
Active Member
Jul 4, 2021
I have a question, on one of my play throughs, I came across a lesbian couple, become smitten with them, married one of them and she apparently had a breeding fetish, and kept bringing me girls in the game to be bred? How would I repeat this again, since I lost my saves? I do believe they were youtubers or something life style.


Nov 25, 2017
Many of the scenes in this game are non-functional due to collision errors. Is this being worked on?
It would be nice if he did I mean practically the first sex scene is usually the one hanging across the headboard on the bed. I know you can adjust it but still


Active Member
Jun 28, 2019
As long as the updates are fetish and not bugfix or game mechanic concentraded, that won´t be likely.
but I mean all of the compelling parts of the game are tied to the kinks. Just trying to align acts that are bed-based to ensure they actually happen on a bed would be a great start.


Aug 8, 2018
but I mean all of the compelling parts of the game are tied to the kinks. Just trying to align acts that are bed-based to ensure they actually happen on a bed would be a great start.
That is one of the main problems of the game. It doesn´t matter how much contend the game get when place, scene, npc and clothes don´t work together.
I think it will need 2 months only focused on this part to get better resaults.


Jan 13, 2018
got a bug,every time i do a bargain porn shoot i don`t get paid
ps the same goes for the sperm donation
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creating moddable 3D life simulator
Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017

The results for the Kinks of the Month poll for March are as follows:
(Formula: $1-4 Votes + $5-$9 Votes * 3 + $10 Votes * 9 = Total)
  • Group Sex : 27 + 17 * 3 + 13 * 9 = 195
  • At Work : 32 + 15 * 3 + 13 * 9 = 194
  • Polyamorous : 25 + 8 * 3 + 10 * 9 = 139
  • Netori (you're the bull) : 20 + 18 * 3 + 6 * 9 = 128
  • Orcs, Elves and Vampires : 30 + 12 * 3 + 5 * 9 = 111
  • Transformation : 31 + 9 * 3 + 5 * 9 = 103
  • Netorare (you're the cuck) : 17 + 6 * 3 + 7 * 9 = 98
  • Cowgirl (bill Corr...) : 14 + 5 * 3 + 6 * 9 = 83
  • Interracial : 14 + 10 * 3 + 3 * 9 = 71
  • BDSM : 16 + 4 * 3 + 3 * 9 = 55
  • Gay : 13 + 5 * 3 + 2 * 9 = 46
  • Trans : 18 + 4 * 3 + 1 * 9 = 39
  • Watersports : 10 + 2 * 3 + 2 * 9 = 34
  • Toys : 6 + 1 * 3 + 2 * 9 = 27
  • Scat : 3 + 1 * 3 + 2 * 9 = 24
  • Non-NTR Voyeurism : 4 + 2 * 3 + 0 * 9 = 10
  • Vore : 7 + 0 * 3 + 0 * 9 = 7
  • Foot Fetish : 2 + 0 * 3 + 0 * 9 = 2
- Group Sex will be the focus of v4.29 (ETA: 18 March). The community brainstorm period for this kink will be from today to 11 March.
- At Work will be the focus of v4.30 (ETA: 28 March). The community brainstorm period for this kink will be from 14 March to 21 March.
- No 'unlucky loser given some love' this month because the 8 April update is when will start.


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
Hello, forst of all keep up the game!
Second, i have a question/problem. I downloaded the game, enabled the old/youngdid the dating app and all that but no scene triggers in any game. Anyone knows what i'mdoing wrong?

Thank you fpr your time, and sorry to disturb


Active Member
Aug 17, 2016
Mod: Dresser

This mod adds a Dresser interaction to companions which allows you to select their clothing, generate a random outfit, or make them nude.

How it Works:
Click on your companion and select the Dresser interaction. The background will change to a well lit "dressing room" and you'll be presented with a menu that's self-explanatory. The Pick Clothing option will present a number of clothing categories which are labeled by which clothing slot(s) they occupy. You can only equip one clothing item in each slot, and some clothing takes up multiple slots. Selected clothing for slots that are already occupied will remove/replace whatever clothing currently occupies it. There's also a Remove option in each category which simply removes whatever clothing is currently in the slot(s) without replacing it with anything. The Bottom slot cannot be removed (See Known Issues for details). Clothing color cannot be specified, but you can select the same item multiple times to change the color. Once you're done picking clothing select the Finished option at the bottom of any menu to close the menu and return to your previous location.

If you want underwear to be visible under clothing then you need to enable the Underwear Visible Under Clothes setting in the game settings. Otherwise it'll only be visible if the outer layer of clothing (Top and/or Bottom) is removed. Because of the aforementioned issue with the Bottom slot, this means panties, boxers, etc. will never be visible unless the visibility setting is enabled.

Avoid using the Emergency! button while using the Dresser interaction. The mod does some cleanup when the normal Finished button is used, and the emergency button bypasses this which will cause issues with the mod. Use the Dresser interaction again and hit Finished to correct this.

There's also a separate Change Outfit interaction which adds a quick menu with options to load saved outfits, randomly generate an outfit, or make the NPC nude. This can be used on any permanent NPCs.

