A few observations and suggestions.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
You were trying to tell me about game development. Look at what I teach!
No, I was talking about different kind of games Not about game development. You can be the greatest coder, or graphic artist in the world, and still be terrible at make a game.

You can be very good at what you do, but that doesn't necessary make you good at make an adult game. If you want to prove us wrong you are more than welcome to though -)


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Well, there is many categories of games though. Some make you play a story and you get railroaded from point a to b and so on. Where you got little choice in what actually take place, you just a passenger along the way. You have little more influence in how the story end than what you would do with watching a movie or reading a book.

Other games might be huge open world games where you have quest/missions and puzzles to solve with multiple solutions and endings. This is not the typical adult games, and tbh will never be because of the sheer amount of work it would require to make something like that.

As a player you have only real choice.. Do you want to play a game or not? If you don't like something don't play it.


Aug 5, 2016
Unfortunately i have seen too many cases that is not true. I have seen 19-20 years old boys entering to homosexual relations because they need a job. There was a national modelling competition a few years ago and one of the guys choosing the candidates had sex with a few applicants (19-years old boys). Media never heard of it and the guy who did it is still one of the biggest name when it comes to modelling.

I have seen good wives becoming a rich man's mistress or engaged young women cheating on their boyfriends because they think that will bring them a better, richer life. I heard of people bragging they had sex with young women during job interviews and knowing them, they are probably telling the truth. I made job interviews and i saw a few women ready to do everything to get that position.

Maybe this is because ot the connections i have; i own a pretty big company with connections to many companies at media/entertainment/defence industry and believe me when i say that unfortunately not every woman or man is as strong as you say.
I am glad you talked about male victims too. they are often ignored by media, society. and also it's not just men exploit younger guys, older women do same thing.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
There are a lot more than two types of games. Even if you look at just visual novels. Many developers have mods for renpy that add features it doesn't provide in the basic form.

The fact is renpy is good to a point but it has a number of issues that can easily be improved upon which can make it much easier to manage a more complex VN novel. Why is that important technically a state based AI system with goals and modifiable behavior could easily be added to a VN. It's something I am building into an engine I developed. frankly if they used a state based system for controlling the scene they could then separate out the lines and dialog leaving that up to the AI and event system. Thus making it easier to manage and tell a far more detailed story with greater character flexibility and management. Which is again part of why I am building my own engine. Plus I can add in a larger scale map system and then even go as far as creating a entire populace that can be manipulated or even be manipulators of the character and one another. That would allow for telling stories and player experiences you can't get in current games.

As for story telling and so on. Well I created my first 3D program on an atari 800xl with only 48k of ram. I was still in high school then that was about 1986 I graduated in 1987. Valve references my tutorials on the SDL page. If you know what a ghost writer and consultant is then you can figure out what type of additional work I've done.

Most people are one trick ponies or have primary and few smaller ones.
I'm x military Navy spent the first 13 years of my life in Europe because my father was military as well.
Then worked for DOD and TI and myself. I have more than one business.
I even created social media network once upon a time.
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I ran 3 adult sites that catered to escorts and cam models for several years till I got custody of my son full time.
I skydive, rock climb, ski ... I design small arms, furniture, part owner of a hotel, and a crap load more.
It took me 3 months to learn family law to win custody of my son after I fired my attorney.
I've been a paid photographer. Primarily weddings and related work.
I've built telescopes and mirrors and lenses for them.
I run multiple database servers in my own home for collecting information I consider useful.
Even with all the crap I do I still managed to raise my son by myself and still be able to go out meet women and get laid.

Your suggestion as putting my money were my mouth is I can fully understand. The point here is its two things I've been paid for on and off for the last 30 years just being combined for myself this time. That's already in the works.

That's one of about Number of large scale projects I have going on at present. I have 3 major web projects and an even larger photography project also going on. Still a single parent and also have the hotel and other businesses to deal with along with The 20 websites I manage and more. Yea, my time is pretty divided up. But that's how I work best boucing from project back and forth other wise I get bored with it and then just ignore stuff for long periods and potentially forget about it. Which is why I don't like long term assignments any more.

