A few observations and suggestions.


Feb 11, 2019
The reason I am writing this is I hope it helps some of the authors with their writing. There are a number of things I observed that I think could be improved upon. Believability of characters is one issue. Some authors have a clear lack of understanding of how behavioral manipulation works. That or their view of women is so low they can't even give any basic credit of intellect or self worth to them. Running 3 adult websites catering to escorts and cam models and 15 years in around the adult community dealing with models, strippers and porn gives you a pretty good insite into the people and how things work. Especially when those people are talking to each other on your site and to you.

Observation 1
One problem I have with a lot of female characters in the games I see a lot of is that they put up next to no resistance to people's actions.
I used to run 3 adult sites that catered to escorts and cam models there was all sorts of messed up women on them and they got there from all sorts of reasons. But none of them simply gave in like the girls in these games. There are a number of ways a person gets broken none of them are as simple as easy as most these games portray.
It's hard to find any value in a female character who goes into a job interview and someone lifts her skirt up and she doesn't deck the guy who put her knee in his crotch. Those that don't put up a physical fight will usually stop the hell out at the very least. I've seen that more than a few times in real life from the clubs I used to spend my off time at while in the Navy and later on.
The girls that are usually willing to take such crap are already broken by someone else. They don't get that way from simply loosing a family or a few bad things going on in their life.

I guess what I am saying is that a lot of the women just aren't believable and many of them appear as if they were dreamed up by some 10 year old school boy who has no real clue as to how that side of life actually works. It's like they got their info from a bad manga, another game or so crappy book. I get it most people aren't going to have a decade or more exposure to the adult industry from the inside. But it isn't that hard to get real information and so on about this stuff.
Women that have dealt with stuff like this are usually jaded as hell so simply getting them to fall for crap so easily isn't that easy. Once they learn to stand on their own 2 feet a bit they are much harder to put in the same situation again. Sometimes they go back to doing stuff because its familiar to them and they feel comfortable because at least they know what to expect. Fear of the unknown is pretty powerful.

Observation 2
This one is best described with an example. I don't want to name the game or author. But there is also more than one like this. So recently played a game where it's some what story based but more about the player choosing who they date. You move in with a family and you can pursue the daughters and mother... The only issue is the author clearly has some sort of mommy fetish and forces you to deal with pursuing the mother figure even if you have no interest in her. I would get that if the MC had a mommy fetish and then the rest of the characters he pursued fit that but that isn't the case. You end up being forced to deal with multiple chapters of your character being forced to pursue a character you may not want to before you can say no to it.

If the relationship is the players choice then that should be made as early as possible by the player so as not to force the player into dealing with something they don't like or are uncomfortable with.

It depends on the story and the plot if. For example you are doing the fiance / couple story or marriage break up type of story then of course it makes sense for them to have a continued relationship for some part of time. However if they don't have a previous established commitment then it shouldn't be forced on the player. There is an exception to that.

The exception to when a player should have to deal with an unwanted relationship is when that is the story plot. Example would be the female protagonist is having to deal with a relentless stalker who goes to the point of kidnapping her. Then obviously yes that's a forced relationship you can't avoid.

Observation 3
This the beyond stupid one. Characters made way to stupid to be believable or real. The least intelligent person I have known in my life was an individual with a brain defect were he had a hole in his brain a bit larger than a golf ball. He was magnitudes smarter than many of the characters portrayed in these games. To give you an idea how bad this issue is. 70 IQ is severally retarded. This guy was in the 65 IQ range. These characters probably were next to 50IQ or lower they way they are written. They would have so many more worse issues going on that what these games show they would be in care facilities.

The exception being they are high as a kite or drunk off their ass.

Not sure I should put this on here I don't want it used as some sort of instructional by some dirt bag who wants to go out and use it.
But if you have a decent amount of intelligence and know what and where to look you can find this and a lot more detailed information on this topic on the internet.

I am obviously going to limit the amount of detail on this. Any author worth a damn will be either able to work it out from what I am writing or be able to figure out what to look up to get more information.

Behavioral Manipulation
There are a number methods for doing this. People do everything they do for one reason or another. That reason can be to achieve a goal or avoid a penalty of some type. Avoiding a penalty is a goal in and of itself. What goal you provide the person and how you provide it to them is the real difference in the methods.

