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Hey folks.
First patch for LEVEL: -3 MADAME BIJOU is here. This patch has no combat yet, but offer a very cool and elaborate INTRO that I'm sure you will like.
NOTE TO MAC users: the latest version of MACOS is incompatible with RPGMAKER. Sadly there isn't much I can do about it. I've tried making a LINUX version, since I know some MAC user use LINUX. Try it out and see if it work. If not. Apologies, but that's sadly not something I can fix.
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You must be registered to see the links
Here are the details:
- LEVEL -3 is now accessible (Has 5 MAPS for now. More will be added)
- INTRO events leading to MADAME BIJOU
- INTROS are very different this time depending if you go SLUT or Warrior
- Many sprites assests added.
- Lots of nice animations and effect sequences were added
- New sound effect and music were added.
I'm trying to make more quality patches from now on with more thought out sequences and battles. This means that I'm going with a "It's done when it's done approach." from now on.
This is for the best, as I'm sure you will notice a great improvement on the quality of this patch.
That's it for now. If you find any more issues feel free to share it here or better yet on the BUG channel of the discord.