Outfit Saving & Loading:
Created outfits can be saved, and then loaded again on any permanent NPC of the same gender.​
To save an outfit you must configure one. You can't save outfits randomly generated by the game or by the Random button in the main menu because the mod has no way of knowing what clothing items the outfit is comprised of. The Save Outfit button will only work if you manually choose clothing using the clothing selection menus. Once you have done this you can use the Save Outfit button. To finish the saving process you must run a separate manage_outfits script outside of the game in the mod folder. There's a manage_outfits.exe included for those that don't have Python installed, otherwise you can run which is in the Outfits folder. The outfit will now be saved. You do not need to restart the game for saved outfits to be available.​
Saved outfits can be loaded at anytime from the "Load Outfit" button in the main menu or by using the "Load outfit" interaction. Since you can't select colors for individual clothing items, the same is true for outfits. Saved outfits will have no color information saved with them. When you load an existing outfit, the colors will be random just like the outfits the game randomly generates. You can load an outfit multiple times to get different colors until you get something satisfactory.​
Existing outfits can be modified in-game. If you load an outfit, make changes to it, and then hit the Save Outfit button, you'll be given the option of either saving it as a new outfit, or modifying the existing outfit.​
You can save multiple outfits in-game before you run the manage_outfits script. The script will save all of the changes at once. You can modify the same outfit multiple times before running the script, but only the latest changes to it will be saved.​
Outfits can only be saved during the Dresser session in which they are created/loaded. If you create or load an outfit, and then exit the Dresser menu, the mod will no longer be able to track what the character is wearing, so if you enter the Dresser menu again and try to save the outfit you will not be able to do so. Ensure that you save your outfits before closing Dresser.​
When outfits are initially saved you will be given the option to set a name for it. Entering a blank name will give the outfit a name in the format of "Outfit 1", "Outfit 2", ..., "Outfit N". Renaming, reordering, and deleting individual outfits currently requires manual editing of Outfits/outfits.json. Only attempt this if you know what you're doing. To rename an outfit, you can change the name between the quotes in the JSON file to whatever you want. Manual edits of this file require re-running the manage_outfits script in order for the changes to be reflected in-game. Future updates might make it easier to manage outfits without manual editing.​
When saving outfits, you don't necessarily need to run the manage_outfits script while Dresser is open in-game, but you should ensure that you run it as soon as possible. The mod creates temp files to convey the outfit information to the script, and these files will eventually be overwritten/deleted by the game, so if you want your outfit information to be properly saved then you need to run the script before that happens.​

1. Unzip the archive in your Modules directory.
2. Copy Clothes4.txt from the grim_Dresser directory to the Modules directory and overwrite the original file.
2. Activate the mod with the in-game mod manager.

Known Issues:
  • TLDR: You can't remove the bottom of the outfit. Issue with the game itself.
    Details: It's not currently possible to remove the Bottom slot of the outfit without causing issues, and the mod intentionally prevents the slot from ever being empty by adding a placeholder item to it if your selection would cause it to be empty. Whenever the game detects that the Bottom slot is empty, it seems to force the actor to redress when the scene ends, even if you ultimately end up equipping something in that slot. The forced redress can mess up other parts of the outfit you've already configured. The description of setNoRedress() implies that it's the solution to this, but it seems to have a bug which causes the actor to remove all of their clothes instead, making it not much different than strip() except that it persists after the scene ends.
  • The Nude option prevents you from permanently equipping anything afterwards. Use the Random option to reset this if you wish to select clothing again.
  • Selecting the Nude option from the Change Outfit menu on a non-companion and then asking them to hang out will cause them to put their clothes back on. They may also put their clothes back on if you travel to another location with them. Opening up the Change Outfit menu will remove their clothes once again.
  • The mod can't accurately track what the NPC is wearing once you leave the dressing room. This means that the protections in place to prevent the bottom slot from ever being empty will no longer work correctly. Don't rely on them to prevent the outfit from getting messed up and assume that you'll be starting a new outfit from scratch.
  • The male Accessory slot can't be removed. Seems to be an issue with the stripOne() function.
  • Loading outfits can be slow (up to several seconds). The more items your outfit is comprised of the longer it takes to load. Nothing I can do about that. It's the dress() function that the game's API provides which is slow.

  • Can now give outfits a name when saving them.
  • The "Load outfit" interaction was renamed to "Change Outfit". The new Change Outfit interaction is no longer restricted to companions, and can be used on any permanent NPC. This option will allow you to select either a saved outfit, make them nude, or randomly generate an outfit for the targeted NPC.
  • Fixed up some of the NPC positioning issues when using the dressing room as best as I could. It's more difficult than it should be to get an NPC to stand in one spot and face the same direction.
  • Initial implementation of outfit saving/loading. Check the instructions for how it works.
  • Added a "Load outfit" interaction to companions to quickly load outfits without having to use the main Dresser menu.
  • Added a Remove All option near the bottom of the clothing categories menu which will remove all clothing (except the Bottom; see Known Issues). This is a quick way of getting to a clean slate when starting a new outfit.
  • Another attempt at fixing the Random option. Apparently character aliases can't be reused.
  • Fix for companion sometimes disappearing when using the Random option.


