It's definitely high on my list to solve, and I *might* have solved it in this upcoming build, but no one has been able to provide me enough info on the saving issue (not their fault of course, I just need to figure out reproducibly what causes it so I can fix it), and I have never been able to replicate it myself.that's cool and all but please tell me you're trying to solve that pesky saving issue! This game has been unplayable to me these past few months because of that
I have put in some minor fixes to my current dev build, but I don't know if they will truly resolve the issue because up till this point I have not been able to figure out
There is some variance to it. It is not completely predictable when it happens, the more you cum and the more noise you make generally, the higher the chance gets.It doesn't work for me. Do you have to cum more than 3 times at first strip dance? is there other options?