
Feb 18, 2018
I was going through this list (btw thank you so much for making it)
to see what i already had done and missed, the lesbian scene was something i had missed and got thanks to this.
However this Blowjob"ish" scene in the Faramore armor shop i seem not able to find, has it been removed or am i missing something.

Beside those, the fragant flower south-west under Faramore does it do anything. Thus far it never triggered anything for me, but sounds like it should do something. Could be something planned later on ofcourse.

So far really enjoying it, and the story is easy enough to follow with those clear hints in Blue during the dialogue. those are so usefull
That flower is for lesbian scene :D.For blowjob in Faramore shop talk to nearest to the entrance guy but you need some lust points on Ahri


Mar 5, 2019
Okay, well reading this i got a bug to report then.

When i entered the nobleman his house in Faramore dressed as a maid for the cleaning.
Rather then talk with the nobleman i decided to do some exploring in the house first and triggered the lesbian scene in his bedroom by walking in.
This completely skipped the quest for collecting the flower and i was at the collect gold at desk part, which i could do.


New Member
Jul 23, 2018
how to hell i supose to defeat the octopus if he increase the live after every attack
Pretty easy - take every fight before you reach him, thats collect enough xp to kill him.
with ahris heal-abilitys you will defeat that little monster in no time.


Jan 16, 2019
I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong or if this is a bug. After passing through the mountain path and doing the whole infiltrating the fort quest, I go back to the town south of the fort and talk to the secretary at the mayor's office and she gives me a quest. The quest is to kill the bandits at the mountain pass to the east. I go there and not too far from the western entrance I find a group of bandits and kill them. I assume they're the only bandits as I've searched a great deal of the mountain pass. What I run into when I talk to the secretary is just her reminding me that the bandits are to the east. Is there more than one group or is the turn in for that quest not working?


Mar 23, 2019
I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong or if this is a bug. After passing through the mountain path and doing the whole infiltrating the fort quest, I go back to the town south of the fort and talk to the secretary at the mayor's office and she gives me a quest. The quest is to kill the bandits at the mountain pass to the east. I go there and not too far from the western entrance I find a group of bandits and kill them. I assume they're the only bandits as I've searched a great deal of the mountain pass. What I run into when I talk to the secretary is just her reminding me that the bandits are to the east. Is there more than one group or is the turn in for that quest not working?
same things for me , i get stuck with her saying again and again the same sh*t about the location of the quest ...

Also i took the quest where you have to go in the "spider cave" to find a Cristal for the "Lady White" , but after clearing the cave there is no crystal , so did i miss something or is it bugged ??

NB: i played the online version so not sure what to think about thoses bugs :/


Jan 16, 2019
I was able to get the crystal. Basically you're supposed to fight a group of elite soldiers when you get to the end. After that a scene plays at the end of which you'll get the crystals. So after you kill the soldiers you should get the crystals automatically.


Mar 23, 2019
I was able to get the crystal. Basically you're supposed to fight a group of elite soldiers when you get to the end. After that a scene plays at the end of which you'll get the crystals. So after you kill the soldiers you should get the crystals automatically.
idk , i took the quest , i went to the West and killed every wolf and shroom i saw , and the snake too ! then i enter the cave and killed every spiders , but after that , nothing happens ....
i search secret doors , but found nothing so i i return to the world map but nothing anywhere ...

I will try to start a new game and see if it change anything ...


Jan 16, 2019
You might be in the wrong area. There are two mountains in that area of the world map. It is the one nearest to the second fortress called bastion or something like that. Like a few step west of it. In that cave you should be fighting noxian regulars not spiders and stuff.


Mar 23, 2019
You might be in the wrong area. There are two mountains in that area of the world map. It is the one nearest to the second fortress called bastion or something like that. Like a few step west of it. In that cave you should be fighting noxian regulars not spiders and stuff.
okay , i will check ;)

Edit: found it , i was in the wrong cave indeed -_-" so thx for the help ;)


Jan 11, 2019
I am at the part where I have to get Vladmir to help me. I defeated his maid and now I need to help evelyn. I made ahri her costume and teased the random guy tied to the chair. I think there is more to the "help evelyn" but I skipped her dialogue too fast and didn't get a chance to read it properly. Can someone fill me in?
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