SHA-256: 54eb4c1f7689c8ebc0dad6601d25e3aeae780b7931b08909dd2783b5400d5886
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Nov 6, 2017
Henlo , the import texture on char creator doesnt seem to do anything in linux am i doing something wrong?
first i made the image file as described in the docs and moved them to presets .
then according to the tab i am in i clicked the texture files but it didnt show any preview or update the character.
how do i fix this?


Nov 6, 2017
Hello, forst of all keep up the game!
Second, i have a question/problem. I downloaded the game, enabled the old/youngdid the dating app and all that but no scene triggers in any game. Anyone knows what i'mdoing wrong?

Thank you fpr your time, and sorry to disturb
what was your character's age and old-young age preference?


Game Developer
Jan 30, 2020
Didn't know about it. But after checking, it seems had or still has problems with setting up git... But you have a point. He has to make source code available.
I asked for the code through a message at patreon and I got something like its already modable and blueprints havn't changed much. Now look at his patch at every version and we can see that is not the case. Also file sizes are a good indication. Seems in reality he doesn't want to release the source code.


Game Developer
Jan 30, 2020
Is there a way to change the kind of body that npcs spawn with?
I have been trying to figure this out too but it seems its probably not possible without access to the source code. If I'm not mistaken unreal will ignore any files you drop in even if you try to replace the bp with the bridget model.


Jan 13, 2018
Mod: Dresser

This mod adds a "Dresser" interaction to companions which allows you to select their clothing, generate a random outfit, or make them nude.

How it Works:
Click on your companion and select the Dresser interaction. The background will change to a well lit "dressing room" and you'll be presented with a menu that's self-explanatory. The "Pick Clothing" option will present a number of clothing categories which are labeled by which clothing slot(s) they occupy. You can only equip one clothing item in each slot, and some clothing takes up multiple slots. Selected clothing for slots that are already occupied will remove/replace whatever clothing currently occupies it. There's also a "Remove" option in each category which simply removes whatever clothing is currently in the slot(s) without replacing it with anything. The "Bottom" slot cannot be removed (See Known Issues for details). Clothing color cannot be specified, but you can select the same item multiple times to change the color. Once you're done picking clothing select the "Finished" option at the bottom of any menu to close the menu and return to your previous location.

If you want underwear to be visible under clothing then you need to enable the "Underwear Visible Under Clothes" setting in the game settings. Otherwise it'll only be visible if the outer layer of clothing (Top and/or Bottom) is removed. Because of the aforementioned issue with the Bottom slot, this means panties, boxers, etc. will never be visible unless the visibility setting is enabled.

Avoid using the "Emergency!" button while using the Dresser interaction. The mod does some cleanup when the normal "Finished" button is used, and the emergency button bypasses this which will cause issues with the mod. Use the Dresser interaction again and hit Finished to correct this.

This mod does not currently allow you to save outfits. The outfit only sticks for as long as you're with your companion. I have an idea for how outfit saving could be accomplished but it will require further testing to see if it's feasible.

1. Unzip the archive in your Modules directory.
2. Copy Clothes4.txt from the grim_Dresser directory to the Modules directory and overwrite the original file.
2. Activate the mod with the in-game mod manager.

Known Issues:
  • TLDR: You can't remove the bottom of the outfit. Issue with the game itself.
    Details: It's not currently possible to remove the Bottom slot of the outfit without causing issues, and the mod intentionally prevents the slot from ever being empty by adding a placeholder item to it if your selection would cause it to be empty. Whenever the game detects that the Bottom slot is empty, it seems to force the actor to redress when the scene ends, even if you ultimately end up equipping something in that slot. The forced redress can mess up other parts of the outfit you've already configured. The description of setNoRedress() implies that it's the solution to this, but it seems to have a bug which causes the actor to remove all of their clothes instead, making it not much different than strip() except that it persists after the scene ends.
  • The "Nude" option in the main menu prevents you from permanently equipping anything afterwards. Use the "Random" option to reset this if you wish to select clothing again.
  • The mod can't accurately track what the NPC is wearing once you leave the dressing room. This means that the protections in place to prevent the bottom slot from ever being empty will no longer work correctly. Don't rely on them to prevent the outfit from getting messed up and assume that you'll be starting a new outfit from scratch.
  • The male Accessory slot can't be removed. Seems to be an issue with the stripOne() function.
  • Sometimes the NPC doesn't face the direction of the initial camera position.
i can`t download the mod grim


Active Member
Sep 14, 2017
Android version???
How to play life play of your phone.
Step 1: log on to page with download link on your phone.
Step 2: wrap phone in aluminum foil
Step 3: place wrapped phone in microwave set tempter to extremely high and cook for 10,000 years.

You will get the same results if you attempted either way.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Saburo. M


Mar 20, 2020
A question...
If I create an NPC with porn fame rating (ie. they're a porn star), and my MC becomes a porn star, would the created NPC have a chance of appearing in any shoots the MC gets to do?
3.30 star(s) 117 Votes