Breaking a person usually means you break their will to resist and have them comply with what you want. That can be done physically or with mental conditioning or via threats and harm to others and so on. It's generally abusive and instills fear and the end result is a person with a lack of trust who is emotionally scared.

Goal of victim:
Simply avoid emotional or physical pain

A person can also be convinced to do pretty much anything. Usually this means providing information that they can verify easily as to why they are doing what they currently are doing. Then provide them a means to believe the other option isn't bad or harmful and potentially the right option and that it can even help them achieve a goal they have. That goal can even be something you provided them.

Goal of victim: Can be nearly anything if it can be related to the behavior being modified.

Incremental behavior modification.
What most games on here call corruption. This is done by changing a person's behavior pattern over a period of time. It can be enhanced with chemical or influence. People are more open to suggestion under various chemical effects. Once they step beyond a point with someone they are easier in most cases to get to repeat the action. However, that can fail when a person decides what they did was to far and that they then refuse to say have another drink with you in the future. In general if the person feels the behavior was to far and you can't also convince them it was normal or natural or no big deal then you are looking at it possibly backfiring. The best course to continue the change is actually to back off and let the intended target to work it out in their own head and come to terms with it. That works best if there is a some dependence of friendship or simply the lack of human contact. They can feel its worth letting it go to go back to establishing normal contact and routine.

Goal of victim: Can be nearly anything if it can be related to the behavior being modified.

Withholding affection and dependence relationships.
Honestly with all the incest games on here and this being the easiest to use against a child I am surprised I haven't seen it in a game that I played. It might be out there but I haven't seen it. This is fairly simple the person withholds affection and acts upset or angry toward the person they want something from. Spouses do this at times as well. You know the you didn't buy me a dress or take me out ... so you aren't getting sex for the next month or you are sleeping on the couch situations. Those all fall into this category of behavioral manipulation.

Goal of victim: Regain affection

There are other methods. One can also use a combination of methods. To achieve more desirable effects. Take breaking someone of itself doesn't allow for much trust. Some pimps hook girls buy acting like a boy friend then getting them to incrementally do more and more stuff for them. The girl is told this is to help him or prove she loves him and so on. At some point they may move to a breaking method to instill fear and prevent the girl from running away.

A good example of manipulation
All you have to do is look at cam modeling. The average cam model makes less than 30K a year. However you will see sites advertising they can make 100K a year. Only a very small percentage of them do make that less than 5%. The goal is making money and the victim is usually under educated easily manipulated women.
There is a fun part to this manipulation going on. In that the girls don't like to admit they been duped into this and so will go to the point of trying to brag and drag other women in. Why so they aren't the only one they don't want to feel like being the only person that stupid. With the token system they loose a large amount of the money to the sites like chaterbate and so on.

Take the site manyvids which a lot of cam models post videos on. There is a number of fun observations with how this site works and the women on it.
They take 50% of the profit. However the girls could host a site through host gator for about $3 a month. They can setup a high risk or adult merchant account that only takes 11% of the profit instead. It would take about an hour to setup. After that they would be spending the same amount of effort to keep using manyvids.
Most the guys who go to manyvids don't just stop on the seller that linked them there they go and keep looking if they plan to buy something. So the girls loose in the effort they brought a client there but he didn't buy from them. It works out to something like a 1 in 6 or some rate they buy from you and not someone else. But if they have their own site well its a bit higher. Because their isn't the temptation to look at other sellers.
Not just that the system the site has setup requires the girls to compete with one another. Because there are so many women for you to get up on that first page they either have to be really attractive or willing to do more and more perverse/deviant behavior.

It's a lot like the Japanese porn industry in that way. Japanese porn everyone is trying to one up the next person so they get sales.
There are also pain shows for example were women are forced to endure pain and the person that last the longest wins a prize.

All of these prey on people who are vulnerable and in need of money.

The best part about the cam models using sites like manyvids if you point out the issue they could make money with their own site they get upset over it or think you are trying to run a scam on them. Even when you have no other involvement other than pointing it out. They are that jaded from dealing with all the creeps they exposed themselves to over the time they go on there. The ones who are actually willing to listen are usually ones who just started. What's better is I do free tutorials and articles online and even when they came to me asking for help I have still managed to feel them pull this accusatory crap all for answering a question they asked.

