Chapter 2 of the 23 Sisters Web Novel should be out to day. My co-writer is just finishing it up. I've already started work on Chapter 3. Here's a sample.
“Are you two ready to go?” David asks.
“I'm not gonna sleep with you.” Tiffany tells David.
“What?” David asks.
“I'm not gonna let you fuck me I said. My pussy belongs to my brother. I'm sorry.” Tiffany says to David.
“Is she serious?” David asks Jack.
“I'm not sure.” Jack replies.
“Tiffany, David is gay.”
“Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were disabled.” Tiffany says to David.
“Disabled? What the hell are you talking about?” David asks feeling offended.
“Uncle Buck says not to make fun of gay people because they are disabled.” Tiffany says.
“We're not disabled.” David says to Tiffany. “You can make fun of me all you want. In fact I wish you would. I hate it when people walk on eggshells around me. I want to be treated like everyone else.”
“Okay. I totally know where you're coming from David. I like it in the butt too.” Tiffany says gleefully.