Hahaha what you say is true, a saying full of truth says that for tastes, so many colors.
The point here is that you are creating a fallacy of false analogy. At what point did I say something about your tastes?
The point was the "story", yes, and let's not talk about subjectivity if you want to get into that subject I can go into technical details of why it is bad, friend I make a living as a proofreader in my country.
Yes, my writing is shit but that is because I do not speak English and I am using a translator, although it certainly weakens my previous statement and detracts from its credibility.
The story is bad is not a subjective opinion, we can evaluate the quality of a story with some elements that are or are not present in it.
Let me mention some points so that what I say is not left up in the air:
1- Internal consistency: The story must have coherence and congruence in the logic of the events, characters and narrative world.
2- Character development: Well-developed characters usually have clear motivations, evolution, and depth, which is key to the quality of a story.
3- Narrative structure: An effective story usually has a structure that creates tension, interest, and a satisfying resolution (like the three-act model).
4- Dialogue: Dialogue should be natural and well-integrated into the plot, revealing important aspects of the characters and the story.
5- Rhythm: A well-told story knows how to maintain the audience's interest through an appropriate rhythm, neither too slow nor too fast.
I could go on, but by now you've probably missed out on technical details.
Now, as I said at the beginning of this post and even in the previous one you quoted, you can say whatever you want, you have every right to.
That doesn't change the fact that this game is based solely on the sheer amount of asses to fuck, if it were for the story it would fall apart... Wait, the story has some redeeming points but it's definitely a story that doesn't stand out and would be forgotten if it weren't for the sexy asses and it's basically based on some cheap techniques like the ones I mentioned before.
Hahaha I got excited and I went on and on, I'm sorry dude, I'm not getting intense with this topic, you're within your rights to like it and think it's the best story in the world if you want, I'm just saying that objectively it's not good that's all.
Let me make an analogy that's off topic to compare the situation: Junk food isn't healthy at all but it's tasty so you eat it from time to time, but that doesn't make it healthy.