I hope not, i prefer Ethan uses the chastity cage and the update where Nat and Darrel go to a vacation and Ethan wait in house.I used to know a dude who bulled for some married couple he told me as a cautionary tale how he got off on feeling like an alpha male but eventually escalated to he could only get off to fucking the husband in front of the wife. Literally turned himself gay because apparently that's the most dominant alpha thing u can possibly do is to make the dude take your dick in his ass in front of his wife. It kind of checks out it's as if at least one or both of the dudes in the dynamic is secretly gay and doesn't wanna come out the closet so this is the closest they can get is by saying it's over a woman.
Let's fucking go cuck Ethan high route where darryl picks Ethan over nat.

Red: things in the future, yellow:actions that have already happened, no color: things that should not happen