I think there is a bug if you are using firefox regarding nightime exploring. I notice that when using firefox and attempting to explore at night, you never get the proper trigger to do a night time exploration of the city which is possible when you see this dialogue (which I only can see when testing it in Chrome): "You are not in the mood to expore the city at the night. But you can just walk around, right?" In Firefox, you can only see the default exploration, "You have explored every interesting place in this city, but you can just walk around" which does not trigger night time events.
This means that if you are playing this in firefox, you will never be able to trigger the following events: Rapist, Jerry, and Drunkard (which is bugged because Allure detection is bugged).
However this may be just my computer acting weird, can anyone else confirm that this is an issue with firefox? Tested on Firefox version 72.0.1 and chrome version 79.0.3945.117.
Btw great mod, but needs a bit of bug roundup, keep up the great work!
This means that if you are playing this in firefox, you will never be able to trigger the following events: Rapist, Jerry, and Drunkard (which is bugged because Allure detection is bugged).
However this may be just my computer acting weird, can anyone else confirm that this is an issue with firefox? Tested on Firefox version 72.0.1 and chrome version 79.0.3945.117.
Btw great mod, but needs a bit of bug roundup, keep up the great work!