Yiff.Party is Going down, Can anyone start development of an alternative?


May 2, 2020
I don't know much about web desing anymore after how bad were my personal experience trying to get a job from it. I can't remember almost anything of PHP and Javascript. But I perfectly remember HTML and CSS. I could at least give you guys my time to make a good looking site.
Takes this website, can help you.

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New Member
Nov 4, 2020
jr. web dev here looking for something to get my **hands** busy, does anyone started creating an identical website?
I don't know much about web desing anymore after how bad were my personal experience trying to get a job from it. I can't remember almost anything of PHP and Javascript. But I perfectly remember HTML and CSS. I could at least give you guys my time to make a good looking site.
Full stack developer here, not much work experience but enough to work on something like this.

I haven't messed with hosting or anything of the sort outside of Heroku, it would take a few weeks but I could probably get a barebones version up but I already see a few issues I would have to talk to a few peers about, nothing that isn't solvable if yiff party was able to do it.

You two and anyone else who is interested, message me here or we should make a small discord to discuss details and logistics, I've dealt with front end, back end, authentication, user login, teirs of administration and different views etc, front end I'm not the best at anymore Scud74, I was more about Javascript then CSS / making it look ~pretty~.


May 2, 2020
About servers ... which are good and bad at the same time? ...

(Only for the organization that could be good so that there is no problem if you try to upload it to the website in service.)

I try to find a list of servers and with region for where it exists, also information.

Maybe it will be useful in what we are involved ...


Dec 26, 2018
Takes this website, can help you.

I'd highly recommend you to not use w3schools to learn a programming language. If you really want to start learning a programming language or HTML/CSS i can recommend , they have great interactive courses with good explanations and most of them are 100% free!


New Member
Feb 23, 2019
About servers ... which are good and bad at the same time? ...

(Only for the organization that could be good so that there is no problem if you try to upload it to the website in service.)

I try to find a list of servers and with region for where it exists, also information.

Maybe it will be useful in what we are involved ...
The problem of this hosts, is the disk usage, probably in the policies, they don't permit this type of media, or somenthing like this...

The AWS low price, is good.


And using S3 Bucket... (Est. 1TB of data)

The yiff.party prices are up to 600$ to monthly keep running... idk... maybe is best solution


New Member
Jul 24, 2020
Wouldn't it be possible to just host the files on Mega or something? Idk if creators can take down their stuff if its hosted on there, if so this would be way too much maintenance to keep reuploading it.
Just throwing around ideas(didn't read the whole thread so maybe someone already mentioned this).
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Aug 27, 2018
Wouldn't it be possible to just host the files on Mega or something? Idk if creators can take down their stuff if its hosted on there, if so this would be way too much maintenance to keep reuploading it.
Just throwing around ideas(didn't read the whole thread so maybe someone already mentioned this).
FIles on MEGA goes down constantly. It's pretty closely monitored. We get away with it for many games on this site due to a lot of authors tacitly if not officially snactioning the sharing of some version of their work as free advertising and for feedback purposes, not because they couldn't aggressively take things down if they wanted to.


Sep 8, 2018
Full stack developer here, not much work experience but enough to work on something like this.

I haven't messed with hosting or anything of the sort outside of Heroku, it would take a few weeks but I could probably get a barebones version up but I already see a few issues I would have to talk to a few peers about, nothing that isn't solvable if yiff party was able to do it.

You two and anyone else who is interested, message me here or we should make a small discord to discuss details and logistics, I've dealt with front end, back end, authentication, user login, teirs of administration and different views etc, front end I'm not the best at anymore Scud74, I was more about Javascript then CSS / making it look ~pretty~.
You guys are great


New Member
Nov 19, 2020
Sooo, since there is a discord server that going to “replace” (I think) yiff.party. Are we still going to make a website of it or not...?


New Member
Nov 20, 2020
Yiff.party as the same already defunct again, I should see new arts of JaehTheBird, Manthomex and Xtrent968!!!
Nov 24, 2017
How viable would some network of torrents be?

Putting the obvious problems that torrents have aside, we would have 2 options:

1. A "complete" torrent that gets "updated" (there are BEP39&46 to update a torrent, but nobody actually uses them) which means we would need to reupload a new torrent and reseed it.


2. We scatter everything into batches / terms / releases (whatever you wanna call them) and release each one as a torrent.

now, option 1 sucks for people that already have the stuff they want, sure they can manually uncheck all the old stuff, but it's kinda impractical to do so, and ironically enough, if nobody or just a handfull of people with bamboo internet are there to seed, you're gonna have a bad time.

Option 2 has the inverse, as you want everything but need like 420 singular different torrents to do so.

Additionally, there are people with really niche fetishes (FACT), and the chance, that someone seeds the (just an example) tentacle sfm furry reverse r*pe femdom guro stuff, that someone wants, is really effing low for some things, like the afformentioned. meaning some people have it, but they dont seed it (anymore or never) which makes it "dead" by that regard.

Also where do you intend to "store" all the torrent files, and index them ? Becasue we need to know what each file is for, since we can't just create a like 30 terrabyte (would be even more tbh) torrent, with all content !? (i really like the sound of that idea just for the fun of doing it, but i thinks it's impractical as hell...)


now look at a server.

- "100%" uptime, and the stuff (even the super niche one) stays available, as long as the website /server does
- People with decent speeds, arent held back by the bad connection of others. (no offense, i only have a "ok" connection myself)
- we can easily update everything, add a simple search function, add tags to creators, and also have the option to "show similar creators" that might show you your next favourite creator, that you dont even know yet.

and also, if we get into legal trouble with a server, we could just turn it into either tor only, or just unlist it (effectively putting it in the "darkweb")

- Website saves data, like: IP, DNS etc. etc. etc.
- Cloudflare runs 100% stable all the time and has a 100% uptime (not)
- might get region blocked, juts like nhentai did in france
- has running costs (unless we find someone with his/her own server)

Pick your posion.