Outside of this site,
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has a ton of games with themes you like. For example a short one that has great replayability is
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I'm a big fan of visible transformations so I made the
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tool used in that game. If that's appealing to you, you might also like
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even though it's not so much strong -> weak as weak -> lewd.
I've looked through most if not all of tfgames already, as transformation has always played a role in my favorite type of games, but goddamn is that site a pain in the butt to browse. It has a LOT of amazing ideas that never reach full fruitation, but I have tried about 30 games there so far, and just a few come close to making my list:
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is one of the most liked games there and has hours of work and gameplay put into it, AND has a few routes you could play as something transformed, although these are very varied in quality and don't really matter in the long run. A game built more around bad ends caused by transformation, but in this thread we're looking for the kind that lets you play
past those bad ends or transformations.
Roguelikes like
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(WIP) I'd really like more of, as they have easy access transformation tied in with rapid and exciting gameplay, and strike a good balance between lewd writing and lewd art that changes fluidly as you transform. So far very early and slow in development, but pretty hot for an hour or two.
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has a handful of really interesting transformations that simply don't... do anything in terms of gameplay. You try to survive as human for long enough to win, or join the horde of living dolls or bee-girls in taking down the rest, just to name a few examples. That's all there is to it.
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is simple enough in that you get slowly transformed over time, and have to reach one of 5 goals before you turn full cow. Only 20 minutes of content however and the art is rather crude.
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has one of my all-time favorite fetishes, and yet it dissappoints with nothing but still images when you lose. Yes, you
are literally meant to
stay still while petrified, but what the game's missing is scenarios in which enemies can take advantage of this. You and your petrified friends are taken to the very same square room, with the very same mobs that mechanically charge at you in the very same way every time, and is void of any immersion. It'd be so much hotter if you'd simply exit combat, and held still as a statue in the same spot you entered combat, while your surroundings carry on as if you're not there. Really wish I could love this game but so far I can barely even enjoy it.
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- Now this game does one minor thing I wish every other game on my list here did, and that is simply; changing the sprite of your PC as the story and your transformation/corruption progresses. That's it. You go from being turned into a cat, into a catgirl, into an enslaved guard wolf, back into human that has to pretend to be a maid, and you
actually get to walk around and combat in all these forms! There
has to be more RPG games that does exactly this, even if the writing is linear or the TFs are short-lived. This game would be better though, if the TFs were more permanent/harder to remove, and if the forms had more meaning in the overall gameplay.
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by "HLF" - WIP and I haven't gone through all content yet, but it is somewhat close to make it on my list here. Transformations seem to be only about slowly going from male to female but are written
exceptionally well, are obtained mostly through being defeated by bosses, and sort of alters your stats and some interactions with other characters... but falls short in terms of visibility (you can only see the changes through a mirror that in reality is just another bunch of text paragraphs), doesn't actually inhibit your gameplay in any way, and all-in-all this game is just meant to be a fun and cute transgender story - Far too wholesome for what I'm looking for here.
HLF's previous game,
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, is only more of a step-by-step puzzle game and lost my interest fast. The kind of game where you have to dig for a walkthrough in order to know what to do next, and all transformations are tied to bad ends.