I spend each day learning how to do something. I've done that since I left the navy on Dec 25 1991. I rather learn how to do something than pay someone else to do it. Nothing came naturally for me I put the effort in to learn.

But the fact is you could be right I might not be able to effectively combine two skills I got paid for. Or What I produce may not be what others want.

As to the aspect fans only have the option to play or don't play a game. That's not entirely true plenty of games have been modified by fans and additional content created.
I don't question your skills or abilities, but on this site What people most interested in is results. Also what tools a creator use, game engine, code language and such doesn't really mean the end result is a good one. Even though the tools used give the creator greater freedom. You will see people get antsy as soon as someone venture into make games using unity, unreal or other engines as well.

Regardless, what tools a creator use to make the games is kinda moth in regard of your original post of the thread, because it relates to story, characters, progression and choices of the player. There is games out there made in Renpy that give the player more freedom of choice. End of the day it all boils down to what the creator create. A game, a movie, a book, whatever consumable media. You as the consumer is a passenger through the story. I know there is more interactive games, VR and such, but that not really the norm.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
I get that even acknowledged that there is the potential that I can't pull it off. Or simply people may not like what I created.
Or with me I can get bored with something and put it off for a good while or get tied up in other stuff. However, the more people I have wanting something from me on it tends to encourage me so to show off. That's generally when I do my best work.

Going back reading that comment I might have came off as being a bit smug. Sorry.

Actually the character section was kind of small in the regards of the original post the majority of the original post was about behavioral modification and how it actually works vs what people are writing in the stories.

I also didn't say there aren't good games using renpy there are a number of great ones. What I said was renpy's design isn't as good as it can be and makes some a number of tasks much more difficult than it needs to be. However there are plenty of mods people made for renpy and people are free to make other mods. That said python and renpy's design create a number of limitations that can't be over come.

I love python by the way I actually use it a lot in code development for creating code I don't want to write by hand. I use it for creating tools to save me time in other ways as well. It's also pretty good as a script language to be added in for a game but there are a number of factors its lacks on though which can't be over come.
One thing though. If the creator make use of the engines full potential or not is another thing. This doesn't just apply to renpy but any engine. You will never get real simulated character behavior in a game though. You can get the illusion of, but that about it. Look at games such as Kingdom Come Deliverance, The Witcher 3 (and others), where people in the game world run about do their daily chores, they react to what you do etc, but end of the day its just pre-defined responses and actions.

In terms of story writing and dept of characters you only get it as real as what the creator manage to make it/portray it. I believe the creators own real life experience and emotional baggage etc have a lot to say in regard of how "life" like they manage to make it. But you also need to look at in what spirit the game is made. If a game is created as some merry-go-round fuckfest? Then it's not meaningful story and well rounded characters you are looking for.


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Observation 1 One problem I have with a lot of female characters in the games I see a lot of is that they put up next to no resistance to people's actions.
In my lifetime, far too many times, married women right in front of their husbands, have thrown themselves at me.. and I agree this should not happen. The dude looks up at me with a mix of emotions, and I'm like "Bro, I didn't even glance at your woman, get her off my leg. I'm late for a meeting" That shit is just unacceptable. I can't count the fights, and times I've been arrested, just for leaving the house in the morning.

At 6'6" and monstrous, my perspective of the world isn't typical. People behave far differently around me than they do normally. When I walk into a room, it can trigger anxiety attacks, set off PTSD, or cause people to breath heavy. Some react violently, some cower in fear, some run away, mothers pull their children close, police radio for backup. Fortunately, I'm handsome, charming, self-deprecating, and witty enough usually, to keep situations from getting out of control, but not always. Sucker-punched and blind-sided for nothing. Luckily I made it to old age. It's a curse. I could never have a normal nice girlfriend, she would have been a target. I had to date amazon women who could defend themselves, not that I mind. I won't go into relationship problems, everyone has their breaking point.

