Apparently there was some new events in this update but i already completed them in the previous one..
What is going on here
For those of you looking for cards. The winnable ones are only winnable the first time you play a certain event. Like when you have sex with Sidney or Lauren for the first time. So, unless you play from a new game, they're going to be impossible to get. So, let me help you out. You'll need to open your console in game by typing "Shift + o" and then type in the codes I'll list below.
This will make them available in your gallery.
King of Spades: Won after having sex with Lauren for the first time. Has two versions.
Loyalty Version: type with your console open "$ persistent.gal_CardsSK_1 = True" hit enter.
NTR Version: type "$ persistent.gal_CardsSKNTR_1 = True"
King of Clubs: Won after having sex with Sidney for the first time.
type "$ persistent.gal_CardsCK_1 = True"
Jack of Clubs: Won after getting you first blowjob from Agent Diaz.
type "$ persistent.gal_CardsCJ_1 = True"
Queen of Clubs: Won after getting your fist blowjob from Sidney in the club.
type "$ persistent.gal_CardsCQ_1 = True"
Jack of Spades: Won after having sex with Megan for the first time.
type "$ persistent.gal_CardsSJ_1 = True"
Jack of Hearts: Won after having anal sex with Mrs. Stone for the first time.
type "$ persistent.gal_CardsHJ_1 = True"
Jack of Diamonds: Won after Mandy's first hand job in the truth or dare event.
type "$ persistent.gal_CardsDJ_1 = True"
the rest of the cards can be found by looking around the AFV world. There are 11 total, well, 12 if you include both versions of the King of Spades. You can only have one or the other of these though. Good luck!