So, first of all, thank you for all your well-wishes, folks!
I'm a month late with this, but it's the thought that counts, right? ... right?..
v0.6.9 will go free this week, but I finally have some free time, so let me go over the last few pages of messages.
It was just a fanciful way of describing one of the story events. The quest is called "A Glimpse Of"
Yea, same with Rae and Cait. I will maybe go back and make the funtimes optional for their routes, but I won't promise it.
Yona's story finally advances in 0.6.10!
There's a bug in the latest RenPy distribution (actually, in all post-8.0-release distributions). It's fixed in the repository, when it makes it into the release and then to JoiPlay the saves should start working.
Make sure it's the right flavour. You can't use compressed updated on hi-res version and vice versa.
Maybe there should be. But to be perfectly honest, it's very unlikely I'll get to it any time soon.
So. Straight up. I messed up. I looked through a list of Romanian names and did not realise it was mixed. Lyriel's name was already pretty much set in stone and I wanted to find some that sound alike. When I realized my mistake the barmaids were already in the game. Maybe I'll change Viorel to something else later, but I'm still in two minds about this.
And man, I 100% should've known better, being russian and cringing 90% of the time there are russian characters in fiction.
This translation was submitted by a fan, so I can't say anything about its quality. If it's really bad, I'll probably remove it from the primary distribution.
This is related to the xmas quest. A schedule conflict I didn't anticipate. It should be fixed in 0.6.9.
Unfortunately, the sandbox nature of the game means that there can be some schedule override conflicts from time to time. Try doing some other active quests, and if you still can't do this one, please post your save, I'll have a look.
Yeah... It'll be fixed for the next year's event.
I, uh, forgot about it.

Will add them in 0.6.10!
Make sure you have at least twice as much space on your device as is required. I'm working on another, hopefully better, way to install the game on Android.