For people who write fantasy characters, my thoughts are "careful what you wish for" I don't mind people writing the "Chad" character, in their games, but don't make him the bad guy! Chad didn't make your girlfriend a cheating slut, he was minding his own business, she's the one to blame. That cheating slutiness was inside her the whole time, Chad did you a favor bringing it to the surface. I took a girlfriend to a concert once, and she jumped the barricade, blew a security guard to get backstage, wanting to fuck the band. Even Chads get cheated on, stop pushing the myth that girls are innocent victims. Girls are always looking for something bigger, or better, and if there's even a chance of climbing the social ladder, she'll probably take it.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
For people who write fantasy characters, my thoughts are "careful what you wish for" I don't mind people writing the "Chad" character, in their games, but don't make him the bad guy! Chad didn't make your girlfriend a cheating slut, he was minding his own business, she's the one to blame. That cheating slutiness was inside her the whole time, Chad did you a favor bringing it to the surface. I took a girlfriend to a concert once, and she jumped the barricade, blew a security guard to get backstage, wanting to fuck the band. Even Chads get cheated on, stop pushing the myth that girls are innocent victims. Girls are always looking for something bigger, or better, and if there's even a chance of climbing the social ladder, she'll probably take it.
That's an awful generalization you make about girls. That like saying once a guy get of a certain age he will always drop his wife/gf and look for something younger. I'm not saying there isn't gold diggers, but they on the both side of the fence, both guys and females.
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Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
That's an awful generalization you make about girls. That like saying once a guy get of a certain age he will always drop his wife/gf and look for something younger. I'm not saying there isn't gold diggers, but they on the both side of the fence, both guys and females.
I have grandchildren, nobody wishes it weren't true more than me. Things have changed for the worse, and I don't see them improving any time soon. Feminists call to "stop slut shaming" encouraging girls to be whores, undermining family values, there isn't one "family show" on mainstream media. I saw a thread the other day asking about games with a healthy relationship.
A handful of older flash games come to mind.


Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
I have grandchildren, nobody wishes it weren't true more than me. Things have changed for the worse, and I don't see them improving any time soon. Feminists call to "stop slut shaming" encouraging girls to be whores, undermining family values, there isn't one "family show" on mainstream media. I saw a thread the other day asking about games with a healthy relationship.
A handful of older flash games come to mind.

What do you put in family shows, and family values though. I'm not really sure The Brady Bunch, The Partridge Family and similar is something to strive towards. Damn, I feel old just by knowing the names of those shows :p

If some guy sleep around and nail one girl after the other, he just being a guy. If a girl does the same, she get labeled a slut and a whore? Double standards much? Calling towards end "slut shaming" isn't necessary the same as encourage girls to be whores though. Cover them in a burka and chain them to the kitchen sink isn't healthy family values either.


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
In this case we weren't looking at point the blame of the person's actions at another person simply they have some sort of reason the character makes a choice. She could be gold digging bitch, she could be like my X wife who has a grass is greener view on everything. She simply never happy for a long time. That's because she never lets go of shit she holds onto smallest thing. It could be the main character feels they aren't getting the attention they should. Maybe they are paranoid and suspect the other spouse is cheating or know they are and want some sort of revenge. There is always a reason for someone choice. It can be as stupid as I am bored I need a change.
Maternal instincts are built-in. Women need NEED. As men we need to better ourselves to stay ahead of the curve, to keep her from straying. Unfortunately the media is working against families, and making unrealistic expectations even worse, and harder for the average couple. "never lets go of shit she holds onto smallest thing" Communication is key. People who bottle shit up eventually explode. Some of my exes weren't afraid to haul off and hit me to get a point across. Others were non-confrontational. I told them "white me a letter, tell me what's wrong" Healthy relationships fall somewhere in-between these extremes. A woman who's willing to fight for what she wants, is a keeper. But they can go too far sometimes.

Girlfriend knew I had an important meeting in the morning, chained me to the bed asking for trouble. Wanted me to get mad and take it out on her, in a rough sex kinda way. I said "any time, all you have to do is ask, but not now" was gonna fuck the hell out of her when I got home, but she was gone. Yeah, I couldn't make time for you, lol. Women are nuts. Google "married men are the most attractive" you'll see. They don't even respect each other.
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