs he wasnt doing nothing but bcs he was having too many contradictions and many irc issues,so i changed to pay each month, on that final year was 2019 and he was having those problem with granpa and becoming newly engaged so i say to myself the first crack in his spine will be the game,so i watch carefully and covid comes ,and well grandpa dies,marriage,baby,stalkers,and so on,so i stopped before was to deep,i spend more money on him that on my wife those 2 years and i can only says i regret being so stupid and no see whats was going on,the red flags where there,and i was blinded by his words,he is lucky dont live in my country ,....