It's not uncommon for those manipulated or abused to become that way themselves.

What you should take away from this
First, no woman is going to walk in an office and simply accept you telling her to take her clothes off unless she expected to before hand and was ok with it.
They will likely leave and look for another job unless you have the only job and they can't get to another town or location. So if you don't have some club 50 or 100 miles from a town and she isn't stranded there you are either likely to end up in pain or she is leaving the first chance she gets even if it means walking.
Putting your hands on them is less likely even in cultures were women are treated like shit you are likely to get some physical reaction to it. If not you can pretty much guarantee they walk out. Unless you are going to portray a society were women haven't one their rights in it isn't going to be believable.

With the number of pages and text already invested in writing these stories do the extra work get the manipulation worked out before hand and make it more believable.

Don't force people to endure a relationship if it isn't necesary to the plot.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
One of the reasons I avoid corruption games or "retard in lecherville" as they have come to be known by some here.

None of them are believable. As a woman who knows many other women I don't know a single one that would drop to her knees to suck a dick if blackmail or threats were attempted.

I could imagine an all expenses paid trip to dick kick city but that's all the action they would see.


Active Member
Aug 24, 2016
1. Relationships get fast-tracked due to game devs drumming interest for their games.
2. Stuff like incest gets introduced to cater to supporters who want that kind of stuff.
3. Yeah, most characters are stupid. Lets face it. Most of these games have flimsy plot.

All in all. Adult games get produced not for their "artistic value" but for money.

Amanda Carter

Jun 7, 2017
None of them are believable. As a woman who knows many other women I don't know a single one that would drop to her knees to suck a dick if blackmail or threats were attempted.
Unfortunately i have seen too many cases that is not true. I have seen 19-20 years old boys entering to homosexual relations because they need a job. There was a national modelling competition a few years ago and one of the guys choosing the candidates had sex with a few applicants (19-years old boys). Media never heard of it and the guy who did it is still one of the biggest name when it comes to modelling.

I have seen good wives becoming a rich man's mistress or engaged young women cheating on their boyfriends because they think that will bring them a better, richer life. I heard of people bragging they had sex with young women during job interviews and knowing them, they are probably telling the truth. I made job interviews and i saw a few women ready to do everything to get that position.

Maybe this is because ot the connections i have; i own a pretty big company with connections to many companies at media/entertainment/defence industry and believe me when i say that unfortunately not every woman or man is as strong as you say.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
There's a fine line between basic, simple persuasion and manipulation. There are a lot of different means of doing the latter--the aforementioned behavior modification(operant conditioning, positive and negative reinforcement, positive and negative punishment, extinction, shaping, fading, and chaining); indoctrination and brainwashing(the latter is a more intense version which mixes in some b-mod techniques); standard social influence techniques and principles, as outlined by Robert Cialdini(social proof, reciprocity and consistency, authority, liking and scarcity); more dubious techniques like hypnosis, "conversational" hypnosis and neurolinguistics programming(so-called "speed seduction"); application of concepts/theories from sociobiology and evolutionary psychology; and just plain run of the mill trickery and psychological techniques.
Persuasion relies more on the ability to make convincing arguments, appeal to the interests of the persuade, make oneself more attractive/appealing, and so forth. It's distinguishable from manipulation because it's not really underhanded, you are being straightforward and simply making your best case for (se)X.
You don't really have time in a game to conduct indoctrination and brainwashing, which require many weeks to months of intense conditioning and repetitive messaging. Social influence is definitely within the realm of the possible in game, and if a character knew what the hell they were doing, they could engage in some pretty serious b-mod, though extensive knowledge of someone's personality and "triggers" would be really helpful. Run of the mill trickery is already on display in most games(a lot of deception, e.g.). Hypnosis and NLP can't really do IRL what they do in games, but on the other hand it's at least remotely plausible in a fictional setting. There are some principles of sociobiology and evo psych which have some validity and could be used in some way to assist with a seduction, I suppose.
One could also learn better how to read female body language and other signals, and how to appeal to the basic archetypal desires of women--to be desired, to be protected, to be provided for, and to be entertained, et al. You don't have to be all things to all women, just all or enough things to one woman at a time(to start, anyway).
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
As I said there are other methods. Many/most of the methods a VN would never have the time to explore time wise realistically.

