
May 6, 2018
Any word if we'll get the ability to change key bindings? For some reason even AutoHotKey can't reassign certain functions.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2017
its offline :( any chance for a reupload?
Done! \/
Yaradiel's Crown 0.3.4FF - Patreon Download:-

(Link access pw is my name, it's case-sensitive. Actual archive is not pw protected.)

Note: Download all "zip" parts into same location, extract all parts which will contain actual split parts of "7z", then finally extract only the first part file "7z.001" and rest will be automatically extracted.


Sep 25, 2017
I've both pirated EA versions AND purchased completed versions of every one of your games and consider myself a big fan of your work, and I'll continue to support it in the future. While I fully support the paid EA model that Patreon allows for you, I personally don't wish to pay for said early access just to provide player input. That being said, you're already aware of what we do here, and this game could genuinely benefit from input, so I'll give my feedback as a person who fully intends on purchasing this game at retail.

The camera controls while moving around in-game are the worst I've felt since Dungeon Coup. It took a minute for me to figure out why it feels so awful, but it's clear that, instead of giving direct control of the camera to the mouse, you seem to be taking the direction of mouse movement and assigning it a preset, static motion value (assigned by the Mouse Sensitivity slider) at which the camera rotates. No matter how slow or fast you move the mouse, the camera will move at the same speed, feeling too fast with slow movements, and too slow with fast movements. This feels terrible to play from the moment you start the game, and feels annoying all the way through to the end. This needs to be fixed immediately, as this negatively affects how people interact with the game at all times. I want to be able to move the camera slowly with slow mouse movements and quickly with fast mouse movements like I'm used to with every other video game in existence. Beyond that, you may want to consider making it so the player can move the cursor freely over the screen while moving with WASD, and allowing them to rotate the camera with their mouse if they press and hold the right mouse button, much like they can in MMORPG's. This will allow them to interact with in-world and hud elements with their mouse while moving with WASD, while also letting them control the camera so long as they're holding RMB. But this is just a secondary suggestion, my primary concern is the lack of true 1:1 mouse movement to camera input.

In combat, the camera controls are uncomfortable in a different way, mostly out of personal preference. I understand the complications in navigating a 3d space with 3 axes and can respect giving players controls to fly in X, Y, and Z coordinates, but I really don't like that W and S go Up and Down instead of Forward and Back (which is currently navigated with the scroll wheel). Personally I would much prefer to "fly" forward and back with W and S than have to scroll rapidly to move forward and back. Assigning to W and S will let me move forward or backward in space while rotating the camera with left click, allowing me to move to the position I want to be in way quicker and easier than I can now. This will make it less of a hassle for me to enjoy the content I came to see.

As for the gameplay itself, it's great! You have the groundwork for an interesting blend of 3d exploration and turn-based combat, which follows the flow and feel of KFC and KFC2. I anticipate I'll have more opinions on balancing as more of the game is fleshed out, features are added, and you build out what kind of RPG you want to make. All I can comment on currently is combat works as I expect it would, the sex scenes are enjoyable, and I have good feelings for this game as a dungeon crawling turn-based RPG. It's just held way back by an uncomfortable camera much like Dungeon Coup was.


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
Glad that you enjoy my games, but there is no need to pay to give input, you can just talk on the discord, like some of the folks do!
There is one option to only move the camera when pressing the mouse, the mouse movement to camera is written in code as [input movement x sensibility modifier] so I have no clue why it feels different.

I feel the biggest issue with dungeon coup's camera was me trying to make it playable with one hand, resulting in tank controls.

Thanks for the feedback, you would be surprised how many times I asked for "what is the issue with the camera" and people were just like "IDK it bad"
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Jun 2, 2024
Glad that you enjoy my games, but there is no need to pay to give input, you can just talk on the discord, like some of the folks do!
There is one option to only move the camera when pressing the mouse, the mouse movement to camera is written in code as [input movement x sensibility modifier] so I have no clue why it feels different.

I feel the biggest issue with dungeon coup's camera was me trying to make it playable with one hand, resulting in tank controls.

Thanks for the feedback, you would be surprised how many times I asked for "what is the issue with the camera" and people were just like "IDK it bad"
If you are still considering making this game playable with 1h you could simply apply the ability to walk forward/autowalk with middle mouse button while in the overworld like in mmo games like FFXIV or WoW.


