Currently I am trying to work on fixing some bugs on an existing mod from another guy. Seemingly, on his own words, he doesn't have time to do it. Of course, on doing that, credits will be given to his work. My goal is to have it working fine as I really do like that mod. Ok but, step by step we'll get there.
I am more prone to use the passge tags, as recomended, than to overwrite something in the main game to prevent conflicts. I suppose you can copy and add to the original but then, it comes to find where to state the Entry and Exit point in the game. Usually it'd be trough the passage tags but, sometimes, there is no passage tags in that specific place.
Regarding passage tags, as far as I gather (runtime wise), the game append "my code" to the botton of the code already in the passage at that point, right? But, game is too big and I didn't find any specific doc on how it's organized (variables, passages, etc and how they relate to themselves). Something like a General Overview. Yes there are individual descriptions on github, afaik, lots of them but not a general overview on organization. I mean passage can be in one place and use variables deffined in other file, to say something.
Besides, I am a newbie at the framework of the project so, have to learn it by myself and from scratch. Figure, regarding html, I only had some working on it decades ago.
More used with C++ and java.