Persuasion I'd say that's more a matter of opinion and the means of persuasion used to get the person to do what they want.
Most forms of persuasion used in modifying a persons behavior are not honest in that they don't provide the counter arguments or facts to allow the intended target to formulate a logical answer based on all the facts. It would be like showing an altered video of an event to a jury and expecting them to come back with the right answer. We consider that jury manipulation and tampering or presenting false evidence.

Indoctrination can be done quite rapidly depending on the goal and other factors like doing it in a group actually makes people more pliable or willing to go along with it so they feel they fit in.

In RL Hypnosis and NLP are probably best suited to make someone a little less resistant to other methods. Not everyone can be hypnotized. They don't effect everyone equally. In short they aren't very reliable.

Social influence is certainly powerful one of the most powerful. Can drive a person to kill themselves.

Reading people or interpersonal communication skills. 75% of communication in a conversation face to face is non-verbal. Which is why phone conversations have more misunderstandings than those face to face and why texting is even worse. At least in a phone conversation you get vocal inflections and emphasis. At best you get with texting is emojis.

Ok, Well jump a bit further with this part. All behavior patterns can be tied to 4 things. DNA, environment, physical brain, and chemistry.

DNA is pretty self explanatory. In some ways you inherit some of the ways you deal with issues.
Physical brain - This covers stuff like brain damage
Chemical - would be anything chemically that can effect behavior
Environment - This is pretty much everything else. The way you lived, people in your life, what you read, how you learned, every single thing you were exposed to in your life that left an impression on you in some way shape or form. In short its everything your brain learned as in learning environment.

I know this from my work into AI and trying to use human learning as a behavior model system. There are other sources that will claim their are more but if you look closely what they done is in most cases simply split that last one up into multiple categories rather than simply acknowledge it really is one.

So why bring up this? There are a lot of stuff that influences people daily in regard to sex. News, media, movies, TV, advertisements, other people and how they are dressed. It's possible to create an environment that highly pushes a person to a direction you want. More so if you add in something like subliminal messaging. It doesn't require a movie to create subliminal messages. All a subliminal message is is any message that is not easily recognized when looking at it by the conscious but can be viewed and recognized by the subconscious.
I think that in interpersonal communication, people already have some awareness of counterarguments and facts supporting a contrary position...particularly if you are trying to persuade someone to engage in intimate acts. "I could get pregnant" "We could go to jail if we're caught" "It could destroy our family" "This isn't natural" "This will end badly" etc.
Persuasion which makes use of deception is manipulation. But if you say "we should leave the house because it is on fire right now", you are making a factual argument which is highly persuasive(if visibly true).
With regard to the "4 things", for most practical purposes, the first three are pretty much a "black box" to the average person--you don't have a detailed genetic map of your prospective conquest, you don't have a brain scan, psychiatric diagnosis, or a detailed summary of what chemical interactions are happening in someone's body at a given moment.
But you do know what the present circumstances are, and it's possible to learn or know something about their household environment, personal history, likes and dislikes, and so forth.
You might be able to manipulate someone's "innate" personality tics, alter their chemistry a bit, or whatnot. But the environmental factors are those which are most susceptible to manipulation and change by the average would be Casanova.