New Member
Jan 28, 2022
The game just freezes for me (both the patreon version and the demo from itch) right after you meet the sorceress in the intro. It's not technically 'frozen' - the character is downed but playing an idle anim, the glow effects on torches etc animate, music plays - but it never resolves, I can't move, and no key on the keyboard does anything at all.

Happens in both builds, on two different PCs, win 10 and 11.

What dumb thing am I missing to make this playable?
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May 27, 2017
The game just freezes for me (both the patreon version and the demo from itch) right after you meet the sorceress in the intro. It's not technically 'frozen' - the character is downed but playing an idle anim, the glow effects on torches etc animate, music plays - but it never resolves, I can't move, and no key on the keyboard does anything at all.

Happens in both builds, on two different PCs, win 10 and 11.

What dumb thing am I missing to make this playable?
if you said you have low FPS I could tell you to solve it in certain ways but if you have the game bugged in this way then the problem could come from many things that I know of there is no radical solution, apart from formatting the PC, reinstalling Win from scratch without additional programs and trying to run the game again after having first updated the C++ redistributable and DirectX and all the various requirements,I'll tell you the truth, with my old i7-3770 PC with the 2GB GTX 660 I was lagging too much, I was going at 5fps and it was unplayable with everything at minimum,now instead with ryzen 5600g + rtx 3060 12gb, the game runs at 300 fps if I have to put no limits ^_^, so most likely either the pc can't handle it well, or some problematic or not updated hardware or I don't know what to tell you, goodnight.


New Member
Jan 28, 2022
if you said you have low FPS I could tell you to solve it in certain ways but if you have the game bugged in this way then the problem could come from many things that I know of there is no radical solution, apart from formatting the PC, reinstalling Win from scratch without additional programs and trying to run the game again after having first updated the C++ redistributable and DirectX and all the various requirements,I'll tell you the truth, with my old i7-3770 PC with the 2GB GTX 660 I was lagging too much, I was going at 5fps and it was unplayable with everything at minimum,now instead with ryzen 5600g + rtx 3060 12gb, the game runs at 300 fps if I have to put no limits ^_^, so most likely either the pc can't handle it well, or some problematic or not updated hardware or I don't know what to tell you, goodnight.
Thanks. It's not lag or a performance issue, the game runs perfectly fine on max settings (ryzen 5900x, rtx 3080, 64gb ram).

It just seems like the game scripts stop running at the end of the cutscene, so I'm just stuck. I just don't know why I have this happen 100% but seemingly no one else does.


Mar 30, 2018
Thanks. It's not lag or a performance issue, the game runs perfectly fine on max settings (ryzen 5900x, rtx 3080, 64gb ram).

It just seems like the game scripts stop running at the end of the cutscene, so I'm just stuck. I just don't know why I have this happen 100% but seemingly no one else does.
Well i'm having the same issue rn with a good config no lag ect, so idk eitheir what's happening.

With a search i could find someone having the same issue 2 pages earlier on this thread.
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New Member
Oct 4, 2020
first time i've seen the very own developer (maybe) seeing their own games to get pirated and yet making a comment about it, your games is great but sadly my pc couldn't handle it smoothly even with lowest graphics... and yes AMD ryzen 3020e integrated with AMD radeon vega 3... took some hope and dreams to start the game initially, due to the graphics on high by default, lowering the graphics does help but still averaging way under 30FPS... also can we have cheat codes?


May 27, 2017
I just hope that in the future there will be a well made gallery, a bit like Kinky Fight Club 2, for Yaradiel's Crownthe not like Dungeon Coup, that you couldn't do anything not even have your character as you wanted.....


New Member
Jan 28, 2022
Well i'm having the same issue rn with a good config no lag ect, so idk eitheir what's happening.

With a search i could find someone having the same issue 2 pages earlier on this thread.
Ah, missed that post despite looking. Sadly no resolution for it though.

I was able to eventually get past this, though I'm not sure if it was anything I did, or just luck.

Seemingly, if I wait for the animations and spell effects and dialogue to complete, I get stuck. Instead when I spam clicked once she started casting, without letting any of it finish first, it let me through.

Unfortunately I then got stuck again later. Purposely lost a fight, got captured. It took me to the barracks or whatever and put me into a fight that never properly started, and just had the same "stuck but not actually frozen" problem that I couldn't get out of.

