Speaking to the core question of how to make assets *like* DragiHadzitosic (DH), first step would be to analyze and understand how his products work. Are they geoshells? L.I.E.s? or more like the CumProPack asset which has geometry that you dforce onto the body part?
If it is geoshells with displacement/bump and diffuse etc texture maps, then find out what those texture images are by digging into his asset files, and then try remaking some alternatives with your preferred layout of "splash damage", and plug them back into the shader he uses....
...<elevator music plays>...
Aaaaand 45 minutes later I'm back from the rabbit hole. I have unlocked the mysteries.
I dug through all the stuff that makes up the DH "Cum addict" asset. There are 6 variations of bukkake prop. Each one contains:
- a 3d model of coatings and drips that is parented to the selected figure and conforms to the figure geometry. NOT a geoshell.
View attachment 2211747
- a UV map
View attachment 2211748
- material definitions for "default" and "cum" that map the three images into the relevant channels of a standard Iray Uber shader
- and three image files: Bump, Refraction, and Normal.
View attachment 2211752
View attachment 2211754
View attachment 2211755
And here's what it looks like all together:
View attachment 2211785
Does that information help? probably not much unless you are very keen.
If it was me trying to do this, here is how I would approach making a custom variation:
- import a base daz model G8.1 whatever model into blender and then model some splats and splashes as separate geometry. note that it looks like DH has done closed 3d volumes, perhaps that's needed for the refraction to work?
- do uv maps for your new geometry
- paint some images for bump/normal/diffraction following a similar pattern to the above (I know little about this part, perhaps some tool like substance painter would help?)
- export only the jism geometry from blender
- import into Daz
- somehow make it a conforming child of the figure (not sure how to do this)
- apply an iray uber shader and setup the 3 relevant channels like DH does, with your texture maps