The build was a month old.
(Not that I even was aware of such "dev rule", nor would I care to adhere to them on a pirate site.)
I prefer based devs that doesn't mind pirates, simply focuses on the development of their game.
And instead of trying to get people to cave in with anti-piracy measures, they simply get pirate's support by developing a game worth buying.
That's how I even found out about this dev, through pirating KFC1 from here, then bought it on Steam around 4 years ago.
The dev probably only wanted to provide "demo" builds with content locked for free users, so they didn't like it when Patreon build was shared.
I'm going to be honest, version 4.2 was a colossal disappointment, with the Speed Changes / Restraint Bugs rendering you unable to play the game for minutes at a time while enemies beat your character to death so you can enter a sex fight and start playing again. The Data Drop Rate Buff being Reverted lead to a very frustrating time grinding out both, Those two issues compounded made me down patch the game back to 2.3 and wait for a more stable version to be released.
These are wild mistakes for Mr.Zed to be making when he's already
made a game just like this and has fallen into these mistakes before. Solas City Heroes had some of these issues in it's development cycle and yet here we are with the exact same problems in his next Project.
But he's decided to somehow double down by banning people from
discord and patreon for sharing his
unfinished demo, What!? There was no way this was going to go well for him, It's a bad look no matter how you phrase it. I understand him wanting to keep his work private or
patreon exclusive, despite my opinions on that, but it was never going to happen and everyone on this website knows it. People
were and
still are going to leak the new releases of the game, that's inevitable, welcome to the internet.
The fact you got banned for dropping a month old build is hilarious and sad. Especially since that 1 month old demo is
He was already letting people download this version of the game
For Free! but lets ban people for uploading that version here? These actions don't make sense, this seems like a knee-jerk reaction or a misunderstanding. I'm going to assume that Zed saw the posts asking for an update to 3.5 and rather than risk someone not agreeing to his grace period request (the period of time where people don't upload the new versions) he instead decided to go nuclear and had it blow up in his face. All he's proven right now, is that if you donate on Patreon or Join his Discord that you need to use an Alt Account or risk being banned unjustly.
He can't argue that "he didn't want it shared", he was
giving it away for free.
EDIT #1; He was giving it away for free, before he removed the Pixeldrain Link after Banning Skye.