I'll try again in a few months. It's early so everything being jank isn't too surprising.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2017
Thanks for the feedback, you would be surprised how many times I asked for "what is the issue with the camera" and people were just like "IDK it bad"
From my experience, If I move the mouse too quickly, the camera moves extremely slowly, and when I move the mouse at snail's pace, the camera moves extremely fast. It's like the game is not able to keep up with the mouse's speed unless the mouse is slowed down heavily. I've seen this issue rarely in games but it's not something new.

Adjusting the camera sensitivity option makes it tolerable but the issue is still there. Basically, it's bad when the character/camera is not in sync with the player's input.

It would also be better to just provide more options in settings, so people can customize it according to their preferences.


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
If you are still considering making this game playable with 1h you could simply apply the ability to walk forward/autowalk with middle mouse button while in the overworld like in mmo games like FFXIV or WoW.
That's a cool idea

The game just freezes for me (both the patreon version and the demo from itch) right after you meet the sorceress in the intro. It's not technically 'frozen' - the character is downed but playing an idle anim, the glow effects on torches etc animate, music plays - but it never resolves, I can't move, and no key on the keyboard does anything at all.

Happens in both builds, on two different PCs, win 10 and 11.

What dumb thing am I missing to make this playable?
That's a weird issue that I have seen some people report it yet I'm completetly unable to trigger it, and the weird thing is, the VFX is called AFTER the advance mechanics, so it is super weird that it doesn't run to some people. What worries me most of this is that it is linked to teh dialogue system, so some dialogue events not being called for some users randomly could be a huge hit.
If you can spend 2 minutes, join the discord and put your player.logs file (found on the save location) in the bug-report channel, that file could help me track the issue.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
How many areas are in the game? So far I have found the the prison the club and the central ruins
I know that there is a 'captured' map for the central ruins and the prison, they are separate areas from the normal zones, but, you can only access them if you surrender or lose a fight in the ruins or prison.
I have only been in the club once, so I don't know if it has a separate capture map or not.

Other than those capture maps, I think the ones you mentioned are the only zones you can explore normally.
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New Member
May 23, 2023
I know that there is a 'captured' map for the central ruins and the prison, they are separate areas from the normal zones, but, you can only access them if you surrender or lose a fight in the ruins or prison.
I have only been in the club once, so I don't know if it has a separate capture map or not.

Other than those capture maps, I think the ones you mentioned are the only zones you can explore normally.
That makes sense I got captured once and didnt play for a long time and when I got back I was there and couldn't figure out how I got there after I left.


New Member
Nov 12, 2017
Enjoying the game so far! Definitely looking forward to what gets cooked up next. Game is a bit rough around the edges but the foundation and current content is solid.

Some bugs and oddities I've found so far:

If an enemy is channeling a spell or preparing an attack, if you use a stun skill on them, they'll successfully use the skill and then fall over stunned.

Sometimes in fights I'll try to use an attack skill and it won't work - instead, my stamina bar will sit there empty until I'm knocked down and forced into sex. So far I've mostly noticed it after being hit with the Restrain skill when knocked down.

Skills with long animations can eat up your buff timers - it's especially bad when an enemy uses Remove Restraint and one of the areas where the cracks in the real-time/turn-based hybrid system shows. It might be a good idea to have buff timers, stamina regeneration, etc. stop if an animation is playing and one of the combatants is ready for their turn.

Lone enemies can use the Protect Other ability on themselves, which does nothing.

Femboy enemies still have mustaches despite the femboy description saying it removes facial hair.

Trying to recast defend doesn't work if the buff is still active - when the first "stack" of defend expires, the buff stops functioning. This can put you into situations where reacting "too early" to an impending power attack puts you in a situation where you can't block it, even though you have a second action to use before it lands.


Give us a way to increase combat speed - I find I end up spending a lot of time sitting there waiting for stamina, stuns, and animations to finish.

A skill that causes an immediate fade to black for capture scenes would be appreciated - the current system of hitting 100 focus and then making the partner cum can take an extremely long time, especially if the partner is a miniboss with high dominance and ero resistance. There seems to also be a timer on how long the "end scene" effect lasts, since I once used it "too early" and the scene just continued.

The captured condition perhaps shouldn't mark the player as being always defenseless - it feels pretty bad struggling out of your restraints, trying to explore and clear the area, and just getting randomly bound, grappled, or thrown into heavy bondage.

Give a visual indicator of "how negative" the stamina bar is. Having it sitting empty with an unknown time before it refills feels bad and needlessly hides information from the player.
3.70 star(s) 6 Votes