I am unable to load my save when it comes to the update of day 8. It worked perfectly for 7.7 but now when I installed the compressed version of day 8 every time I try to open a save an error comes up and its not working. Can anyone help pls.
(1) Redownload the compress version again.
(2) Use one of the compress tools that have test the compress file.
(2.a) If there any errors, then look for another compress file created by someone else.
(2.b) If successful test, then extract it.
(3) If you continue to get errors, then recommend trying to download original package
(4) Extract it and test it.
(4.a) if error then there something wrong with save file. Do what LocoGringo78 suggested, start fresh, do the option picks and click on "skips".
(4.b) If it works, then there is an minor issue doing the compression by the compressor tools they were using or missed a step. Keep in mind using any compressed (for images and video reduction) is at your own risk. However provide the information to the compressor with as much detail what is the issue, send them an friendly message.
No, I am not going to check out Day 8 Update 1 yet... I haven't even download the update either.
Have a great day...