Thanks for your reply, let's hope it lastsNo error and loads fast very fast for me.
I'll have a look at it, but it's a problem with the plugin, maybe by modifying CSS I could solve it, thanks for the report!A minor thing but I did notice in Dark mode the page selection box background stay's white with blue pin stripes.
Yes, it means that the redis caches have reached their maximum Ram limit, I don't understand how to delete them automatically without reaching the limitJust as a heads up Anon951 I checked the site several hours ago, and then about 30 minutes ago, somewhere between those times the wordpress code for the site appeared to die, mentioning that all memory was in use, for it to appear out of nowhere i'd guess someone attacked the site, that or a major bug on their end.
Fatal error: Uncaught RedisException: OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'. in /home/admin/web/ Stack trace: #0 /home/admin/web/ Redis->setex() #1 /home/admin/web/ W3TC\Cache_Redis->set() #2 /home/admin/web/ W3TC\ObjectCache_WpObjectCache_Regular->set() #3 /home/admin/web/ W3TC\ObjectCache_WpObjectCache_Regular->add() #4 /home/admin/web/ W3TC\ObjectCache_WpObjectCache->add() #5 /home/admin/web/ wp_cache_add() #6 /home/admin/web/ wp_load_alloptions() #7 /home/admin/web/ is_blog_installed() #8 /home/admin/web/ wp_not_installed() #9 /home/admin/web/ require_once('...') #10 /home/admin/web/ require_once('...') #11 /home/admin/web/ require_once('...') #12 /home/admin/web/ require('...') #13 {main} thrown in /home/admin/web/ on line 148
Yeah I knew it happened before, I tried changing the memory-policy system, hopefully this problem won't happen again...Whatever you've done its back to normal now, I just wanted to make sure you knew, to do any less would make me an A-hole lol
I don't think it's the same providers, many hosting companies have multiple servers scattered all over the world. In my case there was a planned maintenance of the network infrastructure... but before that it ran perfectly without any slowdownsI wonder if ZoneGFX and Render-State both use the same hosting provider as 3D-load since they’ve been going up and down as much. ZoneGFX has been having major problems in the recent days to the point where I originally thought that someone was DDoS’ing these sites or the hosting provider is screwing them over to the point where they’ve been moving to a new one, hence all of the downtime.
Took longer but now All is very very fast. I think, has never been so fast.will last no longer than 90 minutes...
Just saw the mod of 3d-load replying to a comment on the latest upload on 3d-load:Hey 3D-LOAD...Why is it so quiet...No Updates anymore!
3dload (Author)
16 hours ago (that would be 27-8, then)
I’m away from home at the moment, so I can’t post on a regular basis, Unfortunately I’m alone so I can’t continue to publish in the meantime.
pity ...You changing you side a bit..First When I open your side, I have the possibility to change to dark mode. Very nice...But everytime I click on one item, Dark mode goos off and the on...Like light on light off for 1 second. Was better before. Should be dark always when I use the button DARK MODE.
Second on the hamburger icon you have remove the search function... To bad...
Sorry, I forgot to renew the domain...Just chiming in to say the site's down at present...