Less visceral read;
Happy Holidays + Update
annyeong \(*-*)
This is the yearly yearo report with me your host, yeero
First things first, merry christmas, happy holidays etc. I hope you all had a nice time with your families and loved ones, and had a nice holiday feast.
Now let's get down to business:
1. Where have you been yeero
I've been right here where I've always been, the truth is I just haven't been feeling the drive to make lewds for a while. Despite my best efforts, I fear I may have run into a lengthy streak of burnout. I still have a creative passion, but I haven't been able to channel it to produce anything worth sharing with the world.
2. So what have you been doing?
Mostly focusing on academics, tried out comp sci for two semesters until I discovered it wasn't for me. Math is hard ('-')
On the creative front, I haven't really made much of value. But you guys still deserve to have something so at the bottom of the post, I've appended a list of things I've made but never finished (not all of it is lewd)
3. What about the KDA project?
The KDA project is in a weird state. On one hand, there's nothing at the moment stopping me from just going ahead and making it, right this second. There are KDA models available for free, and I have the environments ready, as well as some crude storyboards and ideas lined up. The problem is standards. As I've grown artistically and technically, so have my standards. I'm no longer satisfied with the general state of most models you can grab off sites like smutbase. This has to do with the fact that in 90% of cases, these models are video game assets pasted onto daz bodies. For most people, this is fine and perfectly acceptable quality to work with. In fact, that's what I used to do. However, in order to really take my work to the next level visually, I've decided I need to upgrade the models I work with. It feels wasteful to pour hours and hours of creative energy into animation and lighting only for the final product to not look as good as it could've because the model is low quality.
That's why I have sought out other talented artists to help me produce awesome high quality cinematic 4k rtx enabled diss models, so that the KDA video will truly look next gen.
But this is new ground for me, and so far has been a tremendous learning experience in a very boring topic: coordination. Getting 4 people who live in opposite ends of the earth to coordinate around a single task when your only communications channel is discord, is a hard task. So progress has been slow to say the least.
But progress is progress, and I'm certain that one day, this project will be finished.
Even if it's the last thing I do.
Now for the assorted list of things I've made:
Birthday pic for a fellow artist: Technically finished, but never posted because it was a personable present and probably not worth much to other people
Jett and Phoenix animation: Partially finished animation, it was shelved because I couldn't figure out how to properly replicate the shading in the cinematics, and the model quality was poor. I still like this character combination though.
Ashley and Leon (wholesome): Partially finished animation, I made this after playing through RE4, the idea was a looping animation of ashley and leon on the jetski, with ashley cycling through various idle poses. It was a tricky animation to pull off because of the chaotic movements of the jetski needed to be communicated in little micromovements of the characters. It was a fun technical challenge that I think I somewhat succeeded in.
Juno animation: Almost finished, just needed slight animation tweaks and then scenebuilding + lighting. I didn't finish it because I wanted to do a POV angle but the actual penetration was a complete mess with lots of janky geometry that was too much of a headache to fix.
Juno picture: Technically finished, never posted because it was a little too boring and mostly made as a quick joke. There's also a bonus sfw wallpaper in there.
Loba picture: Technically finished but very boring, I think I liked the idea of it more than the result. It's the kind of image that I think would look better illustrated than in 3D.
Maria from Silent Hill 2 picture: Technically finished, never posted because it was just a quick image made in honor of playing through Silent Hill 2 for the first time and really enjoying it.
Tifa animation: Partially finished, early animation tests using a tiktok thirst trap video as reference. Not much to say about it, just kinda boring.
Shar pool from BG3 (map): A collaborate effort between me and a fellow artist to port scenes from Baldur's Gates 3. They were responsible for porting the assets and I worked on the lighting and materials as well as creation of all VFX. It's almost finished and I am actually planning on sharing it on Open3DLab and here on Patreon when I'm done. In addition to it, I'm also working on the Bhaal Temple. Fun fact, for this project I have also had to come up with the only (to my knowledge) working solution for faking light projection in Eevee, in such a way that respects shadows and material properties of the surfaces it's being projected on. I found many tutorials and resources for projecting images on objects in Eevee, but none of them allowed for the projection to cast shadows, and also had other flaws. My solution isn't perfect but it allows for unmatched realism in the way the light is being projected, with the trade-off being render time. In addition, it is also the only working solution to doing spherical projections, and is 1:1 with how it looks in Cycles in that regard. It'll probably be finished sometime in January.