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Coercive persuasion is a lot easier than most people think. Often you can manipulate people simply by a little misdirection.
The prime example of coercive persuasion is "Do you spit, or swallow?" Implying that there are only two choices in this situation.
Children are programmed to "Choose one" a write in response will not be tolerated by the teacher. So people who have been indoctrinated by the education system, easily fall for this manipulation. Never ask the jury if your client is guilty.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Coercive persuasion is a lot easier than most people think. Often you can manipulate people simply by a little misdirection.
The prime example of coercive persuasion is "Do you spit, or swallow?" Implying that there are only two choices in this situation.
Children are programmed to "Choose one" a write in response will not be tolerated by the teacher. So people who have been indoctrinated by the education system, easily fall for this manipulation. Never ask the jury if your client is guilty.
My general experience is that, sooner or later, people "pick up" on the fact they are being or have been manipulated by someone, and the time of reckoning is a terrible one for the manipulator. To adjust the old chestnut a bit, you can fool someone completely for a short period of time, fool them substantially for a medium period of time, and fool them a little bit for a very long time, but you can't fool most people completely forever. Sooner or later they figure it out, and then there's hell to pay.
Hell, I've been aware of manipulation attempts as they were happening, and I could then decide either to go along with it without comment, to resist it without comment, or to do either while letting the person know I was aware of their manipulative efforts.
It's also the case that sometimes manipulators are not always consciously aware they are being manipulative, the behavior is learned/conditioned and deeply ingrained so as to seem natural to them.
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Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
My general experience is that, sooner or later, people "pick up" on the fact they are being or have been manipulated by someone, and the time of reckoning is a terrible one for the manipulator. To adjust the old chestnut a bit, you can fool someone completely for a short period of time, fool them substantially for a medium period of time, and fool them a little bit for a very long time, but you can't fool most people completely forever. Sooner or later they figure it out, and then there's hell to pay.
Hell, I've been aware of manipulation attempts as they were happening, and I could then decide either to go along with it without comment, to resist it without comment, or to do either while letting the person know I was aware of their manipulative efforts.
It's also the case that sometimes manipulators are not always consciously aware they are being manipulative, the behavior is learned/conditioned and deeply ingrained so as to seem natural to them.
Spitting isn't a bad thing, there's no right or wrong answer, it's a matter of preference. It's not a question you have to ask someone twice. When you offer someone coffee, and ask if they want cream or sugar, they don't see it as they are being manipulated. In the situation, cream or sugar seems perfectly innocent. You aren't forcing them, it's just a suggestion. Are you going to get mad if she says "I like it black"?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Spitting isn't a bad thing, there's no right or wrong answer, it's a matter of preference. It's not a question you have to ask someone twice. When you offer someone coffee, and ask if they want cream or sugar, they don't see it as they are being manipulated. In the situation, cream or sugar seems perfectly innocent. You aren't forcing them, it's just a suggestion. Are you going to get mad if she says "I like it black"?
"Spit or swallow?"
"If you come in my mouth you'll be missing an inch or two on your way out."

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
None of them are believable. As a woman who knows many other women I don't know a single one that would drop to her knees to suck a dick if blackmail or threats were attempted.
Especially when you see the level of blackmail :
"I have a picture of you in underwear, give me a handjob or I'll saw it to everyone"
"Hey, this time you're topless, so you'll have to suck my dick !"

Anyway, while the games call themselves corruption, it's not what they talk about. You don't corrupt someone by forcing the action. You humiliate her, brainwash her, rape her, or whatever you want, but you don't corrupt her. To be effectively corruption, the girl have to agree without constraint.
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Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
Yeah, most porn stories are brain dead retarded and not only the blackmail/corruption ones.
If you can't write a good plot to save your life just copy from others, there are plenty of places with lewd stories of all kind.
Blackmail/coercion plots don't need any high level of machivelian manipulation either, In GGGB the mc can be b/c by a gang, that's plausible and happens irl too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Especially when you see the level of blackmail :
"I have a picture of you in underwear, give me a handjob or I'll saw it to everyone"
"Hey, this time you're topless, so you'll have to suck my dick !"

Anyway, while the games call themselves corruption, it's not what they talk about. You don't corrupt someone by forcing the action. You humiliate her, brainwash her, rape her, or whatever you want, but you don't corrupt her. To be effectively corruption, the girl have to agree without constraint.
Corruption, to me, is the "first one's free" sales pitch for trying something you shouldn't but which will, initially, feel really good. You get a taste for doing naughty stuff, and start chasing bigger thrills by doing edgier, more outre' stuff. At which point you are "hooked"/stuck. A loyal housewife who becomes a brazen whore will have a hard time going back to humdrum household routine. Relationships can not only be unhealthy, they can become addictive. In a game, corruption to me would mean turning someone into your own personal sex addict. The process of corruption is the use of various enticements to lure the "innocent" deeper into the well of carnal sin.