Shepard & Krogan Breeding [Zmsfm]
View attachment 4157379
The animation has been uploaded on Dropbox (Normal Folder)
Shepard: _PixieWillow
Liara: CinderDryadVA
Krogan: Irecshun
Lenght: 1m15s
All variants:
-Cum Covered
Animation Information:

Here's the second animation of the month! I hope you all will like it

While it was quite a work heavy month, soon all the other animation will follow >
After an exceptional display of fighting skills on desolate homeworld of Krogans, Shepard has once again expanded her list of admirers. Despite her intentions being to help Grunt with his own personal mission. Some of the Krogans went so far to send their breeding requests to Commander herself. To surprise of them, she has accepted.
I'm still working hard on the lips animation, I'm trying to make it more and more realistic. While there are some big improvements it's still far from the results I'm looking for!

So I will keep working hard on that!!
I'd like to find a way to implement cum animation more in my animations without taking forever to animate it. So basically adding a cum scene takes a bit of time but I'm trying to find solutions to make it faster. I first tried regulating the speed of penetration with "Action" constraints so I can speed it up or slow it down in an easier way but from my experience that was quite a nightmare and didn't work as well as planned ending taking longer than animating manually. Another thing I'd like to try but haven't yet is to add a second armature with the cumming pose animation and switch the armature modifier on the body when he's about to cum but even that is quite annoying to do. Soooo will keep thinking and experimenting :3
Other than that, the usual. Light studies etc...
Next animations:
Next animation is gonna be with Yennefer which is currently getting voiced :3
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